
Thanks for that it is one thing I never noticed but it is in Pale Moon also. This is one of the reasons I love forums because in these exchanges
you cannot help but find new things every day. But Bob what happens if the search thought isn't on the screen anywhere but in your head?
You have to type something some where.
Well again see that is where I get the ads...for some reason when I tried it earlier I wasn't getting them on searches in this Win 7 pc but now I am again and I tried searches from the address bar of all 3 browsers and all of them get a second column of ads again and the first two I see on the left side also say "ad". When I use the DuckDuckGo search bar I see none of that.
I don't understand why you are getting these, Rich. I have been working on three Windows 7 computers today and I installed Ad Muncher on all of them. I did a couple dozen searches using Google, on each of them, no problem.
Hi Cindy! Could you explain in detail how to add the Google filter?? I'm getting those ads with both IE and Firefox!!
Also could you attach the down load link your using for Ad Muncher. I might try a new install!!
Thank you!