Explorer 6 Update KB942615

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andre
  • Start date Start date
All these hot fixes might be fine for computer geeks and I thank all the
people working on this with all my heart, and I'm lucky to have known just
enough to find and remove the culprit update and I'll leave all the geeky
stuff to the rest of you....but I thinking of all the folks out there that
know just enough to start their PC and forward joke e-mails, and the repair
shops that will be swamped....so the bottom line is for Microsoft to post an
update fix soon on the Update page for all these poor folks that have their
P.C. on automatic updates.
Again I thank all you folks that have lots more knowledge than me, working
on this problem.....

"SG" wrote:

> PA & Others,
> Here is an article that explains that KB and what it does.
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-057.mspx
> This link explains Known Issues.
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/939653
> It appears to me MS knows about this problem and there is a Hotfix for it.
> --
> All the best,
> SG
> How to Write a Newsgroup Post:
> http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page2.html#Usenet
> Need your OEM Restore Disk?
> http://restoredisks.com/
> "PA Bear" <PABearMVP@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:u43Ln%23RPIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> > X-post to IE General and WU newsgroups for maximum exposure. Please
> > continue the crosspost in all replies. THX
> >
> > Yes, please let us know what MS PSS has to say about this.
> > --
> > ~PA Bear
> >
> > lemaster@hotmail.com wrote:
> >> PA Bear, sorry about the rant before...
> >>
> >> Here's an update. On a support call with MS, we removed the patch and
> >> we are working fine. I will post information as I get it.
> >>
> >> On Dec 12, 12:43 pm, lemas...@hotmail.com wrote:
> >>> We have seen this issue in our environment. We found that if you go
> >>> into Internet Explorer, Tool, Internet Options, Advanced and take the
> >>> check out of Use HTTP 1.1 This will fix the problem.
> >>>
> >>> However I'm not suggesting it. I'm waiting to hear from Mr. MS....

> > <snip>
> >>>>>> Did you reboot (possibly twice) after reinstalling 942615? Were you
> >>>>>> prompted to reboot after installing it?
> >>>
> >>>>>> ==============================
> >>>
> >>>>>> Start a free Windows Update support incident request:
> >>>>>> https://support.microsoft.com/oas/default.aspx?gprid=6527
> >>>
> >>>>>> Support for Windows Update:
> >>>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/gp/wusupport
> >>>
> >>>>>> Customers in the U.S. and Canada can receive technical support from
> >>>>>> Microsoft Product Support Services at 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is
> >>>>>> no-charge for support calls that are associated with security
> >>>>>> updates.
> >>>>>> When you call, clearly state that your problem is related to a
> >>>>>> Security
> >>>>>> Update and cite the update's KB number (e.g., KB931678).
> >>>
> >>>>>> In other countries, see
> >>>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?pr=securityhome> "No-Charge
> >>>>>> Support...for virus and other security-related" issues in right-hand
> >>>>>> menu for localized contact information.
> >>>
> >>>>>> For more information about how to contact Microsoft for support
> >>>>>> issues,
> >>>>>> visit the International Support Web site:
> >>>>>> https://support.microsoft.com/common/international.aspx
> >>>
> >>>>>> --
> >>>>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
> >>>>>> MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
> >>>>>> AumHa VSOP & Adminhttp://aumha.net
> >>>>>> DTS-L.ORGhttp://
> >>>
> >>>>>> Lazarus56 wrote:
> >>>>>>> Bear, that didn't help:
> >>>
> >>>>>>> I followed your instructions precisely as written - after I
> >>>>>>> completed
> >>>>>>> your step 5 and restarted IE6, the error came back - here's the
> >>>>>>> event
> >>>>>>> log entry:
> >>>
> >>>>>>> Event Type: Error
> >>>>>>> Event Source: Application Error
> >>>>>>> Event Category: None
> >>>>>>> Event ID: 1000
> >>>>>>> Date: 12/11/2007
> >>>>>>> Time: 23:58:56
> >>>>>>> User: N/A
> >>>>>>> Computer: 228DOP745
> >>>>>>> Description:
> >>>>>>> Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180, faulting
> >>>>>>> module urlmon.dll, version 6.0.2900.3231, fault address 0x0003b5ce.

> > <snip>
> >>>>>>> "PA Bear" wrote:
> >>>>>>>> 1. Disable your anti-virus application, any real-time protection
> >>>>>>>> provided by an anti-spyware application (except for Windows
> >>>>>>>> Defender;
> >>>>>>>> includes Spybot Tea Timer, SpySweeper Guards, AVG AS guard.exe,
> >>>>>>>> etc.), disable any third-party firewall AND enable the Windows
> >>>>>>>> Firewall.
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> NB: If you're running ZA Free firewall, you may need to uninstall
> >>>>>>>> it
> >>>>>>>> instead of disabling it. You're "working without a net" now: Don't
> >>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>> ANYTHING else online (e.g., browsing; reading email; chatting)
> >>>>>>>> except
> >>>>>>>> #4 below until your anti-virus application has been re-enabled!
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> 2. Uninstall "Security Update for Windows XP (KB942615)"] via
> >>>>>>>> Add/Remove Programs, if installed (make sure Show Updates box is
> >>>>>>>> checked at top right)
> >>>>>>>> and reboot.
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> 3. Re-do #1 above.
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> 4. Go tohttp://windowsupdate.microsoft.comandCustom install any
> >>>>>>>> Critical
> >>>>>>>> Updates offered. **DO NOT INSTALL IE7!**
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> 5. Reboot > Make sure everything in #1 above is enabled again and,
> >>>>>>>> if
> >>>>>>>> applicable, disable the Windows Firewall and enable your
> >>>>>>>> third-party
> >>>>>>>> firewall.
> >>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>> Andre wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> After instaling all the updates today, I found out that after
> >>>>>>>>> cleaning
> >>>>>>>>> my
> >>>>>>>>> cache, I found that trying to go on certain websites, even my MSN
> >>>>>>>>> mail I
> >>>>>>>>> would get the standard message"Explore has encountered a
> >>>>>>>>> problem.....".
> >>>>>>>>> I
> >>>>>>>>> did a system restore thinking newly instaled software was the
> >>>>>>>>> problem.
> >>>>>>>>> Every
> >>>>>>>>> thing was fine until I reinstalled the updates.
> >>>>>>>>> Since only the update pertaining to explorer was KB942615, I
> >>>>>>>>> uninstalled
> >>>>>>>>> it,
> >>>>>>>>> and problem solved.
> >>>>>>>>> My question is...when will Microsoft have a new update to fix what
> >>>>>>>>> KB942615
> >>>>>>>>> was suppoed to fix or a patch to fix KB942615

> >

I was testing the parameter HTTP1.1 via proxy and desactivate it seems
to be fixing the bug on my environment.

