BUGFIX: Crashes in Internet Explorer 6 under WXP-SP2 after December Patch Tuesday

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Drake
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Re: BUGFIX: Crashes in Internet Explorer 6 under WXP-SP2 after Dec

Freudi is right.. No need to reboot.. I just did the registry patch (which I
downloaded from Freudi's link) and fixed the crash problem..

"Ottmar Freudenberger" wrote:

> "realcestmoi" <mdenie@dutchweb.nl> schrieb:
> > The registry is being processed during boot: so yes you willl have to reboot
> > after applying the regfix file;)

> Nope, that's simply *not* true for the *IE6 on Windows XP SP2* registry
> "hack" originating from MSKB article KB942367. You'll have to simply
> shut down all opened IE6 windows and that's all. Don't believe me? Okay,
> test it yourself. I did.
> Bye,
> Freudi
Hi, skeet. As mentioned in other posts (and verified by
myself before anyone else even mentioned the subject),
the vast majority of people do not require a reboot to
apply the patch.

However, with some antivirus/antispyware/firewall packages,
depending upon user preference, the changes to the Registry
will not apply until the user allows the change and the system
is rebooted.

And then there is the requirement that the user shut down
and restart MSIE before the change in MSIE's behaviour will

Since this problem is intermittent for most people, I could not
predict whether the user had MSIE open while making the
Registry change. Furthermore, since the kind of security
the user is running cannot be predicted in advance - again
I could not predict whether a reboot was required or not for
the change to be applied. Consequently, I added the reboot
recommendation as a bulletproofing item.

Rebooting does not harm anything - and it avoids some of
the reposts saying "the fix didn't work". As you found - even
then there are exceptions... <wry grin>

Best I can do for now. <tm>


skeet3 wrote:
> Appreciate your comments. See answers below. I know for
> sure I didn't reboot and based on other responses - I'm not sure
> whether or not I should have. In any event, the fix is in the
> registry, and all's well. Now I just wait for next month's fiasco.
> Thanks again.
> "Bill Drake" <bdrake@telus.net> wrote...
>> Are you running an Antivirus/Antispyware/Firewall application which
>> blocks Regedit merges from Windows Explorer? If so, the merge
>> will fail. ------- Yes, but I have that function disabled.
>> When you got the merge-request confirmation-dialog, did you
>> click Yes? Clicking No will abort the merge. ----- Got the dialog
>> box, but I clicked Yes!
>> Did you get the merge-acknowledgement dialog telling you
>> the merge occurred? If you got a merge-rejected dialog
>> instead, then the merge was aborted. ---- I would swear that the
>> final dialog box I got was the confirmation box, unless I didn't
>> read it carefully!
>> And finally, there is also a change that can be made to Regedit's
>> handling of items double-clicked from Explorer. Regedit can be
>> set so it does NOT default to merging the Regfile when clicked.
>> If you have this change on your system (recommended by Aumha),
>> then you must right-click on the Regfile and select the "Merge"
>> function from the context-menu to get the Regfile to merge with the
>> Registry. ------ I know for sure sure that I used the context-menu
>> merge method -- not the double click. In fact, I did an edit on the
>> file just to file what was there. Can't be to careful nowdays. :):)
>> Doing the Regedit manually is certainly OK, it's just more
>> error-prone as far as mistyping is concerned.
>> Hope this helps your understanding.
>> Bill
>> skeet3 wrote:
>>> Just curious about why something happened!
>>> I was one of users who experienced problems with IE6.
>>> Uninstalled it - everything OK for few days.
>>> Still following the threads I picked up your attached regfix file,
>>> then reinstalled KB942615 along with the other two KB which I had
>>> removed because during initial removal of 942615 a dialog box
>>> indicated that two other KB's (can't remember what they were) might
>>> not function.
>>> After reinstall, rebooted and applied your regfix file. After
>>> merging, I ran regedit, navigated to location where new key should
>>> have been. Wasn't there???
>>> So I manually added key and dword. Why could I not see the new key
>>> when I first checked. Should I have rebooted after appling your
>>> regfix file?
>>> For the record - everything seems to be functioning alright with IE
>>> now.
>>> Running XO Pro V 2002 SP2
>>> <clipped>