Posted July 27, 200816 yr The problem noted in the subject has plagued me ever since I installed Vista SP-1. I've googled dozens of time, posted to this newsgroup and like most of hundreds of kindred souls found no solution. For what it's worth and just maybe helpful to some one out there, I finally was able to stop this beastly error from complicating my life. Here's the link: The post is by "Bradford, (Msg. 10) Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:44 am." Briefly his solution was to delete the *.db files in "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer|***.db" -- IF that is causing the problem! Then he explains how to determine this by opening Task Manager, then MSCONFIG, then Event Viewer. I followed his instructions but found the info in Event Viewer beyond my limited experience. I had about 8 "*.db" files all of older dates and a couple of really huge ones. So I took a risk and instead of deleting the *.db files in the Explorer folder, moved them to another folder. What happened was the files were moved and Windows immediately generated new files, all of very small size and current date. After that I was unable to replicate the Windows Explorer error message after trying a number of events that usually caused it to occur. If Explorer is causing so much havoc that you can't access the *.db files to delete them, you may have to go the "cmd" route. So maybe this will help someone. It's probably not the final/only solution but my day and outlook is much better!
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