7 reasons why Linux won't succeed on the desktop...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Frank
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Alias wrote:

> Frank wrote:
>> Alias wrote:
>>> Frank wrote:
>>>> http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml
>>> jsessionid=3JPUCV2NZQ3EOQSNDLRSKH0CJUNN2JVN?articleID=201807459&pgno=2
>>>> Frank
>>> Lamest seven reasons I have ever seen. The fact that you think they
>>> are good reasons, however, is completely understandable, considering
>>> how lame you are.

>> Hey knee-jerk, I didn't write the article, I just posted it FYI!

> And obviously agree with it.
>> That you, our resident lying linux lovin troll don't like the article
>> is completely understandable, considering just what a faithless
>> atheist linux fanatic you are.

> I understand it perfectly, your unfounded insults and bluster
> notwithstanding.
>> And it certainly got the expected Pavlovian response from you...ha!
>> Frank

> You're the dog, Frank. You just don't know it because you're too fuçking
> stupid.

Ut oh! I'm getting under your slimy skin huh...lol!
Well, stop lying and get out of here. You don't use Vista, don't like it
or anything MS and think linux and RS will save the world (from what?).
You're the prefect definition of a loser linux troll!
On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 20:04:03 +0100, Janet Blonde
<Janet.Blonde@example.net> wrote:

>Gordon wrote:
>> "Frank" <fb@osspan.clm> wrote in message
>> news:Ol8Z7vm$HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...

>> And WHAT, precisely, has this to do with WINDOWS?

>To windup people like you and judging by your response, he seems to have

Frank is similar to the character Charlie Tuna in old StarKiss tuna


The point of the commercial was poor Charlie tried and tried to get
"caught" since in his mind he was the "perfect" tuna. Alas for poor
Charlie, no matter what stupid stunt he did to GET ATTENTION, he was
always rejected with the commercial ending with a note on the end of a
hook saying "Sorry Charlie". The reason given in the commercials for
the rejection was that StarKist wasn't looking for tuna with good
taste, but rather for tuna that tasted good.

In Frank's case he thinks he's Microsoft's best defender and
spokesperson often rabidly defending Microsoft blunders as he
foolishly tries to "catch" the attention of someone in Redmond, maybe
in the hopes of getting a pat on the head or maybe a cookie. Like
Charlie, Frank CRAVES attention. Any kind, good or bad. Like Charlie
Tuna, Frank of course is always rejected not just by Microsoft, but by
everybody that knows all Frank's "stories" sound awfully fishy.
Janet Blonde wrote:

> Bob I wrote:
>> Humm, didn't they proclaim the same thing 5 years ago except the 2
>> OS's were Win2K and Win XP?!?!? I think perhaps the problem is the
>> word "IN" was left out between "Is" and "The". Obviously it hasn't
>> been a player in the past or present so the future is all that is
>> left. While we are all playing physic, I predict the earth will be hit
>> by a giant asteroid, with a 99% chance of happening before Linux is a
>> major player on the desktop.

> Now let me guess ... you are working for a MVP title right? If so you
> need to lick some MVPs ass to be recommended. It is no good just saying
> all Microsoft's products are fantastic and you can't survive without them!!

Why ever would any MVP make a recommendation over an observation about
the historic past, the current state of affairs and the projected
future?!? Or is this your pathetic mis-guided attempt at name calling?
Use what products you will, defend them if you will, can't they stand on
their own?
Adam Albright wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 20:04:03 +0100, Janet Blonde
> <Janet.Blonde@example.net> wrote:
>>Gordon wrote:
>>>"Frank" <fb@osspan.clm> wrote in message
>>>And WHAT, precisely, has this to do with WINDOWS?

>>To windup people like you and judging by your response, he seems to have

> Frank is similar to the character Charlie Tuna in old StarKiss tuna
> ads.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_the_Tuna
> The point of the commercial was poor Charlie tried and tried to get
> "caught" since in his mind he was the "perfect" tuna. Alas for poor
> Charlie, no matter what stupid stunt he did to GET ATTENTION, he was
> always rejected with the commercial ending with a note on the end of a
> hook saying "Sorry Charlie". The reason given in the commercials for
> the rejection was that StarKist wasn't looking for tuna with good
> taste, but rather for tuna that tasted good.
> In Frank's case he thinks he's Microsoft's best defender and
> spokesperson often rabidly defending Microsoft blunders as he
> foolishly tries to "catch" the attention of someone in Redmond, maybe
> in the hopes of getting a pat on the head or maybe a cookie. Like
> Charlie, Frank CRAVES attention. Any kind, good or bad. Like Charlie
> Tuna, Frank of course is always rejected not just by Microsoft, but by
> everybody that knows all Frank's "stories" sound awfully fishy.

