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Downloaded this but have not been able to get it to work. Can someone



Control Your Desktop Icons




When you temporarily change your desktop to a lower resolution-while

using Safe mode, for example-Windows can wreak havoc with your careful

positioning of desktop icons. A free download, available at

http://www.pcnineoneone.com/tweaks/layout.zip, lets you save and later restore your

icon layout.


Download Layout.zip and unzip it to extract two files. Move

Layout.dll to the Windows\System32 folder. Double-click on Layout.reg to add

it to the Registry.


If you now right-click on almost any of the standard desktop icons

you'll see two new items: Save Desktop Icon Layout and Restore Desktop Icon

Layout. Choose the former whenever you change the layout choose the latter

when you need to restore it.



Bill Snow <b.snow2@verizon.net> wrote on Mon, 25 Jun 2007:

>If there is no way to stop the change is there a way to save the

>desktop and put it back after changing back to normal resolution? I

>have my "very busy" desktop arrange with particular application

>together for ease of functioning.


Hi Bill


Try here:






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