How to free upper memory?

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Gary S. Terhune wrote:
| Shoulda sat down on that street and sold those 5 cartons, one
| cigarette at a time. That way, you're creating more butts to pick up
| in the future, and you can take the money and go buy more to sell.

Well, may a few years ago I could have-- but Bloomberg would have me
arrested for sure now!

| Sitting on the sidewalk and selling stuff is good for the soul. Gives
| you a new perspective, as it were.

I'd be arrested, I'm sure, IF the embarrassment didn't kill me first!

| --
| Gary S. Terhune
| MS-MVP Shell/User
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:uHo0mf0vHHA.4800@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user) wrote:
|> | On Mon, 2 Jul 2007 20:53:23 -0700, "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote:
|> |
|> |>ROFL!
|> |>
|> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> |>> | I'm baaaack!
|> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> |>
|> |>Where ya been?
|> |
|> | I've been doing RLI (Real Life Intrusions); dunno where PCR's been,
|> | but glad to see he's still around ;-)
|> I've been in a different asylum & trying to quit smoking. I've
|> discovered it to be very possible to toss 5 cartons of cigarrettes
|> in the trash, vow NEVER to buy another pack-- & STILL remain entirely
|> addicted by picking butts up off the street!
|> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> | I'm on a ten-year lunch break
|> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,
On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 17:03:54 -0400, "PCR" <> wrote:

>I've been in a different asylum & trying to quit smoking. I've
>discovered it to be very possible to toss 5 cartons of cigarrettes in
>the trash, vow NEVER to buy another pack-- & STILL remain entirely
>addicted by picking butts up off the street!

Ah, the joy of long butts, or...

"Please do not throw cigarette buts into the toilet,
it makes them soggy and hard to light"

You know you're an addict when you find yourself saying "I can stop
anytime, it's just that I prefer to scrounge for butts off the floor"

I gave up 4 years later than I claimed I would, and when I did, I did
so by accident. I was a "situational smoker", going for days without
cigs and then smoking 2 packs in one night of DJing and yes, looking
for "long butts" after that.

What happened was, I was outside of all smoking contexts for 3 weeks.
The office was closed, so I wasn't bumming off colleagues who were
smoking in front of me. I wasn't partying. In fact, I wasn't takling
to people at all; I was heads-down coding a game in PICK (don't laugh,
it's possible) for a competition that was cancelled. Bah!

After not smoking for three weeks, I felt so much better (fitter,
enjoying the taste of food more, etc.) that I decided to stay stopped.

That was the challenge; re-entering smoking contexts and not smoking.
When waiting for tracks to finish, I'd either smoke or drink, so I got
fairly ringed at the next few gigs I DJ'd at :-)

>------------------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - -

The rights you save may be your own
>------------------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
Just butting in here hahahahahahahahaha
but seriously, I gave up smoking tobacco 4 months ago with the help of
nicotine patches and broke a 36 year 2 pack a day habit. Feel terrific and
have saved about $1,400.00 Aud already. Do it, you'll not look back!!
Good to see all my old fave gurus are still here.
* * Pebble in Boulder * *
who would never underestimate the humble floppy

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user) wrote:
> | On Mon, 2 Jul 2007 20:53:23 -0700, "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote:
> |
> |>ROFL!
> |>
> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> |>> | I'm baaaack!
> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> |>
> |>Where ya been?
> |
> | I've been doing RLI (Real Life Intrusions); dunno where PCR's been,
> | but glad to see he's still around ;-)
> I've been in a different asylum & trying to quit smoking. I've
> discovered it to be very possible to toss 5 cartons of cigarrettes in
> the trash, vow NEVER to buy another pack-- & STILL remain entirely
> addicted by picking butts up off the street!
> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> | I'm on a ten-year lunch break
> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,
PCR wrote:

> I've been in a different asylum & trying to quit smoking. I've
> discovered it to be very possible to toss 5 cartons of cigarrettes in
> the trash, vow NEVER to buy another pack-- & STILL remain entirely
> addicted by picking butts up off the street!
> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> | I'm on a ten-year lunch break
> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -


Ever listened to the old Bob Newhart routine about Tobacco?