On 13 déc, 13:59, Andre <An...@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:
> All these hot fixes might be fine for computer geeks and I thank all the
> people working on this with all my heart, and I'm lucky to have known just
> enough to find and remove the culprit update and I'll leave all the geeky
> stuff to the rest of you....but I thinking of all the folks out there that
> know just enough to start their PC and forward joke e-mails, and the repair
> shops that will be swamped....so the bottom line is for Microsoft to post an
> update fix soon on the Update page for all these poor folks that have their
> P.C. on automatic updates.
> Again I thank all you folks that have lots more knowledge than me, working
> on this problem.....
> "SG" wrote:
> > PA & Others,

> > Here is an article that explains that KB and what it does.
> >http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-057.mspx

> > This link explains Known Issues.
> >http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/939653

> > It appears to me MS knows about this problem and there is a Hotfix for it.

> > --
> > All the best,
> > SG
> > How to Write a Newsgroup Post:
> >http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page2.html#Usenet
> > Need your OEM Restore Disk?
> >http://restoredisks.com/

> > "PA Bear" <PABear...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> >news:u43Ln%23RPIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> > > X-post to IE General and WU newsgroups for maximum exposure. Please
> > > continue the crosspost in all replies. THX

> > > Yes, please let us know what MS PSS has to say about this.
> > > --
> > > ~PA Bear

> > > lemas...@hotmail.com wrote:
> > >> PA Bear, sorry about the rant before...

> > >> Here's an update. On a support call with MS, we removed the patch and
> > >> we are working fine. I will post information as I get it.

> > >> On Dec 12, 12:43 pm, lemas...@hotmail.com wrote:
> > >>> We have seen this issue in our environment. We found that if you go
> > >>> into Internet Explorer, Tool, Internet Options, Advanced and take the
> > >>> check out of Use HTTP 1.1 This will fix the problem.

> > >>> However I'm not suggesting it. I'm waiting to hear from Mr. MS....
> > > <snip>
> > >>>>>> Did you reboot (possibly twice) after reinstalling 942615? Were you
> > >>>>>> prompted to reboot after installing it?

> > >>>>>> ==============================

> > >>>>>> Start a free Windows Update support incident request:
> > >>>>>>https://support.microsoft.com/oas/default.aspx?gprid=6527

> > >>>>>> Support for Windows Update:
> > >>>>>>http://support.microsoft.com/gp/wusupport

> > >>>>>> Customers in the U.S. and Canada can receive technical support from
> > >>>>>> Microsoft Product Support Services at 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is
> > >>>>>> no-charge for support calls that are associated with security
> > >>>>>> updates.
> > >>>>>> When you call, clearly state that your problem is related to a
> > >>>>>> Security
> > >>>>>> Update and cite the update's KB number (e.g., KB931678).

> > >>>>>> In other countries, see
> > >>>>>>http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?pr=securityhome> "No-Charge
> > >>>>>> Support...for virus and other security-related" issues in right-hand
> > >>>>>> menu for localized contact information.

> > >>>>>> For more information about how to contact Microsoft for support
> > >>>>>> issues,
> > >>>>>> visit the International Support Web site:
> > >>>>>>https://support.microsoft.com/common/international.aspx

> > >>>>>> --
> > >>>>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
> > >>>>>> MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
> > >>>>>> AumHa VSOP & Adminhttp://aumha.net
> > >>>>>> DTS-L.ORGhttp://

> > >>>>>> Lazarus56 wrote:
> > >>>>>>> Bear, that didn't help:

> > >>>>>>> I followed your instructions precisely as written - after I
> > >>>>>>> completed
> > >>>>>>> your step 5 and restarted IE6, the error came back - here's the
> > >>>>>>> event
> > >>>>>>> log entry:

> > >>>>>>> Event Type: Error
> > >>>>>>> Event Source: Application Error
> > >>>>>>> Event Category: None
> > >>>>>>> Event ID: 1000
> > >>>>>>> Date: 12/11/2007
> > >>>>>>> Time: 23:58:56
> > >>>>>>> User: N/A
> > >>>>>>> Computer: 228DOP745
> > >>>>>>> Description:
> > >>>>>>> Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180, faulting
> > >>>>>>> module urlmon.dll, version 6.0.2900.3231, fault address 0x0003b5ce.
> > > <snip>
> > >>>>>>> "PA Bear" wrote:
> > >>>>>>>> 1. Disable your anti-virus application, any real-time protection
> > >>>>>>>> provided by an anti-spyware application (except for Windows
> > >>>>>>>> Defender;
> > >>>>>>>> includes Spybot Tea Timer, SpySweeper Guards, AVG AS guard.exe,
> > >>>>>>>> etc.), disable any third-party firewall AND enable the Windows
> > >>>>>>>> Firewall.

> > >>>>>>>> NB: If you're running ZA Free firewall, you may need to uninstall
> > >>>>>>>> it
> > >>>>>>>> instead of disabling it. You're "working without a net" now: Don't
> > >>>>>>>> to
> > >>>>>>>> ANYTHING else online (e.g., browsing; reading email; chatting)
> > >>>>>>>> except
> > >>>>>>>> #4 below until your anti-virus application has been re-enabled!

> > >>>>>>>> 2. Uninstall "Security Update for Windows XP (KB942615)"] via
> > >>>>>>>> Add/Remove Programs, if installed (make sure Show Updates box is
> > >>>>>>>> checked at top right)
> > >>>>>>>> and reboot.

> > >>>>>>>> 3. Re-do #1 above.

> > >>>>>>>> 4. Go tohttp://windowsupdate.microsoft.comandCustominstall any
> > >>>>>>>> Critical
> > >>>>>>>> Updates offered. **DO NOT INSTALL IE7!**

> > >>>>>>>> 5. Reboot > Make sure everything in #1 above is enabled again and,
> > >>>>>>>> if
> > >>>>>>>> applicable, disable the Windows Firewall and enable your
> > >>>>>>>> third-party
> > >>>>>>>> firewall.
> > >>>>>>>> --
> > >>>>>>>> Andre wrote:
> > >>>>>>>>> After instaling all the updates today, I found out that after
> > >>>>>>>>> cleaning
> > >>>>>>>>> my
> > >>>>>>>>> cache, I found that trying to go on certain websites, even my MSN
> > >>>>>>>>> mail I
> > >>>>>>>>> would get the standard message"Explore has encountered a
> > >>>>>>>>> problem.....".
> > >>>>>>>>> I
> > >>>>>>>>> did a system restore thinking newly instaled software was the
> > >>>>>>>>> problem.
> > >>>>>>>>> Every
> > >>>>>>>>> thing was fine until I reinstalled the updates.
> > >>>>>>>>> Since only the update pertaining to explorer was KB942615, I
> > >>>>>>>>> uninstalled
> > >>>>>>>>> it,
> > >>>>>>>>> and problem solved.
> > >>>>>>>>> My question is...when will Microsoft have a new update to fix what
> > >>>>>>>>> KB942615
> > >>>>>>>>> was suppoed to fix or a patch to fix KB942615
Those are links to the last Cumulative Security Update for IE. We're
discussing the new/most recent one here:

