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Win2K server fails to download & install Windows Update via ISA

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I am using ISA E.E 2006. I can run Windows Update on both IE6 + XP or IE7 +

XP, I can download and install Windows Update from Microsoft web sites for

these two PCs via ISA server without problem.


However, I failed to download and install Windows Update for my Windows 2000

servers via the same ISA server (I used the same credentials to authenticate

ISA just i did for Windows XP) and followinge event was logged in the System

Log of server.


Event Type: Error

Event Source: Windows Update Agent

Event Category: Software Sync

Event ID: 16

Date: 05/07/2007

Time: 15:41:14

User: N/A

Computer: Win2kServer


Unable to Connect: Windows is unable to connect to the automatic updates

service and therefore cannot download and install updates according to the

set schedule. Windows will continue to try to establish a connection.


Could anyone tell how to fix it.

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