'' Madness takes its toll - Please have exact change. ''

John Dulak - Gnomeway Services - wrote:
> PCR wrote:
> > I've been in a different asylum & trying to quit smoking. I've
> > discovered it to be very possible to toss 5 cartons of cigarrettes in
> > the trash, vow NEVER to buy another pack-- & STILL remain entirely
> > addicted by picking butts up off the street!
> >
> > |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> > | I'm on a ten-year lunch break
> > |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> >

> PCR:
> Ever listened to the old Bob Newhart routine about Tobacco?
> John

Anyone who says that fear (I've heard this said) will not cause you to
give up a bad habit has not been scared enough. May 23,1993; heart
attack. Mild,but never-the-less, real. Quit. Wouldn't be here in 2007 if
I had not.

Best regards...

Charles Bennett

-------------------- http://NewsReader.Com/ --------------------
Usenet Newsgroup Service $9.95/Month 30GB
cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user) wrote:
| On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 17:03:54 -0400, "PCR" <> wrote:
|>I've been in a different asylum & trying to quit smoking. I've
|>discovered it to be very possible to toss 5 cartons of cigarrettes in
|>the trash, vow NEVER to buy another pack-- & STILL remain entirely
|>addicted by picking butts up off the street!
| Ah, the joy of long butts, or...

Well, yea, that's right, I did set a revocable standard that they be
long at first, yea-- but I never vowed it would be permanent! After all,
you can squeeze the tobacco out of five small ones & construct a full
cigarette of your own!

| "Please do not throw cigarette buts into the toilet,
| it makes them soggy and hard to light"
| You know you're an addict when you find yourself saying "I can stop
| anytime, it's just that I prefer to scrounge for butts off the floor"

I haven't quite convinced myself I prefer it this way! I'm still
claiming it's a horrible embarrassment & a disgrace!

| I gave up 4 years later than I claimed I would, and when I did, I did
| so by accident. I was a "situational smoker", going for days without
| cigs and then smoking 2 packs in one night of DJing and yes, looking
| for "long butts" after that.

I'm a situational non-smoker. That started when it was banned in movies
& later in all public buildings including the workplace. (But I still
did smoke in the workplace.)

| What happened was, I was outside of all smoking contexts for 3 weeks.
| The office was closed, so I wasn't bumming off colleagues who were
| smoking in front of me. I wasn't partying. In fact, I wasn't takling
| to people at all; I was heads-down coding a game in PICK (don't laugh,
| it's possible) for a competition that was cancelled. Bah!
| After not smoking for three weeks, I felt so much better (fitter,
| enjoying the taste of food more, etc.) that I decided to stay stopped.

Very good. For the first month or so [when I was wearing the patch &
smoking only 2 (well, 3, well, no more than 4!) cigarettes a day], I DID
feel fitter & could breath better during my walks. But the patch turned
my skin red & it began to itch! I STILL have 3 boxes full-- but am more
afraid of them than cigarrettes!

The craving for cigarettes undermined the feeling of fitness. When WOULD
the craving ever end & just the fitness remain! But, it appears I've
really survived 35+ years of smoking (1.5 packs a day at worst), so fit
did I feel doing almost without. Even now smoking little used ones, I
feel more fit! I'm trying to get to where I'll have two smoking binges--
around noon & around 8. After that, one final push to get to none. IF
the craving would end, I think I could suffer it!

| That was the challenge; re-entering smoking contexts and not smoking.
| When waiting for tracks to finish, I'd either smoke or drink, so I got
| fairly ringed at the next few gigs I DJ'd at :-)

Very good, Chris. I hope that lasts! Both my brothers also quit. They
DID get a bit heavy, but one has lost the extra weight too.

|>------------------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
| The rights you save may be your own
|>------------------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - -

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,
Pebble wrote:
| Just butting in here hahahahahahahahaha
| but seriously, I gave up smoking tobacco 4 months ago with the help of
| nicotine patches and broke a 36 year 2 pack a day habit. Feel
| terrific and have saved about $1,400.00 Aud already. Do it, you'll
| not look back!! Good to see all my old fave gurus are still here.

