Caps lock switching on KB?


Active Member
Apr 5, 2005
Hey guys, every now and then while typing the caps lock button will work the opposite and I will need to restart windows to correct this, I am guessing that I am accidentally hitting some key my mistake that's causing this so what I am seeking is way to correct this whenever it happens without having to restart windows, any ideas please?
Regular KB Cindy. No I haven't tried pressing the shift key to go back to lower case letters, will try that next time it happens and will let you know.
Do you have sticky keys enabled? No

Appreciate the help, get back to you, thanks.
Yes Cindy, pressing the shift works, thanks a million! Wish I would know what causes this but satisfied with the solution.
Check the caps lock button itself Mike, does it seem loose in comparison to other keys? If the spring behind it has broken or gone weak, vibration while typing might be making it bounce and make the contacts.

I have a different problem with Gigabyte wireless keyboard KM7580....Led light for caps lock doesn't work at all. I searched around and all I can found is software called "Led indicator" represented as popup on lower right corner.