Dell Inspiron 1318 booting problem


Active Member
Apr 5, 2005
Person brought this laptop to me saying his cousin had wiped the HDD clean and it needs an OS so I reinstalled installed win7 and all works fine in windows but whenever I power on the unit, I am getting

"No bootable devices--Strike F1 to retry reboot, F2 for setup utility
Press F5 to run onboard diagnostics

The boot menu is set to Internal HDD first. In the Bios Boot Sequence, something looks weird, if you can look at the first image, you will notice that the Diskette drive is selected as 1 as the top most entry:

but as shown in the 2nd image when I move the Internal HDD to the top it is showing above the diskette drive?

I don't know if the above is normal or has anything to do with this problem but only way to get the system to boot to windows involves powering on and pressing F12 to go to the Boot Menu screen, press Enter then it boots to windows, help?
It's ok guys, I got it solved by using the spacebar to set the HDD as the no.1 boot device in the bios.
No worries at all Cindy as you guys know, I usually post at the same time on 3 different forums as I never know from which forum I am going to get the answer to any given problem, this time I got the answer on the Dell forum.