MS07-069: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer:

http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942818 still applies to this new update.
~PA Bear

SG wrote:
> Here is an article that explains that KB and what it does.
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-057.mspx
> This link explains Known Issues.
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/939653
> It appears to me MS knows about this problem and there is a Hotfix for it.
> "PA Bear" <PABearMVP@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:u43Ln%23RPIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> X-post to IE General and WU newsgroups for maximum exposure. Please
>> continue the crosspost in all replies. THX
>> Yes, please let us know what MS PSS has to say about this.
>> --
>> ~PA Bear
>> lemaster@hotmail.com wrote:
>>> PA Bear, sorry about the rant before...
>>> Here's an update. On a support call with MS, we removed the patch and
>>> we are working fine. I will post information as I get it.
>>> On Dec 12, 12:43 pm, lemas...@hotmail.com wrote:
>>>> We have seen this issue in our environment. We found that if you go
>>>> into Internet Explorer, Tool, Internet Options, Advanced and take the
>>>> check out of Use HTTP 1.1 This will fix the problem.
>>>> However I'm not suggesting it. I'm waiting to hear from Mr. MS....

>> <snip>
>>>>>>> Did you reboot (possibly twice) after reinstalling 942615? Were you
>>>>>>> prompted to reboot after installing it?
>>>>>>> ==============================
>>>>>>> Start a free Windows Update support incident request:
>>>>>>> https://support.microsoft.com/oas/default.aspx?gprid=6527
>>>>>>> Support for Windows Update:
>>>>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/gp/wusupport
>>>>>>> Customers in the U.S. and Canada can receive technical support from
>>>>>>> Microsoft Product Support Services at 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is
>>>>>>> no-charge for support calls that are associated with security
>>>>>>> updates.
>>>>>>> When you call, clearly state that your problem is related to a
>>>>>>> Security
>>>>>>> Update and cite the update's KB number (e.g., KB931678).
>>>>>>> In other countries, see
>>>>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?pr=securityhome>
>>>>>>> "No-Charge
>>>>>>> Support...for virus and other security-related" issues in right-hand
>>>>>>> menu for localized contact information.
>>>>>>> For more information about how to contact Microsoft for support
>>>>>>> issues,
>>>>>>> visit the International Support Web site:
>>>>>>> https://support.microsoft.com/common/international.aspx
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
>>>>>>> MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
>>>>>>> AumHa VSOP & Adminhttp://aumha.net
>>>>>>> DTS-L.ORGhttp://
>>>>>>> Lazarus56 wrote:
>>>>>>>> Bear, that didn't help:
>>>>>>>> I followed your instructions precisely as written - after I
>>>>>>>> completed
>>>>>>>> your step 5 and restarted IE6, the error came back - here's the
>>>>>>>> event
>>>>>>>> log entry:
>>>>>>>> Event Type: Error
>>>>>>>> Event Source: Application Error
>>>>>>>> Event Category: None
>>>>>>>> Event ID: 1000
>>>>>>>> Date: 12/11/2007
>>>>>>>> Time: 23:58:56
>>>>>>>> User: N/A
>>>>>>>> Computer: 228DOP745
>>>>>>>> Description:
>>>>>>>> Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180, faulting
>>>>>>>> module urlmon.dll, version 6.0.2900.3231, fault address 0x0003b5ce.
>>>>>>>> <snip> "PA Bear" wrote:
>>>>>>>>> 1. Disable your anti-virus application, any real-time protection
>>>>>>>>> provided by an anti-spyware application (except for Windows
>>>>>>>>> Defender;
>>>>>>>>> includes Spybot Tea Timer, SpySweeper Guards, AVG AS guard.exe,
>>>>>>>>> etc.), disable any third-party firewall AND enable the Windows
>>>>>>>>> Firewall.
>>>>>>>>> NB: If you're running ZA Free firewall, you may need to uninstall
>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> instead of disabling it. You're "working without a net" now:
>>>>>>>>> Don't
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> ANYTHING else online (e.g., browsing; reading email; chatting)
>>>>>>>>> except
>>>>>>>>> #4 below until your anti-virus application has been re-enabled!
>>>>>>>>> 2. Uninstall "Security Update for Windows XP (KB942615)"] via
>>>>>>>>> Add/Remove Programs, if installed (make sure Show Updates box is
>>>>>>>>> checked at top right)
>>>>>>>>> and reboot.
>>>>>>>>> 3. Re-do #1 above.
>>>>>>>>> 4. Go tohttp://windowsupdate.microsoft.comandCustom install any
>>>>>>>>> Critical
>>>>>>>>> Updates offered. **DO NOT INSTALL IE7!**
>>>>>>>>> 5. Reboot > Make sure everything in #1 above is enabled again and,
>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>> applicable, disable the Windows Firewall and enable your
>>>>>>>>> third-party
>>>>>>>>> firewall.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Andre wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> After instaling all the updates today, I found out that after
>>>>>>>>>> cleaning
>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>> cache, I found that trying to go on certain websites, even my MSN
>>>>>>>>>> mail I
>>>>>>>>>> would get the standard message"Explore has encountered a
>>>>>>>>>> problem.....".
>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>> did a system restore thinking newly instaled software was the
>>>>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>>>>> Every
>>>>>>>>>> thing was fine until I reinstalled the updates.
>>>>>>>>>> Since only the update pertaining to explorer was KB942615, I
>>>>>>>>>> uninstalled
>>>>>>>>>> it,
>>>>>>>>>> and problem solved.
>>>>>>>>>> My question is...when will Microsoft have a new update to fix
>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>> KB942615
>>>>>>>>>> was suppoed to fix or a patch to fix KB942615
Correct and unless something is wrong with the MS links that is what I
posted. If you Google KB942615 it shows this link.

Same as the KB in question right?

Then from this site if you click...
IT professionals:

It takes you here..
General Information
Executive Summary

Now the two links above are identical, however it takes you to two different
pages...weird. From the link under IT Professionals in the General
Information section if you scroll down to Internet Explorer 6,"Windows XP
Service Pack 2" there is a link to the right for MS-07-057 which I see now
has been updated. Sorry for any confusion, can only post what I see and
click on :>

Even though MS07-069 states no Known Issues, MS better get on the ball as it
is causing problems all over these groups.

All the best,
How to Write a Newsgroup Post:
Need your OEM Restore Disk?