You're fukkin drunk again aren't you!
You'll never learn, huh.
Screaming, not really, the have been returning to Windows XP, Vista has already
exceeded Linux in all aspects, particularly business revenue. Anyway if XP was not
such a success, you would not be here, let us not get emotionally involved.

- Winda

<kevpan815@hotmail.com> wrote in message
| This Time Is Different, Just FYI. People Have Been Screaming At Microsoft To
| Pull Windows Vista RTM From Store Shelves For Awhile Now, Just FYI.
| "Bob I" <birelan@yahoo.com> wrote in message
| news:#r9ZuIs$HHA.2004@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| > Humm, didn't they proclaim the same thing 5 years ago except the 2 OS's
| > were Win2K and Win XP?!?!? I think perhaps the problem is the word "IN"
| > was left out between "Is" and "The". Obviously it hasn't been a player in
| > the past or present so the future is all that is left. While we are all
| > playing physic, I predict the earth will be hit by a giant asteroid, with
| > a 99% chance of happening before Linux is a major player on the desktop.
| >
| > kevpan815@hotmail.com wrote:
| >
| >> That Is Complete Utter Nonsense, Linux Is The Future Of Computing, People
| >> Will Be Flocking Over To Linux By The Dozen In 2009 When Microsoft
| >> Discontinues Selling OEM Windows XP, Just FYI.
| >>
| >> "Frank" <fb@osspan.clm> wrote in message
| >> news:Ol8Z7vm$HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| >>
| >>>
| >>>
| >>> Frank
| >>
| >>
| >
0.24% to be a bit more precise. That is Linux not Vista. To clarify that in the
Linux Vernaclur, That's Garbage Binux not Micro$haft Pi$ta. Aren't they funny.

- Winda

"Bob I" <birelan@yahoo.com> wrote in message
| ya right, yawn, let's see after all it's been 5 years and in those 5
| years and all the fanboy stuff, I hear claims of ALMOST a 50% increase
| in Linux desktop installations! Yep, all the way from 2% to NEARLY 3%
| (if the surveys are to be believed)!!! Go get em tiger. Probably a 1%
| margin of error on the stats so there may actually be a loss of "market
| share". Go tell them down at the bus stop, where some one cares.
| kevpan815@hotmail.com wrote:
| > This Time Is Different, Just FYI. People Have Been Screaming At
| > Microsoft To Pull Windows Vista RTM From Store Shelves For Awhile Now,
| > Just FYI.
| >
| > "Bob I" <birelan@yahoo.com> wrote in message
| > news:#r9ZuIs$HHA.2004@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| >
| >> Humm, didn't they proclaim the same thing 5 years ago except the 2
| >> OS's were Win2K and Win XP?!?!? I think perhaps the problem is the
| >> word "IN" was left out between "Is" and "The". Obviously it hasn't
| >> been a player in the past or present so the future is all that is
| >> left. While we are all playing physic, I predict the earth will be hit
| >> by a giant asteroid, with a 99% chance of happening before Linux is a
| >> major player on the desktop.
| >>
| >> kevpan815@hotmail.com wrote:
| >>
| >>> That Is Complete Utter Nonsense, Linux Is The Future Of Computing,
| >>> People Will Be Flocking Over To Linux By The Dozen In 2009 When
| >>> Microsoft Discontinues Selling OEM Windows XP, Just FYI.
| >>>
| >>> "Frank" <fb@osspan.clm> wrote in message
| >>> news:Ol8Z7vm$HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| >>>
| >>>>
| >>>>
| >>>>
| >>>> Frank
| >>>
| >>>
| >>>
| >>
"Janet Blonde" <Janet.Blonde@example.net> wrote in message
> Gordon wrote:
>> "Frank" <fb@osspan.clm> wrote in message
>> news:Ol8Z7vm$HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...

>> And WHAT, precisely, has this to do with WINDOWS?

> To windup people like you and judging by your response, he seems to have
> succeeded!!!

Not at all! Check out my posts in Linux advocacy - I'm a registered Linux
user. I just don't like trolls of ANY sort....