Hotter than Hell!


Active Member
Jul 26, 2009
Sydney Australia
Trying to get through a humid 44c 111.2 Fahrenheit day here.
Outside is a furnace. Garden plants are drooping.
Huge Passion Fruit vine doesn't look good at all.
Had to go outside for 15 mins. That was enough.
Wish I could send you some of what I am having DSTM - it's been hanging around -30 Celsius here, just warmed up to -15 Celsius this evening.
OMG! Rachel, that's cold.
We seem to be enduring the opposite ends of the spectrum.
I would love a bag of ice, right at this moment.
You stay warm.
We enjoyed a day in my part of Pennsylvania yesterday that tied a record from 1913. It was 61° F/16°C. It was something to look forward to in the dead of winter here.

I'm too old anymore to deal well with extremes in temperature.
We enjoyed a day in my part of Pennsylvania yesterday that tied a record from 1913. It was 61° F/16°C. It was something to look forward to in the dead of winter here.

I'm too old anymore to deal well with extremes in temperature.

I am the same.
The older I get, I find I can't cope with the heat like I did when I was young.
Didn't bother me at all then.
Also was the hottest night I can ever remember.
10.30pm, it was 37c
2.20am it was 32.2c
Today won't be as bad. Forecast 39c.
We enjoyed a day in my part of Pennsylvania yesterday that tied a record from 1913. It was 61° F/16°C. It was something to look forward to in the dead of winter here.

I'm too old anymore to deal well with extremes in temperature.
I couldn't believe the weather on Thursday.
It was like a beautiful spring day at 61 degrees.
Now we are back to the bitter cold and waiting on more snow.

Stay cool, Dougie.
That's some wicked heat you have going on there.
Another hot one today. 43c now and still 2 hrs from the hottest time of the day.

EDIT. Reached 45c. That's dam hot.
I am feeling it more as I get older.
That's 113 F. I've never seen it that how around here. It gets to 100 F now and then, but that's about as high as it gets. Even at that temperature, it's too damm hot.
It was only 1.8c below the hottest day ever recorded where I live, Tony.
Thankfully I stayed inside most of the day in air-con.
Only had to go out for 20mins.
Was like sticking your head in a hot oven. The air was so hot to breathe.
Hope we don't get too many more like that one.
Just have to, Cindy.
No alternative.
About three weeks left of Summer and hope for cooler temps.
Day after day of 40c+ temps are very draining.
My AIR-CON has been screaming 24/7 for some weeks now trying to cope.
You know we're sitting in the cold in Pennsylvania, USA. Dougie, I mentioned your posting on the computer show this morning. What a contrast to what we're seeing.
Yes Tony. Complete ends of the spectrum.
How hot does it get where you live in summer? Tony.
Guess you would have some very hot days as well.
Summers here run in the upper 80s (F). When it's over 90 F for 3 consecutive days, it's called a heat wave. We typically get 4-6 of them during the summer. It gets to 100 F at times, but not often.

It's the humidity that's really nasty.
Crikey, those are Northern Queensland temps!

In the 70's I went on a camping trip across the Nullarbor with a group of school girls. I didn't teach at North Sydney Girls but one of my friends did and allowed a few of us teaching at other high schools to come along as chaperones.

One day we went to see a gold mine. The temps were about 43.9°. That was the hottest I think I've ever been.

You have my sympathy!

The hottest day here was July 22 2011. It was 105° in my part of PA. (central eastern)
It was so hot, we get the humidity along with it too, that it was even hard to breathe.
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