"PA Bear" <PABearMVP@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Those are links to the last Cumulative Security Update for IE. We're
> discussing the new/most recent one here:
> MS07-069: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer:
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942615
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-069.mspx
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942818 still applies to this new update.
> --
> ~PA Bear
> SG wrote:
>> Here is an article that explains that KB and what it does.
>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-057.mspx
>> This link explains Known Issues.
>> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/939653
>> It appears to me MS knows about this problem and there is a Hotfix for
>> it.
>> "PA Bear" <PABearMVP@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:u43Ln%23RPIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>> X-post to IE General and WU newsgroups for maximum exposure. Please
>>> continue the crosspost in all replies. THX
>>> Yes, please let us know what MS PSS has to say about this.
>>> --
>>> ~PA Bear
>>> lemaster@hotmail.com wrote:
>>>> PA Bear, sorry about the rant before...
>>>> Here's an update. On a support call with MS, we removed the patch and
>>>> we are working fine. I will post information as I get it.
>>>> On Dec 12, 12:43 pm, lemas...@hotmail.com wrote:
>>>>> We have seen this issue in our environment. We found that if you go
>>>>> into Internet Explorer, Tool, Internet Options, Advanced and take the
>>>>> check out of Use HTTP 1.1 This will fix the problem.
>>>>> However I'm not suggesting it. I'm waiting to hear from Mr. MS....
>>> <snip>
>>>>>>>> Did you reboot (possibly twice) after reinstalling 942615? Were
>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> prompted to reboot after installing it?
>>>>>>>> ==============================
>>>>>>>> Start a free Windows Update support incident request:
>>>>>>>> https://support.microsoft.com/oas/default.aspx?gprid=6527
>>>>>>>> Support for Windows Update:
>>>>>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/gp/wusupport
>>>>>>>> Customers in the U.S. and Canada can receive technical support from
>>>>>>>> Microsoft Product Support Services at 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is
>>>>>>>> no-charge for support calls that are associated with security
>>>>>>>> updates.
>>>>>>>> When you call, clearly state that your problem is related to a
>>>>>>>> Security
>>>>>>>> Update and cite the update's KB number (e.g., KB931678).
>>>>>>>> In other countries, see
>>>>>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?pr=securityhome>
>>>>>>>> "No-Charge
>>>>>>>> Support...for virus and other security-related" issues in
>>>>>>>> right-hand
>>>>>>>> menu for localized contact information.
>>>>>>>> For more information about how to contact Microsoft for support
>>>>>>>> issues,
>>>>>>>> visit the International Support Web site:
>>>>>>>> https://support.microsoft.com/common/international.aspx
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
>>>>>>>> MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
>>>>>>>> AumHa VSOP & Adminhttp://aumha.net
>>>>>>>> DTS-L.ORGhttp://
>>>>>>>> Lazarus56 wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Bear, that didn't help:
>>>>>>>>> I followed your instructions precisely as written - after I
>>>>>>>>> completed
>>>>>>>>> your step 5 and restarted IE6, the error came back - here's the
>>>>>>>>> event
>>>>>>>>> log entry:
>>>>>>>>> Event Type: Error
>>>>>>>>> Event Source: Application Error
>>>>>>>>> Event Category: None
>>>>>>>>> Event ID: 1000
>>>>>>>>> Date: 12/11/2007
>>>>>>>>> Time: 23:58:56
>>>>>>>>> User: N/A
>>>>>>>>> Computer: 228DOP745
>>>>>>>>> Description:
>>>>>>>>> Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180, faulting
>>>>>>>>> module urlmon.dll, version 6.0.2900.3231, fault address
>>>>>>>>> 0x0003b5ce.
>>>>>>>>> <snip> "PA Bear" wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> 1. Disable your anti-virus application, any real-time protection
>>>>>>>>>> provided by an anti-spyware application (except for Windows
>>>>>>>>>> Defender;
>>>>>>>>>> includes Spybot Tea Timer, SpySweeper Guards, AVG AS guard.exe,
>>>>>>>>>> etc.), disable any third-party firewall AND enable the Windows
>>>>>>>>>> Firewall.
>>>>>>>>>> NB: If you're running ZA Free firewall, you may need to uninstall
>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>> instead of disabling it. You're "working without a net" now:
>>>>>>>>>> Don't
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> ANYTHING else online (e.g., browsing; reading email; chatting)
>>>>>>>>>> except
>>>>>>>>>> #4 below until your anti-virus application has been re-enabled!
>>>>>>>>>> 2. Uninstall "Security Update for Windows XP (KB942615)"] via
>>>>>>>>>> Add/Remove Programs, if installed (make sure Show Updates box is
>>>>>>>>>> checked at top right)
>>>>>>>>>> and reboot.
>>>>>>>>>> 3. Re-do #1 above.
>>>>>>>>>> 4. Go tohttp://windowsupdate.microsoft.comandCustom install any
>>>>>>>>>> Critical
>>>>>>>>>> Updates offered. **DO NOT INSTALL IE7!**
>>>>>>>>>> 5. Reboot > Make sure everything in #1 above is enabled again
>>>>>>>>>> and,
>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>> applicable, disable the Windows Firewall and enable your
>>>>>>>>>> third-party
>>>>>>>>>> firewall.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Andre wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> After instaling all the updates today, I found out that after
>>>>>>>>>>> cleaning
>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>> cache, I found that trying to go on certain websites, even my
>>>>>>>>>>> MSN
>>>>>>>>>>> mail I
>>>>>>>>>>> would get the standard message"Explore has encountered a
>>>>>>>>>>> problem.....".
>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>> did a system restore thinking newly instaled software was the
>>>>>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>>>>>> Every
>>>>>>>>>>> thing was fine until I reinstalled the updates.
>>>>>>>>>>> Since only the update pertaining to explorer was KB942615, I
>>>>>>>>>>> uninstalled
>>>>>>>>>>> it,
>>>>>>>>>>> and problem solved.
>>>>>>>>>>> My question is...when will Microsoft have a new update to fix
>>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>> KB942615
>>>>>>>>>>> was suppoed to fix or a patch to fix KB942615

Please try testing http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942367 to see if it fixes
the issue.
Use the online request form to have the fix sent to you.

