Chrome Beta

I know that Cindy. I go back and forth between Pale Moon and Chrome whenever the issues stack to high I move to Pale Moon which still has only one issue and that is pdf files some of the time. If they would solve that I would stay there because it is a great browser.
Oh for goodness sakes talk about feeling stupid.....I just went into Pale Moon Tools, Applications, and set all potential pdf files to Adobe Reader and that solved every pdf issue I had and I cannot believe what those functions were actually set to so I can go back to Pale Moon now. And the answer to Ad Muncher is use "Duck Duck Go" for Search Engine in it and then I don't have the issue with Ad Muncher and searching with so I am thinking of dumping Adblock Plus now.
Hi! Don't think I want to give up my Google search engine. Google has been my friend for a very long time.
I agree on Google for searches no question it is the best but if I can work with Ad Muncher I would prefer to run Duckduckgo which is very similar to Google in terms of its abilities. And no ads whatsoever with duckduckgo unlike Google that constantly either puts a row on the right of useless leads or the first two which are always ads you have to avoid. You can always switch back easily in Pale Moon anyway if you want to compare as I love the separate built in search bar, that enables that so easily.DuckduckGo is default search engine on Pale Moon which is where I found it though I think N3 was pushing it a while ago.
That is not where you see the ads Gary, search for something! The column you see on the right are all ads which is why they have little relevance to your search. Also the first two have yellowish orange icon in them.
This is a search for Nikon J1 camera note the ads on the right that say "ads" and also the first one says the same thing: j1 camera&es_th=1
That is not where you see the ads Gary, search for something! The column you see on the right are all ads which is why they have little relevance to your search. Also the first two have yellowish orange icon in them.
This is a search for Nikon J1 camera note the ads on the right that say "ads" and also the first one says the same thing: j1 camera&es_th=1
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