ANN: Boycott Microsoft, And Convert Over To Linux, Just FYI.

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Dustin Harper wrote:
> Kevin,
> I've defended you before in the past, but I have to say that lately,
> you've gone way overboard. This isn't a Linux newsgroup. This isn't a
> general discussion newsgroup. It's a general VISTA discussion newsgroup.
> So, you have your right to your opinion that Vista sucks. A lot of
> people do. I don't. So, state your opinion, back it up, and move on.
> And I'm staying with Vista, which I have had no problems with. On many
> systems for myself and customers.

I am starting to like Vista, and enjoy using it. Two major glitches
that have put me off just a bit.

1) when playing MP3's, my 'Net downloads slow down quite a bit.

2) When trying to delete many small files manually (Opera browser
cache), Vista is dog slow. Another time I got a weird C++++ script
error when right-clicking on a folder, looking at Properties to get
directoy tree size. Vista actually seized up for awhile, coughed,
sputtered, refreshed my desktop and chugged on.

I hope SP-1 works some magic in these two areas. >>> NetLink <<<<

> --
> Dustin Harper
> wrote:
>> ANN: Boycott Microsoft, And Convert Over To Linux, Just FYI.