Kurt Falde [MSFT]

"SG" <nomail@sorry.com> wrote in message
> Bear,
> Correct and unless something is wrong with the MS links that is what I
> posted. If you Google KB942615 it shows this link.
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/942615
> Same as the KB in question right?
> Then from this site if you click...
> IT professionals:
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-069.mspx
> It takes you here..
> General Information
> Executive Summary
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-069.mspx
> Now the two links above are identical, however it takes you to two
> different pages...weird. From the link under IT Professionals in the
> General Information section if you scroll down to Internet Explorer
> 6,"Windows XP Service Pack 2" there is a link to the right for MS-07-057
> which I see now has been updated. Sorry for any confusion, can only post
> what I see and click on :>
> Even though MS07-069 states no Known Issues, MS better get on the ball as
> it is causing problems all over these groups.
> --
> All the best,
> SG
> How to Write a Newsgroup Post:
> http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page2.html#Usenet
> Need your OEM Restore Disk?
> http://restoredisks.com/
> "PA Bear" <PABearMVP@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:Oiot6tZPIHA.5140@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Those are links to the last Cumulative Security Update for IE. We're
>> discussing the new/most recent one here:
>> MS07-069: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer:
>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942615
>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-069.mspx
>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942818 still applies to this new update.
>> --
>> ~PA Bear
>> SG wrote:
>>> Here is an article that explains that KB and what it does.
>>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-057.mspx
>>> This link explains Known Issues.
>>> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/939653
>>> It appears to me MS knows about this problem and there is a Hotfix for
>>> it.
>>> "PA Bear" <PABearMVP@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:u43Ln%23RPIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>> X-post to IE General and WU newsgroups for maximum exposure. Please
>>>> continue the crosspost in all replies. THX
>>>> Yes, please let us know what MS PSS has to say about this.
>>>> --
>>>> ~PA Bear
>>>> lemaster@hotmail.com wrote:
>>>>> PA Bear, sorry about the rant before...
>>>>> Here's an update. On a support call with MS, we removed the patch and
>>>>> we are working fine. I will post information as I get it.
>>>>> On Dec 12, 12:43 pm, lemas...@hotmail.com wrote:
>>>>>> We have seen this issue in our environment. We found that if you go
>>>>>> into Internet Explorer, Tool, Internet Options, Advanced and take the
>>>>>> check out of Use HTTP 1.1 This will fix the problem.
>>>>>> However I'm not suggesting it. I'm waiting to hear from Mr. MS....
>>>> <snip>
>>>>>>>>> Did you reboot (possibly twice) after reinstalling 942615? Were
>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>> prompted to reboot after installing it?
>>>>>>>>> ==============================
>>>>>>>>> Start a free Windows Update support incident request:
>>>>>>>>> https://support.microsoft.com/oas/default.aspx?gprid=6527
>>>>>>>>> Support for Windows Update:
>>>>>>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/gp/wusupport
>>>>>>>>> Customers in the U.S. and Canada can receive technical support
>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>> Microsoft Product Support Services at 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is
>>>>>>>>> no-charge for support calls that are associated with security
>>>>>>>>> updates.
>>>>>>>>> When you call, clearly state that your problem is related to a
>>>>>>>>> Security
>>>>>>>>> Update and cite the update's KB number (e.g., KB931678).
>>>>>>>>> In other countries, see
>>>>>>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?pr=securityhome>
>>>>>>>>> "No-Charge
>>>>>>>>> Support...for virus and other security-related" issues in
>>>>>>>>> right-hand
>>>>>>>>> menu for localized contact information.
>>>>>>>>> For more information about how to contact Microsoft for support
>>>>>>>>> issues,
>>>>>>>>> visit the International Support Web site:
>>>>>>>>> https://support.microsoft.com/common/international.aspx
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
>>>>>>>>> MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
>>>>>>>>> AumHa VSOP & Adminhttp://aumha.net
>>>>>>>>> DTS-L.ORGhttp://
>>>>>>>>> Lazarus56 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Bear, that didn't help:
>>>>>>>>>> I followed your instructions precisely as written - after I
>>>>>>>>>> completed
>>>>>>>>>> your step 5 and restarted IE6, the error came back - here's the
>>>>>>>>>> event
>>>>>>>>>> log entry:
>>>>>>>>>> Event Type: Error
>>>>>>>>>> Event Source: Application Error
>>>>>>>>>> Event Category: None
>>>>>>>>>> Event ID: 1000
>>>>>>>>>> Date: 12/11/2007
>>>>>>>>>> Time: 23:58:56
>>>>>>>>>> User: N/A
>>>>>>>>>> Computer: 228DOP745
>>>>>>>>>> Description:
>>>>>>>>>> Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180,
>>>>>>>>>> faulting
>>>>>>>>>> module urlmon.dll, version 6.0.2900.3231, fault address
>>>>>>>>>> 0x0003b5ce.
>>>>>>>>>> <snip> "PA Bear" wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Disable your anti-virus application, any real-time protection
>>>>>>>>>>> provided by an anti-spyware application (except for Windows
>>>>>>>>>>> Defender;
>>>>>>>>>>> includes Spybot Tea Timer, SpySweeper Guards, AVG AS guard.exe,
>>>>>>>>>>> etc.), disable any third-party firewall AND enable the Windows
>>>>>>>>>>> Firewall.
>>>>>>>>>>> NB: If you're running ZA Free firewall, you may need to
>>>>>>>>>>> uninstall
>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>> instead of disabling it. You're "working without a net" now:
>>>>>>>>>>> Don't
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> ANYTHING else online (e.g., browsing; reading email; chatting)
>>>>>>>>>>> except
>>>>>>>>>>> #4 below until your anti-virus application has been re-enabled!
>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Uninstall "Security Update for Windows XP (KB942615)"] via
>>>>>>>>>>> Add/Remove Programs, if installed (make sure Show Updates box is
>>>>>>>>>>> checked at top right)
>>>>>>>>>>> and reboot.
>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Re-do #1 above.
>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Go tohttp://windowsupdate.microsoft.comandCustom install any
>>>>>>>>>>> Critical
>>>>>>>>>>> Updates offered. **DO NOT INSTALL IE7!**
>>>>>>>>>>> 5. Reboot > Make sure everything in #1 above is enabled again
>>>>>>>>>>> and,
>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>> applicable, disable the Windows Firewall and enable your
>>>>>>>>>>> third-party
>>>>>>>>>>> firewall.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Andre wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> After instaling all the updates today, I found out that after
>>>>>>>>>>>> cleaning
>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>> cache, I found that trying to go on certain websites, even my
>>>>>>>>>>>> MSN
>>>>>>>>>>>> mail I
>>>>>>>>>>>> would get the standard message"Explore has encountered a
>>>>>>>>>>>> problem.....".
>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>> did a system restore thinking newly instaled software was the
>>>>>>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Every
>>>>>>>>>>>> thing was fine until I reinstalled the updates.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Since only the update pertaining to explorer was KB942615, I
>>>>>>>>>>>> uninstalled
>>>>>>>>>>>> it,
>>>>>>>>>>>> and problem solved.
>>>>>>>>>>>> My question is...when will Microsoft have a new update to fix
>>>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>>> KB942615
>>>>>>>>>>>> was suppoed to fix or a patch to fix KB942615


Thanks, Kurt.

