ESET on-line scan issue

Tony D

FPCH Staff
Jan 18, 2016
SE Pennsylvania, USA
Anyone seen this? Running an ESET scan on my W7 machine. After about an hour, the ESET scanner window changes to something with black fields and just stays there.

I let it run overnight and the screen didn't change.
Restarted the computer and ran the scan again. Same results.

I ran the scan because I recommended the ESET on-line scan to a friend of mine. He had questions about, so I ran the on-line scanner on my own machine to be able to answer his questions.


My latest scan with EAM disabled results were the same. ESET's window goes from normal to the black bars. Task manager shows it using all the CPU. I have to End the Task.

It never gets to step 4.

The two attachments show that it's found 2 threats, but I don't know what they are. I think you used to be able to click on found threats during a scan to see the list. Can't click on "Threats Found".

The second attachment shows ESET scanner using CPU resources.


Tony, have you run any other A/V or malware programs on your system to check if the Eset findings were false?
I haven't because the machine seems fine. I just did this scan to answer some questions a friend had running the ESET on-line scanner. I'll do some scanning with other apps during the day.

Tony. You never click on "Threats Found" during the Scan.
Why not? I never had a problem doing so before.
Hi Tony. I test a lot of security programs and often if you click on "Threats Found" the scan will stop.
Why do you need to know what the threats are prematurely, because you can't do anything as ESET finds all threats and Quarantines them automatically.
During the scan any threats found is clearly seen on the scan page.
Yeah, I just like to see what it's finding along the way.

When each of you ran your scans, were they from IE or did it ask to Run or Save the exe? You used to be able to run the scan right from IE. Now it wants to either download the exe or run it. I don't recall that being the case before.
I ran the scan right from my browser (IE) Tony.
I did have to install a .cab file before I could run the scan but that is because this computer has never run the Eset online.
I didn't see anything about running or saving the executable at all.
I'm clicking on the Scan Now. After I chose RUN, I get the two windows you're showing.

If I choose the Save As, I save the .exe in my Downloads folder. I open it and get those windows and continue on.