Thanks for the encouragement, Pebble-- & glad to hear you've been
successful! Seems like it will be worth the effort! I've smoked about
that long, myself. I've had a taste of fitness cutting down-- but STILL
need to get past the craving to enjoy it! And it's too easy to pick up
used butts!

Didn't that patch turn you itchy & red? I'm more afraid of IT than

| --
| * * Pebble in Boulder * *
| who would never underestimate the humble floppy
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:uHo0mf0vHHA.4800@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user) wrote:
|> | On Mon, 2 Jul 2007 20:53:23 -0700, "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote:
|> |
|> |>ROFL!
|> |>
|> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> |>> | I'm baaaack!
|> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> |>
|> |>Where ya been?
|> |
|> | I've been doing RLI (Real Life Intrusions); dunno where PCR's been,
|> | but glad to see he's still around ;-)
|> I've been in a different asylum & trying to quit smoking. I've
|> discovered it to be very possible to toss 5 cartons of cigarrettes
|> in the trash, vow NEVER to buy another pack-- & STILL remain entirely
|> addicted by picking butts up off the street!
|> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> | I'm on a ten-year lunch break
|> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,
Thanks, Dulak, very funny. It might help.
Thanks, Bennett, very scary. It might help. (Glad you survived too.) wrote:
| wrote:
|> PCR wrote:
|> > I've been in a different asylum & trying to quit smoking. I've
|> > discovered it to be very possible to toss 5 cartons of
|> > cigarrettes in the trash, vow NEVER to buy another pack-- & STILL
|> > remain entirely addicted by picking butts up off the street!
|> >
|> > |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> > | I'm on a ten-year lunch break
|> > |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> >
|> PCR:
|> Ever listened to the old Bob Newhart routine about Tobacco?
|> John
| Anyone who says that fear (I've heard this said) will not cause you
| to give up a bad habit has not been scared enough. May 23,1993;
| heart attack. Mild,but never-the-less, real. Quit. Wouldn't be here
| in 2007 if I had not.
| Best regards...
| Charles Bennett
| --
| -------------------- http://NewsReader.Com/ --------------------
| Usenet Newsgroup Service $9.95/Month 30GB

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,
Yeah, skin gets red if you leave the patch in same place. The ones I was on
were 16 hour ones, ie not supposed to go to bed with them on, so next day new
patch, new placement of patch. Make sure you get ALL the patch off including
its sticky residue - soap on a flannel works.
Pretty wild dreams if you wear them to bed! Check this out.

Pebble in Boulder

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> Pebble wrote:
> | Just butting in here hahahahahahahahaha
> | but seriously, I gave up smoking tobacco 4 months ago with the help of
> | nicotine patches and broke a 36 year 2 pack a day habit. Feel
> | terrific and have saved about $1,400.00 Aud already. Do it, you'll
> | not look back!! Good to see all my old fave gurus are still here.
> Thanks for the encouragement, Pebble-- & glad to hear you've been
> successful! Seems like it will be worth the effort! I've smoked about
> that long, myself. I've had a taste of fitness cutting down-- but STILL
> need to get past the craving to enjoy it! And it's too easy to pick up
> used butts!
> Didn't that patch turn you itchy & red? I'm more afraid of IT than
> cigarettes!
> | --
> | * * Pebble in Boulder * *
> | who would never underestimate the humble floppy
> |
> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | news:uHo0mf0vHHA.4800@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> |> cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user) wrote:
> |> | On Mon, 2 Jul 2007 20:53:23 -0700, "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote:
> |> |
> |> |>ROFL!
> |> |>
> |> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> |> |>> | I'm baaaack!
> |> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> |> |>
> |> |>Where ya been?
> |> |
> |> | I've been doing RLI (Real Life Intrusions); dunno where PCR's been,
> |> | but glad to see he's still around ;-)
> |>
> |> I've been in a different asylum & trying to quit smoking. I've
> |> discovered it to be very possible to toss 5 cartons of cigarrettes
> |> in the trash, vow NEVER to buy another pack-- & STILL remain entirely
> |> addicted by picking butts up off the street!
> |>
> |> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> |> | I'm on a ten-year lunch break
> |> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> |>
> |> --
> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> PCR
> |>
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,
On Sat, 7 Jul 2007 14:50:49 -0400, "PCR" <> wrote:
>cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user) wrote:
>| On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 17:03:54 -0400, "PCR" <> wrote:

>| I gave up 4 years later than I claimed I would, and when I did, I did
>| so by accident. I was a "situational smoker", going for days without
>| cigs and then smoking 2 packs in one night

>I'm a situational non-smoker. That started when it was banned in movies
>& later in all public buildings including the workplace.