NB Lurkers: 942367 applies only to IE6 running in WinXP SP2.
~PA Bear

Kurt Falde [MSFT] wrote:
> Please try testing http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942367 to see if it
> fixes
> the issue.
> Use the online request form to have the fix sent to you.
> Thanks
> "SG" <nomail@sorry.com> wrote in message
> news:eHe5MlbPIHA.3532@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Bear,
>> Correct and unless something is wrong with the MS links that is what I
>> posted. If you Google KB942615 it shows this link.
>> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/942615
>> Same as the KB in question right?
>> Then from this site if you click...
>> IT professionals:
>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-069.mspx
>> It takes you here..
>> General Information
>> Executive Summary
>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-069.mspx
>> Now the two links above are identical, however it takes you to two
>> different pages...weird. From the link under IT Professionals in the
>> General Information section if you scroll down to Internet Explorer
>> 6,"Windows XP Service Pack 2" there is a link to the right for MS-07-057
>> which I see now has been updated. Sorry for any confusion, can only post
>> what I see and click on :>
>> Even though MS07-069 states no Known Issues, MS better get on the ball as
>> it is causing problems all over these groups.
>> --
>> All the best,
>> SG
>> How to Write a Newsgroup Post:
>> http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page2.html#Usenet
>> Need your OEM Restore Disk?
>> http://restoredisks.com/
>> "PA Bear" <PABearMVP@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:Oiot6tZPIHA.5140@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> Those are links to the last Cumulative Security Update for IE. We're
>>> discussing the new/most recent one here:
>>> MS07-069: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer:
>>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942615
>>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-069.mspx
>>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942818 still applies to this new update.
>>> --
>>> ~PA Bear
>>> SG wrote:
>>>> Here is an article that explains that KB and what it does.
>>>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-057.mspx
>>>> This link explains Known Issues.
>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/939653
>>>> It appears to me MS knows about this problem and there is a Hotfix for
>>>> it.
>>>> "PA Bear" <PABearMVP@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:u43Ln%23RPIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>> X-post to IE General and WU newsgroups for maximum exposure. Please
>>>>> continue the crosspost in all replies. THX
>>>>> Yes, please let us know what MS PSS has to say about this.
>>>>> --
>>>>> ~PA Bear
>>>>> lemaster@hotmail.com wrote:
>>>>>> PA Bear, sorry about the rant before...
>>>>>> Here's an update. On a support call with MS, we removed the patch and
>>>>>> we are working fine. I will post information as I get it.
>>>>>> On Dec 12, 12:43 pm, lemas...@hotmail.com wrote:
>>>>>>> We have seen this issue in our environment. We found that if you go
>>>>>>> into Internet Explorer, Tool, Internet Options, Advanced and take
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> check out of Use HTTP 1.1 This will fix the problem.
>>>>>>> However I'm not suggesting it. I'm waiting to hear from Mr. MS....
>>>>> <snip>
>>>>>>>>>> Did you reboot (possibly twice) after reinstalling 942615? Were
>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>> prompted to reboot after installing it?
>>>>>>>>>> ==============================
>>>>>>>>>> Start a free Windows Update support incident request:
>>>>>>>>>> https://support.microsoft.com/oas/default.aspx?gprid=6527
>>>>>>>>>> Support for Windows Update:
>>>>>>>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/gp/wusupport
>>>>>>>>>> Customers in the U.S. and Canada can receive technical support
>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft Product Support Services at 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is
>>>>>>>>>> no-charge for support calls that are associated with security
>>>>>>>>>> updates.
>>>>>>>>>> When you call, clearly state that your problem is related to a
>>>>>>>>>> Security
>>>>>>>>>> Update and cite the update's KB number (e.g., KB931678).
>>>>>>>>>> In other countries, see
>>>>>>>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?pr=securityhome>
>>>>>>>>>> "No-Charge
>>>>>>>>>> Support...for virus and other security-related" issues in
>>>>>>>>>> right-hand
>>>>>>>>>> menu for localized contact information.
>>>>>>>>>> For more information about how to contact Microsoft for support
>>>>>>>>>> issues,
>>>>>>>>>> visit the International Support Web site:
>>>>>>>>>> https://support.microsoft.com/common/international.aspx
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
>>>>>>>>>> MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
>>>>>>>>>> AumHa VSOP & Adminhttp://aumha.net
>>>>>>>>>> DTS-L.ORGhttp://
>>>>>>>>>> Lazarus56 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Bear, that didn't help:
>>>>>>>>>>> I followed your instructions precisely as written - after I
>>>>>>>>>>> completed
>>>>>>>>>>> your step 5 and restarted IE6, the error came back - here's the
>>>>>>>>>>> event
>>>>>>>>>>> log entry:
>>>>>>>>>>> Event Type: Error
>>>>>>>>>>> Event Source: Application Error
>>>>>>>>>>> Event Category: None
>>>>>>>>>>> Event ID: 1000
>>>>>>>>>>> Date: 12/11/2007
>>>>>>>>>>> Time: 23:58:56
>>>>>>>>>>> User: N/A
>>>>>>>>>>> Computer: 228DOP745
>>>>>>>>>>> Description:
>>>>>>>>>>> Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180,
>>>>>>>>>>> faulting
>>>>>>>>>>> module urlmon.dll, version 6.0.2900.3231, fault address
>>>>>>>>>>> 0x0003b5ce.
>>>>>>>>>>> <snip> "PA Bear" wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Disable your anti-virus application, any real-time
>>>>>>>>>>>> protection
>>>>>>>>>>>> provided by an anti-spyware application (except for Windows
>>>>>>>>>>>> Defender;
>>>>>>>>>>>> includes Spybot Tea Timer, SpySweeper Guards, AVG AS guard.exe,
>>>>>>>>>>>> etc.), disable any third-party firewall AND enable the Windows
>>>>>>>>>>>> Firewall.
>>>>>>>>>>>> NB: If you're running ZA Free firewall, you may need to
>>>>>>>>>>>> uninstall
>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>> instead of disabling it. You're "working without a net" now:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> ANYTHING else online (e.g., browsing; reading email; chatting)
>>>>>>>>>>>> except
>>>>>>>>>>>> #4 below until your anti-virus application has been re-enabled!
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Uninstall "Security Update for Windows XP (KB942615)"] via
>>>>>>>>>>>> Add/Remove Programs, if installed (make sure Show Updates box
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> checked at top right)
>>>>>>>>>>>> and reboot.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Re-do #1 above.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Go tohttp://windowsupdate.microsoft.comandCustom install any
>>>>>>>>>>>> Critical
>>>>>>>>>>>> Updates offered. **DO NOT INSTALL IE7!**
>>>>>>>>>>>> 5. Reboot > Make sure everything in #1 above is enabled again
>>>>>>>>>>>> and,
>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>> applicable, disable the Windows Firewall and enable your
>>>>>>>>>>>> third-party
>>>>>>>>>>>> firewall.
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Andre wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> After instaling all the updates today, I found out that after
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cleaning
>>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cache, I found that trying to go on certain websites, even my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> MSN
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mail I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> would get the standard message"Explore has encountered a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem.....".
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> did a system restore thinking newly instaled software was the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Every
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thing was fine until I reinstalled the updates.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since only the update pertaining to explorer was KB942615, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> uninstalled
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and problem solved.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> My question is...when will Microsoft have a new update to fix
>>>>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>>>> KB942615
>>>>>>>>>>>>> was suppoed to fix or a patch to fix KB942615
[OT: You'll see that you posted links to MS07-057 and KB939653, SG.]

