Can I trust the Geek Squad?

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I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
(Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
"hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a

Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?
<> wrote in message
>I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
> solution.
> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?

Based upon the experience of a few of my friends and relatives, and based
upon my experience with speaking to several members of "the Geek Squad", I
believe a room filled with monkeys would have a better chance of resolving
any computer problem you may have.
Even if I had an opinion, I would not comment on a "trust" issue in a public
forum and take the chance of a law suit.

I have found that if a problem is solvable, you generally can find an answer
by using these forums and/or Sometimes there is no good answer
but to format and start over but that should always be the last option.


Ron Badour
MS MVP 1997 - 2007

<> wrote in message
>I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
> solution.
> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?
What problems are you having. Can you post them here in detail and maybe we can help you solve it.

As far as geek squad goes , I personally think you are throwing out your money.


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

<> wrote in message
>I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
> solution.
> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?
Ask if you can speak with a few of their customers. If they have nothing to
hide they should be able to set that up for you.


Harry Ohrn MS MVP [Shell\User]

<> wrote in message
>I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
> solution.
> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?
On Jul 6, 9:31 pm, "" <>
> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?

Thanks for the feedback. As for a description of the problems, I am
covering them in other threads. But my expectation is that the
problem is with my environment (configuration). Probably too
difficult to troubleshoot at arm's distance. Nonetheless, I am
willing to give it another try. Thanks again.
"Harry Ohrn" wrote in message
> Ask if you can speak with a few of their customers. If they have
> nothing to hide they should be able to set that up for you.

Not a workable solution for ANY company. After all, would you want to
be annoyed and waste time answering the phone for inquisitive potential
customers of every product your purchased or of every company you've
dealt with. Maybe you like being slammed with tons of phone calls from
someone asking if you like the television that you bought from some
retail store, or if that non-dealer car repair shop you use repeatedly
is a good shop, or whatever product or service you've used or bought
before was okay. A company is not going to divulge their customer list
to other potential customers. If you suddenly got spammed or slammed
because someone you dealt with released your personal information to
anyone that asked, would you really continue business with that
irresponsible provider?

Sure, a company may post letters of gleaming reviews by customers on
their walls. Have you ever seen them also post negative letters? They
don't have to post any of those letters so obviously they get to pick
which ones they do post, if any, and just as obvious is that they will
only post those which positively affect their business.
nomail1983 wrote in message
> I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
> solution.
> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust
> them?

Since you didn't bother to actually describe here what is your problem,
no one can provide help on it. Have you tried uninstalling Flash and
then reinstalling it?

As for the geek squad, the process you mention of reading through a
database of prior problems solved or perusing a FAQ can only be
performed when you call a tech rep. When someone comes to your house,
have you ever seen them open a book that is a copy of their knowledge
database? I'm not saying that they have expertise beyond that but they
don't have the luxury of hiding from you to do the lookups. Did you
bother to ask what they will charge whether they fix the problem or not
(i.e., their base or minimal charge) and if they won't charge a extra or
repair fee if they don't fix the problem? Do they guarantee (and
provide actual terms for that guarantee, like remuneration) that they
can leave the computer in the exact state it was in when they arrived so
that it isn't any worse after they starting poking around and changing
<> wrote in message
>I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
> solution.
> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?

As I understand it, this service is about general issues that the
inexperienced might encounter, and not specific software related to
hardware. I think that alone says enough.
I had a Geek Squad experience that I'll share. It wasn't
like your description, but I'll just relate the details, and
you can be the judge.

I purchased a new Gateway desktop from Best Buy, and 7-8 months later it
failed to boot. Well, I didn't know
what was wrong with it, but I could tell the HDD was not
spinning up. So, I boxed it up, and returned it to BB.

I don't know how this retailer operates, but somehow the
desktop was routed to the GS desk. The technician tried
the boot, and confirmed the box as failing.

Then, they told me the box would have to be sent off to
somewhere in Georgia for repair. I was livid that BB or
Gateway would just not fix it there, or provide another.
They tried to charge for the repair, until I pointed out
that the system was only 8 months old.

But, they insisted that the warranty work would require
this send off. Additionally, the memory stick reader had
never worked, so I included that in the work ticket. I
was told in my many BB management conversations
that the only systems fixed locally/onsite are the ones that
need only the most elementary attention. All other get
shipped off to one of these service centers around the

In about a week, the box arrived at my home, from the
Georgia repair facility. I didn't even open the shipment.
I took it immediately to BB/GS to have them open it and
check out the repair.