Do you do long air trips? I often wonder whether nicotine deprivation
on those 12-hour flights could lead to "air rage".

>| After not smoking for three weeks, I felt so much better (fitter,
>| enjoying the taste of food more, etc.) that I decided to stay stopped.

>Very good. For the first month or so [when I was wearing the patch &
>smoking only 2 (well, 3, well, no more than 4!) cigarettes a day], I DID
>feel fitter & could breath better during my walks.

That's what I found, too. I used to cycle to high school daily, which
was a very hilly business, and when "off" I used to practically live
in the saddle. So I was quite excited a decade+ later when a buddy
gave me his old BSA Bomber - and horrified how out of breath I got
after a very short ride. I put it aside and didn't ride again.

Then after not smoking those three weeks, I tried it again and got to
where I was going with by heart beating really fast - and I didn't
feel out of breath at all (before, the lungs gave up before the heart
could begin to "work out"). And I thought "hmm..."

>But the patch turned my skin red & it began to itch! I STILL have
>3 boxes full-- but am more afraid of them than cigarrettes!

In the long term, they'll do you less harm. The eventual cause of
death in smokers is 50% due to smoking, be it heart attacks, strokes,
respiratory failure or cancers (prolly in that order). The main
killer is arterial disease, with worse odds if you:
- are diabetic
- have a bad lipid profile ("cholesterol")
- are pale
- are male

>Very good, Chris. I hope that lasts!

My anticipated "stop smoking" age was 30, and it's been decades since
I did stop 4 years after that.

>Both my brothers also quit. They DID get a bit heavy, but one
>has lost the extra weight too.

You'll gain weight for the same reason you do after being cured of TB
or cancer; the wasting effect stops ;-)

>-------------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -

Tip Of The Day:
To disable the 'Tip of the Day' feature...
>-------------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user) wrote:
| On Sat, 7 Jul 2007 14:50:49 -0400, "PCR" <> wrote:
|>cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user) wrote:
|>| On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 17:03:54 -0400, "PCR" <> wrote:
|>| I gave up 4 years later than I claimed I would, and when I did, I
|>| did so by accident. I was a "situational smoker", going for days
|>| without cigs and then smoking 2 packs in one night
|>I'm a situational non-smoker. That started when it was banned in
|>movies & later in all public buildings including the workplace.
| Do you do long air trips? I often wonder whether nicotine deprivation
| on those 12-hour flights could lead to "air rage".

So far I've cussed a bit more but hit no one. I've become quite angry at
those waving cell phones without talking-- & soon I may hit one of the
smaller ones in the head!

|>| After not smoking for three weeks, I felt so much better (fitter,
|>| enjoying the taste of food more, etc.) that I decided to stay
|>| stopped.
|>Very good. For the first month or so [when I was wearing the patch &
|>smoking only 2 (well, 3, well, no more than 4!) cigarettes a day], I
|>DID feel fitter & could breath better during my walks.
| That's what I found, too. I used to cycle to high school daily, which
| was a very hilly business, and when "off" I used to practically live
| in the saddle. So I was quite excited a decade+ later when a buddy
| gave me his old BSA Bomber - and horrified how out of breath I got
| after a very short ride. I put it aside and didn't ride again.
| Then after not smoking those three weeks, I tried it again and got to
| where I was going with by heart beating really fast - and I didn't
| feel out of breath at all (before, the lungs gave up before the heart
| could begin to "work out"). And I thought "hmm..."