SG wrote:
> Bear,
> Correct and unless something is wrong with the MS links that is what I
> posted. If you Google KB942615 it shows this link.
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/942615
> Same as the KB in question right?
> Then from this site if you click...
> IT professionals:
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-069.mspx
> It takes you here..
> General Information
> Executive Summary
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-069.mspx

> PA Bear wrote:
>> Those are links to the last Cumulative Security Update for IE. We're
>> discussing the new/most recent one here:
>> MS07-069: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer:
>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942615
>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-069.mspx
>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942818 still applies to this new update.
>> --
>> SG wrote:
>>> Here is an article that explains that KB and what it does.
>>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-057.mspx
>>> This link explains Known Issues.
>>> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/939653
>>> It appears to me MS knows about this problem and there is a Hotfix for
>>> it.

On Dec 13, 6:13 pm, "PA Bear" <PABear...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Kurt.
> NB Lurkers: 942367 applies only to IE6 running in WinXP SP2.
> --
> ~PA Bear
> Kurt Falde [MSFT] wrote:
> > Please try testinghttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/942367to see if it
> > fixes
> > the issue.
> > Use the online request form to have the fix sent to you.
> > Thanks

> > "SG" <nom...@sorry.com> wrote in message
> >news:eHe5MlbPIHA.3532@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> >> Bear,
> >> Correct and unless something is wrong with the MS links that is what I
> >> posted. If you GoogleKB942615it shows this link.
> >>http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/942615

> >> Same as the KB in question right?

> >> Then from this site if you click...
> >> IT professionals:
> >>http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-069.mspx

> >> It takes you here..
> >> General Information
> >> Executive Summary
> >>http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-069.mspx

> >> Now the two links above are identical, however it takes you to two
> >> different pages...weird. From the link under IT Professionals in the
> >> General Information section if you scroll down to Internet Explorer
> >> 6,"Windows XP Service Pack 2" there is a link to the right for MS-07-057
> >> which I see now has been updated. Sorry for any confusion, can only post
> >> what I see and click on :>

> >> Even though MS07-069 states no Known Issues, MS better get on the ball as
> >> it is causing problems all over these groups.

> >> --
> >> All the best,
> >> SG
> >> How to Write a Newsgroup Post:
> >>http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page2.html#Usenet
> >> Need your OEM Restore Disk?
> >>http://restoredisks.com/

> >> "PA Bear" <PABear...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> >>news:Oiot6tZPIHA.5140@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> >>> Those are links to the last Cumulative Security Update for IE. We're
> >>> discussing the new/most recent one here:

> >>> MS07-069: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer:
> >>>http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942615
> >>>http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-069.mspx

> >>>http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942818still applies to this new update.
> >>> --
> >>> ~PA Bear

> >>> SG wrote:
> >>>> Here is an article that explains that KB and what it does.
> >>>>http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-057.mspx
> >>>> This link explains Known Issues.
> >>>>http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/939653
> >>>> It appears to me MS knows about this problem and there is a Hotfix for
> >>>> it.

> >>>> "PA Bear" <PABear...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> >>>>news:u43Ln%23RPIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> >>>>> X-post to IE General and WU newsgroups for maximum exposure. Please
> >>>>> continue the crosspost in all replies. THX

> >>>>> Yes, please let us know what MS PSS has to say about this.
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> ~PA Bear

> >>>>> lemas...@hotmail.com wrote:
> >>>>>> PA Bear, sorry about the rant before...

> >>>>>> Here's an update. On a support call with MS, we removed the patch and
> >>>>>> we are working fine. I will post information as I get it.

> >>>>>> On Dec 12, 12:43 pm, lemas...@hotmail.com wrote:
> >>>>>>> We have seen this issue in our environment. We found that if you go
> >>>>>>> into Internet Explorer, Tool, Internet Options, Advanced and take
> >>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>> check out of Use HTTP 1.1 This will fix the problem.

> >>>>>>> However I'm not suggesting it. I'm waiting to hear from Mr. MS....
> >>>>> <snip>
> >>>>>>>>>> Did you reboot (possibly twice) after reinstalling 942615? Were
> >>>>>>>>>> you
> >>>>>>>>>> prompted to reboot after installing it?

> >>>>>>>>>> ==============================

> >>>>>>>>>> Start a free Windows Update support incident request:
> >>>>>>>>>>https://support.microsoft.com/oas/default.aspx?gprid=6527

> >>>>>>>>>> Support for Windows Update:
> >>>>>>>>>>http://support.microsoft.com/gp/wusupport

> >>>>>>>>>> Customers in the U.S. and Canada can receive technical support
> >>>>>>>>>> from
> >>>>>>>>>> Microsoft Product Support Services at 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is
> >>>>>>>>>> no-charge for support calls that are associated with security
> >>>>>>>>>> updates.
> >>>>>>>>>> When you call, clearly state that your problem is related to a
> >>>>>>>>>> Security
> >>>>>>>>>> Update and cite the update's KB number (e.g., KB931678).

> >>>>>>>>>> In other countries, see
> >>>>>>>>>>http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?pr=securityhome>
> >>>>>>>>>> "No-Charge
> >>>>>>>>>> Support...for virus and other security-related" issues in
> >>>>>>>>>> right-hand
> >>>>>>>>>> menu for localized contact information.

