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I have a terminal server with Windows 2008 R2 instaled, these server haven't got A.D, but have terminal server license (users mode).


The users are in the Remote Desktop groupe int global policy, and on the Remote Desktop policy local (in Terminal server) too.


The first problem: The users can't validate in the server, "access denied", i resolve these with new input in regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server, IgnoreRegUserConfigErrors=1.


But a new problem appears, when a user are validate in the server, it haven't got network, the firewall are desactivated and a ping to the same server says: Can't find IP controler. General Error. But they have internet, and e-mail...


The administrator acount haven't problems, he goes to the network, and make pings...


What is the problem and a solution? I think the problem is on Windows 2008 R2.


Thanks a lot,

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