Yea, I've had a taste of that, wearing the patch about 2 months. I was
less out of breath going uphill. But I couldn't quite fully enjoy it
through the craving!

|>But the patch turned my skin red & it began to itch! I STILL have
|>3 boxes full-- but am more afraid of them than cigarrettes!
| In the long term, they'll do you less harm. The eventual cause of
| death in smokers is 50% due to smoking, be it heart attacks, strokes,
| respiratory failure or cancers (prolly in that order). The main
| killer is arterial disease, with worse odds if you:
| - are diabetic
| - have a bad lipid profile ("cholesterol")
| - are pale
| - are male

I haven't given up yet, even with a fresh supply of cigarette bits &
even two full cigarettes found. It's good to hear your story, Chris.

|>Very good, Chris. I hope that lasts!
| My anticipated "stop smoking" age was 30, and it's been decades since
| I did stop 4 years after that.

I seem to have survived those decades, but that's no reason to keep
smoking. It's all the more reason to stop!

|>Both my brothers also quit. They DID get a bit heavy, but one
|>has lost the extra weight too.
| You'll gain weight for the same reason you do after being cured of TB
| or cancer; the wasting effect stops ;-)

I have an easier time losing weight-- first time, I lost 80 pounds.
Second time-- 100!

|>-------------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
| Tip Of The Day:
| To disable the 'Tip of the Day' feature...
|>-------------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,
Pebble wrote:
| Hi PCR,
| Yeah, skin gets red if you leave the patch in same place. The ones I
| was on were 16 hour ones, ie not supposed to go to bed with them on,
| so next day new patch, new placement of patch. Make sure you get ALL
| the patch off including its sticky residue - soap on a flannel works.
| Pretty wild dreams if you wear them to bed!
| Check this out.

Thanks for that URL. Much of it seems to apply.

It's harder without the patch! It was easier for me to toss 5 unopened
cartons than an ashtray full of cigarette bits, now that I won't wear
one! I did wear mine for two days straight, instead of the recommend one
day each. So, the 2nd day, they really were used up. (No bad dreams for
me or maybe just one.) I was moving them around-- but everywhere they
went the allergy would follow! I guess I am allergic to the glue-- can't
be the nicotine!

It definitely also was a plus to have no cigarette in the house. I kept
one pack in the car. It's rare that cigarette bits in a tray will make
it to the next day! But, I haven't given up yet & first want to get to
where I smoke just twice a day. After that, one final effort should do
it! Another big rainy day might help. Last time I came home with a
pocket full of mush!

| --
| B-)
| Pebble in Boulder
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:#hfrFlMwHHA.4184@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|> Pebble wrote:
|> | Just butting in here hahahahahahahahaha
|> | but seriously, I gave up smoking tobacco 4 months ago with the
|> | help of nicotine patches and broke a 36 year 2 pack a day habit.
|> | Feel terrific and have saved about $1,400.00 Aud already. Do it,
|> | you'll not look back!! Good to see all my old fave gurus are still
|> | here.
|> Thanks for the encouragement, Pebble-- & glad to hear you've been
|> successful! Seems like it will be worth the effort! I've smoked about
|> that long, myself. I've had a taste of fitness cutting down-- but
|> STILL need to get past the craving to enjoy it! And it's too easy to
|> pick up used butts!
|> Didn't that patch turn you itchy & red? I'm more afraid of IT than
|> cigarettes!
|> | --
|> | * * Pebble in Boulder * *
|> | who would never underestimate the humble floppy
|> |
|> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> | news:uHo0mf0vHHA.4800@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> |> cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user) wrote:
|> |> | On Mon, 2 Jul 2007 20:53:23 -0700, "Gary S. Terhune" <none>
|> |> | wrote:
|> |> |
|> |> |>ROFL!
|> |> |>
|> |> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> |> |>> | I'm baaaack!
|> |> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> |> |>
|> |> |>Where ya been?
|> |> |
|> |> | I've been doing RLI (Real Life Intrusions); dunno where PCR's
|> |> | been, but glad to see he's still around ;-)
|> |>
|> |> I've been in a different asylum & trying to quit smoking. I've
|> |> discovered it to be very possible to toss 5 cartons of
|> |> cigarrettes in the trash, vow NEVER to buy another pack-- & STILL
|> |> remain entirely addicted by picking butts up off the street!
|> |>
|> |> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> |> | I'm on a ten-year lunch break
|> |> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> |>
|> |> --
|> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> Should things get worse after this,
|> |> PCR
|> |>
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,
Good to hear that you're giving it a go PCR. Try another brand of patch for
the allergy thing.
Please tell me you don't scav up butts in the street - nooooooooooooooooooo a bit more antismoke