> >>>>>>>>>> For more information about how to contact Microsoft for support
> >>>>>>>>>> issues,
> >>>>>>>>>> visit the International Support Web site:
> >>>>>>>>>>https://support.microsoft.com/common/international.aspx

> >>>>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
> >>>>>>>>>> MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
> >>>>>>>>>> AumHa VSOP & Adminhttp://aumha.net
> >>>>>>>>>> DTS-L.ORGhttp://

> >>>>>>>>>> Lazarus56 wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> Bear, that didn't help:

> >>>>>>>>>>> I followed your instructions precisely as written - after I
> >>>>>>>>>>> completed
> >>>>>>>>>>> your step 5 and restarted IE6, the error came back - here's the
> >>>>>>>>>>> event
> >>>>>>>>>>> log entry:

> >>>>>>>>>>> Event Type: Error
> >>>>>>>>>>> Event Source: Application Error
> >>>>>>>>>>> Event Category: None
> >>>>>>>>>>> Event ID: 1000
> >>>>>>>>>>> Date: 12/11/2007
> >>>>>>>>>>> Time: 23:58:56
> >>>>>>>>>>> User: N/A
> >>>>>>>>>>> Computer: 228DOP745
> >>>>>>>>>>> Description:
> >>>>>>>>>>> Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180,
> >>>>>>>>>>> faulting
> >>>>>>>>>>> module urlmon.dll, version 6.0.2900.3231, fault address
> >>>>>>>>>>> 0x0003b5ce.
> >>>>>>>>>>> <snip> "PA Bear" wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Disable your anti-virus application, any real-time
> >>>>>>>>>>>> protection
> >>>>>>>>>>>> provided by an anti-spyware application (except for Windows
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Defender;
> >>>>>>>>>>>> includes Spybot Tea Timer, SpySweeper Guards, AVG AS guard.exe,
> >>>>>>>>>>>> etc.), disable any third-party firewall AND enable the Windows
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Firewall.

> >>>>>>>>>>>> NB: If you're running ZA Free firewall, you may need to
> >>>>>>>>>>>> uninstall
> >>>>>>>>>>>> it
> >>>>>>>>>>>> instead of disabling it. You're "working without a net" now:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Don't
> >>>>>>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>> ANYTHING else online (e.g., browsing; reading email; chatting)
> >>>>>>>>>>>> except
> >>>>>>>>>>>> #4 below until your anti-virus application has been re-enabled!

> >>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Uninstall "Security Update for Windows XP (KB942615)"] via
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Add/Remove Programs, if installed (make sure Show Updates box
> >>>>>>>>>>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>>>> checked at top right)
> >>>>>>>>>>>> and reboot.

> >>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Re-do #1 above.

> >>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Go tohttp://windowsupdate.microsoft.comandCustominstall any
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Critical
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Updates offered. **DO NOT INSTALL IE7!**

> >>>>>>>>>>>> 5. Reboot > Make sure everything in #1 above is enabled again
> >>>>>>>>>>>> and,
> >>>>>>>>>>>> if
> >>>>>>>>>>>> applicable, disable the Windows Firewall and enable your
> >>>>>>>>>>>> third-party
> >>>>>>>>>>>> firewall.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Andre wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> After instaling all the updates today, I found out that after
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> cleaning
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> my
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> cache, I found that trying to go on certain websites, even my
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> MSN
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> mail I
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> would get the standard message"Explore has encountered a
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> problem.....".
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> did a system restore thinking newly instaled software was the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> problem.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Every
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> thing was fine until I reinstalled the updates.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Since only the update pertaining to explorer wasKB942615, I
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> uninstalled
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> it,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> and problem solved.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> My question is...when will Microsoft have a new update to fix
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> what
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>KB942615
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> was suppoed to fix or a patch to fixKB942615- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I'm totally confused. The discussion in this thread has been about
KB942615 which was in the Dec. 11 patches. The hotfix you referred us
to KB942367 which is dated Nov. 14 and doesn't refer at all to

Is KB942367 the "fix" to the problems that seem to result from
"fastoy" <benamoore@gmail.com> schrieb:

> I'm totally confused. The discussion in this thread has been about
> KB942615 which was in the Dec. 11 patches. The hotfix you referred us
> to KB942367 which is dated Nov. 14 and doesn't refer at all to
> KB942615.
> Is KB942367 the "fix" to the problems that seem to result from
> KB942615?

Maybe or setting the registry entry mentionend in MSKB article KB942367
may be sufficent. See also

PA Bear;442645 Wrote:
> [OT: You'll see that you posted links to MS07-057 and KB939653, SG.]

Any report as to which (if any) has fixed the issue with IE? We have
several (4 or 5) people with the same exact issue.

drazzi wrote:
> Any report as to which (if any) has fixed the issue with IE? We have
> several (4 or 5) people with the same exact issue.

This thread is about WinXP, 942615, and IE6. If you're experiencing
problems in IE7 that you feel are related to 942615, please read all related
threads in IE General and Windows Update newsgroups.

If you need assistance, please begin a new thread in Windows Update
newsgroup, or...

Start a free Windows Update support incident request:

Support for Windows Update:

Customers in the U.S. and Canada can receive technical support from
Microsoft Product Support Services at 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is no-charge for
support calls that are associated with security updates. When you call,
clearly state that your problem is related to a Security Update and cite the
update's KB number (e.g., KB931678).

In other countries, see
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?pr=securityhome > "No-Charge
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For more information about how to contact Microsoft for support issues,
visit the International Support Web site:
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin; DTS-L.org
PA Bear;448847 Wrote:
> drazzi wrote:
> This thread is about WinXP, 942615, and IE6. If you're experiencing
> problems in IE7 that you feel are related to 942615, please read all
> related
> threads in IE General and Windows Update newsgroups.

I am experiencing the same issue as this thread is discussing. I have
several fully patched Windows XP SP2 machines with IE6 installed that
crash on urlmon.dll on a seemingly random pattern. I am curious which,
if any, of the fixes discussed in this thread worked. I would greatly
appreciate it if someone who was testing these solutions on their
machine would reply to let me know what fixed it for you. Thanks again!
"drazzi" wrote:
> I am experiencing the same issue as this thread is discussing.
> I have several fully patched Windows XP SP2 machines with
> IE6 installed that crash on urlmon.dll on a seemingly random
> pattern. I am curious which, if any, of the fixes discussed in
> this thread worked. I would greatly appreciate it if someone
> who was testing these solutions on their machine would reply
> to let me know what fixed it for you. Thanks again!

Uninstalling the patch worked wonders on my machine.
(I had to go to C:\WINDOWS\NtUninstallKB942615\spuninst
and dbl-clk "spuninst.exe" since it wasn't listed in Add or Remove
Programs.) I don't care to diddle in the registry or use a script
that I may have to back out later, so I'll just wait for Son of Patch.

I followed the registry editing steps (and requested the hot fix).
There were several Yahoo pages that crashed 100% of the time and after
modifying the registry, the crash has not happened since.

"Elroyskimms" wrote:
> I followed the registry editing steps (and requested the hot fix).
> There were several Yahoo pages that crashed 100% of the time and after
> modifying the registry, the crash has not happened since.

That's Part I. What will happen in Part II when Mom and Pop
AverageUser back out the registry hacks to make way for the
Son of Patch?
