Alert about Adobe flash!

I have no trace of any Adobe products on my system except for PhotoShop so if flash is embedded MS did a good job hiding it.

I don't have the plugin installed on Firefox and have never had a problem viewing videos on any site. I haven't had flash installed since I had to clean my wifes laptop after she got infected by doing a speedtest at when they were compromised a couple years ago.

I do know that IE 10 will render HTML 5 videos and doesn not use Adobe flash.

See this info page at YouTube which I got by right clicking the video and selecting about HTML 5 viewer. No Adobe mention seen. I also get that in Firefox.
To add. Maybe if you have flash installed you'll get the video rendered in flash player instead. Since I don't I get the HTML player.
The one thing I believe but cannot find where I read it is that the Fake "Flash Player" does not say Adobe so I am not quite sure where you are showing it with Adobe in it donatao unless that has changed recently.
I only know what I read. If you need examples. Did you not see this in the screen shots I posted?? According to MBAM. I suggest you go here and read about this!!
Again your video shows no "Adobe", just "Flash Player" as I said originally.
This is how this malware is being billed on the internet. I'm not saying Adobe is in shown in the malware. It looks like Adobe flash icon, so I guess that's the reason it is being billed as Adobe flash Zero Day. I don't know???????
New Adobe Flash Zero-Day found in the Wild!!
This is how this malware is being billed on the internet. I'm not saying Adobe is in shown in the malware. It looks like Adobe flash icon, so I guess that's the reason it is being billed as Adobe flash Zero Day. I don't know???????
New Adobe Flash Zero-Day found in the Wild!!
View attachment 12258
That's an exploit for a vulnerability they are showing in the real Adobe Flash which is different from the fake alert.
They are proving that the exploit was effectively blocked by MBAM Anti-Exploit.