Pebble in Boulder

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> Pebble wrote:
> | Hi PCR,
> | Yeah, skin gets red if you leave the patch in same place. The ones I
> | was on were 16 hour ones, ie not supposed to go to bed with them on,
> | so next day new patch, new placement of patch. Make sure you get ALL
> | the patch off including its sticky residue - soap on a flannel works.
> | Pretty wild dreams if you wear them to bed!
> | Check this out.
> Thanks for that URL. Much of it seems to apply.
> It's harder without the patch! It was easier for me to toss 5 unopened
> cartons than an ashtray full of cigarette bits, now that I won't wear
> one! I did wear mine for two days straight, instead of the recommend one
> day each. So, the 2nd day, they really were used up. (No bad dreams for
> me or maybe just one.) I was moving them around-- but everywhere they
> went the allergy would follow! I guess I am allergic to the glue-- can't
> be the nicotine!
> It definitely also was a plus to have no cigarette in the house. I kept
> one pack in the car. It's rare that cigarette bits in a tray will make
> it to the next day! But, I haven't given up yet & first want to get to
> where I smoke just twice a day. After that, one final effort should do
> it! Another big rainy day might help. Last time I came home with a
> pocket full of mush!
> | --
> | B-)
> | Pebble in Boulder
> |
> |
> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | news:#hfrFlMwHHA.4184@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> |> Pebble wrote:
> |> | Just butting in here hahahahahahahahaha
> |> | but seriously, I gave up smoking tobacco 4 months ago with the
> |> | help of nicotine patches and broke a 36 year 2 pack a day habit.
> |> | Feel terrific and have saved about $1,400.00 Aud already. Do it,
> |> | you'll not look back!! Good to see all my old fave gurus are still
> |> | here.
> |>
> |> Thanks for the encouragement, Pebble-- & glad to hear you've been
> |> successful! Seems like it will be worth the effort! I've smoked about
> |> that long, myself. I've had a taste of fitness cutting down-- but
> |> STILL need to get past the craving to enjoy it! And it's too easy to
> |> pick up used butts!
> |>
> |> Didn't that patch turn you itchy & red? I'm more afraid of IT than
> |> cigarettes!
> |>
> |> | --
> |> | * * Pebble in Boulder * *
> |> | who would never underestimate the humble floppy
> |> |
> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> |> | news:uHo0mf0vHHA.4800@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> |> |> cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user) wrote:
> |> |> | On Mon, 2 Jul 2007 20:53:23 -0700, "Gary S. Terhune" <none>
> |> |> | wrote:
> |> |> |
> |> |> |>ROFL!
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> |> |> |>> | I'm baaaack!
> |> |> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |>Where ya been?
> |> |> |
> |> |> | I've been doing RLI (Real Life Intrusions); dunno where PCR's
> |> |> | been, but glad to see he's still around ;-)
> |> |>
> |> |> I've been in a different asylum & trying to quit smoking. I've
> |> |> discovered it to be very possible to toss 5 cartons of
> |> |> cigarrettes in the trash, vow NEVER to buy another pack-- & STILL
> |> |> remain entirely addicted by picking butts up off the street!
> |> |>
> |> |> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> |> |> | I'm on a ten-year lunch break
> |> |> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
> |> |>
> |> |> --
> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> |> PCR
> |> |>
> |>
> |> --
> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> PCR
> |>
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,
Pebble wrote:
| Good to hear that you're giving it a go PCR.

Thanks, Pebble. I am sworn NEVER to purchase another cigarette-- ever!
Soon, I can almost swear I will swear NEVER to smoke any-- either!

| Try another brand of
| patch for the allergy thing.

