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Hello Experts,


I am trying to setup task schedular on Windows2008. i want that after every min it should run the following in the browser:



i have tried to set it like this:

In action tab i have used

1. select a program

2. Program/Script "http://domain.com/socialapp/postfeeds.php"

den okey set the timer. But this is not working.


Den i have tried to set it like this:

In action tab i have used

1. select a program

2. Program/Script "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" and Additional argument "http://domain.com/socialapp/postfeeds.php"

den okey set the timer. But this is not working.


By doing this after every min it gives a popup:

Internet Explorer stopped working

1 check online for solution and Close program

2.Close program

3. Debug Program..


Can Anybody guide me that how should i configure the schedular. that every min it should run this script :


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