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Retriving List of TS pointing to a specific TS2003 License server.

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Hello All,


Is there anyway I can find out what all Terminal Servers are pointing to my

2003 License Servers for CALS to users connecting to them.?



An early reply will be appritiated..


There are several ways TS find a license server: domain, enterprise

(LS name stored in AD) or local (LS name stored in local registry).


So, no, I cannot think of any easy way to get a list of all terminal

servers using a specific license server.




On 5 Jul., 13:32, Naval <N...@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:

> Hello All,


> Is there anyway I can find out what all Terminal Servers are pointing to my

> 2003 License Servers for CALS to users connecting to them.?


> An early reply will be appritiated..

> Thanks.

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