This one is "Nicotine Transdermal System" distributed by Novartis
Consumer Health, Inc. It actually came free from the city. I guess
FINALLY the billions got from the tobacco companies & increased taxes
has trickled down-- but it's poison to me!

| Please tell me you don't scav up butts in the street -
| nooooooooooooooooooo

Yes, but I'm actually smoking a better quality cigarette than the stuff
I was getting from a Mastic Indian reservation-- they were making theirs
out of white man's scalp!
| a bit more antismoke propaganda.

I'll go look. Thanks again.

| --
| B-)
| Pebble in Boulder
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:eB#d9GZwHHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> Pebble wrote:
|> | Hi PCR,
|> | Yeah, skin gets red if you leave the patch in same place. The
|> | ones I was on were 16 hour ones, ie not supposed to go to bed with
|> | them on, so next day new patch, new placement of patch. Make sure
|> | you get ALL the patch off including its sticky residue - soap on a
|> | flannel works. Pretty wild dreams if you wear them to bed!
|> | Check this out.
|> Thanks for that URL. Much of it seems to apply.
|> It's harder without the patch! It was easier for me to toss 5
|> unopened cartons than an ashtray full of cigarette bits, now that I
|> won't wear one! I did wear mine for two days straight, instead of
|> the recommend one day each. So, the 2nd day, they really were used
|> up. (No bad dreams for me or maybe just one.) I was moving them
|> around-- but everywhere they went the allergy would follow! I guess
|> I am allergic to the glue-- can't be the nicotine!
|> It definitely also was a plus to have no cigarette in the house. I
|> kept one pack in the car. It's rare that cigarette bits in a tray
|> will make it to the next day! But, I haven't given up yet & first
|> want to get to where I smoke just twice a day. After that, one final
|> effort should do it! Another big rainy day might help. Last time I
|> came home with a pocket full of mush!
|> | --
|> | B-)
|> | Pebble in Boulder
|> |
|> |
|> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> | news:#hfrFlMwHHA.4184@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|> |> Pebble wrote:
|> |> | Just butting in here hahahahahahahahaha
|> |> | but seriously, I gave up smoking tobacco 4 months ago with the
|> |> | help of nicotine patches and broke a 36 year 2 pack a day habit.
|> |> | Feel terrific and have saved about $1,400.00 Aud already. Do
|> |> | it, you'll not look back!! Good to see all my old fave gurus
|> |> | are still here.
|> |>
|> |> Thanks for the encouragement, Pebble-- & glad to hear you've been
|> |> successful! Seems like it will be worth the effort! I've smoked
|> |> about that long, myself. I've had a taste of fitness cutting
|> |> down-- but STILL need to get past the craving to enjoy it! And
|> |> it's too easy to pick up used butts!
|> |>
|> |> Didn't that patch turn you itchy & red? I'm more afraid of IT than
|> |> cigarettes!
|> |>
|> |> | --
|> |> | * * Pebble in Boulder * *
|> |> | who would never underestimate the humble floppy
|> |> |
|> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> |> | news:uHo0mf0vHHA.4800@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> |> |> cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user) wrote:
|> |> |> | On Mon, 2 Jul 2007 20:53:23 -0700, "Gary S. Terhune" <none>
|> |> |> | wrote:
|> |> |> |
|> |> |> |>ROFL!
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> |> |> |>> | I'm baaaack!
|> |> |> |>> |>--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |>Where ya been?
|> |> |> |
|> |> |> | I've been doing RLI (Real Life Intrusions); dunno where PCR's
|> |> |> | been, but glad to see he's still around ;-)
|> |> |>
|> |> |> I've been in a different asylum & trying to quit smoking. I've
|> |> |> discovered it to be very possible to toss 5 cartons of
|> |> |> cigarrettes in the trash, vow NEVER to buy another pack-- &
|> |> |> STILL remain entirely addicted by picking butts up off the
|> |> |> street!
|> |> |>
|> |> |> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> |> |> | I'm on a ten-year lunch break
|> |> |> |>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
|> |> |>
|> |> |> --
|> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
|> |> |> PCR
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> --
|> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> Should things get worse after this,
|> |> PCR
|> |>
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,