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  • I got a bad feeling about the Bears game tomorrow. For some reason I don't see the Bears winning.
    I got a bad feeling about the Bears game tomorrow. For some reason I don't see the Bears winning.
    Just merged Admin Reports into <a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a> Been meaning to that for a while and finally got it done.
    Moving servers is such a pain in the ass. This is taking forever to move files between them and they are all on the same 1G switch.
    Moving servers is such a pain in the ass. This is taking forever to move files between them and they are all on the same 1G switch.
    New server up an operational. All sites moved except for 2 and those can wait.
    <a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a> moved to the new servers. Took much longer than expected. Many problems with PHP 5.3.5 and some custom scripts.
    <a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a> moved to the new servers. Took much longer than expected. Many problems with PHP 5.3.5 and some custom scripts.
    It did hurt when the Colts lost, but, I've liked the Jets since the Joe Willy days.
    It did hurt when the Colts lost, but, I've liked the Jets since the Joe Willy days.
    Got PHP 5.3.5 installed on the dev server. Testing my custom stuff before I turn it on live.
    Got PHP 5.3.5 installed on the dev server. Testing my custom stuff before I turn it on live.
    PHP upgraded on all sites. Using 5.2.17. Any advantage to 5.3.5?
    New hard drive installed. Having problems installing Windows 2008 R2. Getting a driver error. I load the raid driver and it still errors.
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