The system was checked, and everything was now work-
ing fine. We looked at the accompanying work ticket, and
the clowns in Georgia had replied that they'd found no
problems, and had done nothing for repair. <yeah right>

The reason I was so livid was that the system contained
hordes of personal information, and I was very worried
about shipping that information across the country. As
it was, I had to change accounts/passwords, close some
accounts, and fraud alert other records. Although they
verbally assured me that my information would be safe,
they would offer no such written assurance. They basic-
ally said if I wanted it fixed on a new system warranty,
it's goin' to Georgia. If not, I can fix it myself.

But, BB/GS did as they said, I guess. I mean, they ship-
ped off the system, fixed it(even though they say they
didn't), and sent it back. Although it was supposed to
be shipped back to BB/GS, rather than to me.

So, I guess they can be trusted, even though they lied
about finding nothing wrong. But, that doesn't speak
well for the diagnostic tactics that you mention. I can't
offer any information on their diagnostic techniques.


"Harry Ohrn" <> wrote in message
> Ask if you can speak with a few of their customers. If they have nothing
> to hide they should be able to set that up for you.
> --
> Harry Ohrn MS MVP [Shell\User]
> <> wrote in message
>>I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
>> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
>> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
>> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
>> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
>> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
>> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
>> solution.
>> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
>> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?

Note well:,1895,1854470,00.asp

"Telstar" <none@none> wrote in message
> <> wrote in message
>>I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
>> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
>> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
>> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
>> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
>> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
>> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
>> solution.
>> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
>> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?

> As I understand it, this service is about general issues that the
> inexperienced might encounter, and not specific software related to
> hardware. I think that alone says enough.
I know a couple of guys that work for the local Geek Squad.
I wouldn't let them work on my computer.
But, I didn't hire them for my IT dept either...LOL

<> wrote in message
>I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
> solution.
> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?
> wrote:
> I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
> solution.
> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?

Go to and put "Geek Squad" in the search box.
This will say it all.

Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
Good point, I read the 10-page long commentary by a former Geek
Squad employee on the site. Very telling, good insight into what goes
on behind the scenes at Best Buy.

"Malke" <notreally@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
> wrote:
>> I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
>> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
>> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
>> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
>> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
>> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
>> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
>> solution.
>> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
>> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?

> Go to and put "Geek Squad" in the search box. This
> will say it all.
> Malke
> --
> Elephant Boy Computers
> "Don't Panic!"
> MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
Makes a bit more sense now, Malke's link leads to a spam portal!
Something she surely wouldn't normally post ;-) The difference being as opposed to *the*


Joe At Work wrote:

> "R. McCarty" <> wrote in message
> news:Ox1l$GJwHHA.312@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>Good point, I read the 10-page long commentary by a former Geek
>>Squad employee on the site. Very telling, good insight into what goes
>>on behind the scenes at Best Buy.

<> wrote in message
>I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
> solution.
> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?

I don't know anything about Geek Squad but I did find Adobe very helpful in
solving a problem that I was having with a different product of theirs. wrote:
> I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
> solution.
> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?

Let's just say that Best Buy's Geek Squad is probably the very last
people on the planet whom I would let touch one of my computers. They
also have had several documented instances of Geek Squad "techs"
stealing data (mostly pictures and videos) from clients computers.

Consult you local Yellow Pages for a reputable (Better Business Bureau
or Chamber of Commerce seals) local computer repair shop.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell
Flash and WinXP - SP2

All the Best,

Taskbar Repair Tool Plus!!.htm

<> wrote in message
>I am having a couple problems with Windows and common application
> (Adobe Flash), and I have exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and
> remedy them. I need an "expert". But I am leery. By "expert", I
> mean someone who knows enough about Windows XP (Pro 2002 SP2) to truly
> problem-solve, not someone who simply walks down a troubleshooting
> tree that has "reload Windows" on the 2nd or 3rd branch -- and not a
> "hacker" who tries random changes in the hope of stumbling upon a
> solution.
> Does anyone have first-hand experience with the Geek Squad?
> Preferably someone who is not an employee of GS ;-). Can I trust them?