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Everything posted by ICTCity

  1. Hi, take a look here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766320(WS.10).aspx
  2. are you sure that GPO are applied correctly? Can you run the GPO resultant and verify it?
  3. I don't think you can do that...
  4. Hi, Windows 7 drivers are not Windows Server 2008 drivers. You must find a compatible audio device.
  5. hi, Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\ And delete the desired SSID.
  6. troubleshooting BSOD is an hard work, troubleshooting BSOD in a virtual environment is almost impossible. You can download BlueScreenViewer and TRY to read some data from the minidump, but actually I think you can't access the VM at all...
  7. Hi, I use Acronis but for your need, ghost is ok. You may check FOG, it's free and it works! http://www.fogproject.org/
  8. Actually I don't think this is the cause of your problem... anyway, give it a try.
  9. Last hope... If you have enabled audio on client but not in server, you may experience problems... So... http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/windows-server-i-donot-hear-sound-over-rdp/ Anyway I don't think this is your case... Maybe there's something wrong with drivers
  10. Check your IE SEC settings (server manager) try to disable the IE security
  11. Make sure that the policies have the right permissions. Sometime DOMAIN USERS are not allowed to APPLY the policy (check another older post where I've explained how to change this setting), sorry but now I don't have to look for that topic.
  12. Hi, Place a firewall in front of the network, put the webserver which will be external in a DMZ. Don't use weak password, block failed login, set a rule of a traffic limit (to reduct DoS) on your FW.
  13. Check the event viewer... is the only thing I have in mind right now...
  14. It's like a spokesman. There's a group of 100 people which want all the same thing: "CHANGE SOMETHING SOMEWHERE", to change this thing they need the authorization from mayor. Now, all the people design a spokesman which is responsible for bring the "people voice" to the mayor. The spokesman is NAT, the mayor is INTERNET and people are computers... better now? The hell... what a beautiful example... ahahah
  15. Hi, Check your network settings, in particular, check your DNS settings. It looks like it can't resolve names... If you resolve it, I'm quite sure you can resolve everything.
  16. So... here you are: http://download.microsoft.com/download/b/1/0/b106fc39-936c-4857-a6ea-3fb9d1f37063/step-by-step_guide_for_windows_deployment_services_in_windows_server_2008.doc There's almost everything there, if you do exactly what's written, you will get results :)
  17. Hi, The most probable thing is that PID 65279 is create as a child of a another process, if so, ProcessMonitor cannot identify it. There's a parent object (physical exe) which creates a new child object (but this time "temporary"). This is just my thought, I could be wrong.
  18. But I can't understand which is your question :P
  19. Hi, Given the pictures above, I can't understand anything because I can't see errors IDs. Anyway, I think Dean is right, check your DHCP server (windows server or router). Also try the following. Connect each computer until you notice that anything is working anymore, at this point go to one pc which is working and open a command prompt and type: ipconfig /release * now unplug the network cable and try to attach another pc to the network. Let me know if it receives an IP or not.
  20. Sorry, what's the question? :P
  21. Hi, before going deeper using deployment kit from Microsoft and assuming you want to install Windows 7 clients, take a look at this program: http://www.rt7lite.com/ Of course here you must change the name of your computer for each image created. I'm telling you this because of the "sys prep" is not really easy to use.
  22. Run the RSOP by going in GPO Management (from DC), and create a new resultant policy, from there, you can see WHY a policy is not applied.
  23. Hi, First of all: Is there any other settings on the same GP which is applied correctly? Second: If you run a resultant group policy (admin tools > group policy management) does the policy is applied or there's any error? Third: Is there anything on the event viewer during logon?
  24. Errr well, I think yes. I have 3 GPo: 1 = small, 2 = medium, 3 = large. By default 1 is applied, then, for graphics and so on, 2 or 3 is applied, and finally 3 is for directions (you know... holiday's photos). I think it will be too much "fine grained" applying different quota to EACH user. Do you really need this? Why not create 3 level associated to 3 groups... it could be easier for you too!
  25. Hi, You can create GP: http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Configuring-Disk-Quotas-Windows-2003.html I prefer to create a separate GP which does ONLY the quota, but this is not mandatory. The link above is for 2k3, but it works for 2k8 too.
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