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Re: AHA! Another Prediction of mine shinning!... Cloud computing!!!

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god youre an idiot. its amazing that there are actually people like you out

in the wild




"Tie Various" <noneofyourbusiness@blabla.com> wrote in message


> Some time ago I posted a prediction that all this bickering about vista,

> xp, Linux, and macs, is useless.


> In the future there will be no "desktop" OS in the manner that we have

> them now, rather the OS will run via the internet.

> As I said in my original post, there will be a lite "OS" that will just be

> a layer to load the real interface.. the real interface will all be web

> based.

> This lite OS will most probably be linux based... as well as the servers

> that the real OS will be running on be linux.


> I see no place for windows here... although old OS's will be compatible.

> Of course vista will be dead (THANK GOD) - GOOD RIDDENS CRAPISTA!!


> Microsoft will struggle to keep up with this changing technology.. but its

> flagship = windows will be usless.


> For those who dont understand how this is possible, all I have to say, is

> that it is technically possible to have almost LIMITLESS BANDWIDTH!

> With limitless bandwidth you really dont care where the OS is... if its

> located on your own disk or somewhere else.


> I will not reveal however how this limitless bandwidth is possible yet...

> these guys in the link below are talking about fiber optics which to me is

> low tech.


> This prediction is being verified by many sources again and again. The

> buzz word for all this is "CLOUD COMPUTING"


> Here is some confirmation


> http://chris.pirillo.com/2007/10/28/the-future-of-the-operating-system-is-on-the-web-2/



> and here is my original post>>>>>


> At last!!!>> I am announcing THE NEW ERA OF OS's

> I decided to announce the future so I can end this fussing about Windows,

> MacOS, Ubuntu Linux etc.


> One thing is for sure... Vista is the doomsday machine for Microsoft

> whether you like it or understand it or not. It is true.


> The future is different than you all think. But I know it.


> SO who will win? Windows, MacOSX, or Ubuntu Linux?


> The answer is NONE OF THEM!


> So who will win and how?


> Simple.


> There will be no desktop "OS".. everything will be web based... your whole

> OS will be online.


> This will be possible because of the new extremely fast internet

> connection speeds.


> -You wont have to download anything because it will already be "there"


> -You will have unlimited space because the data will not be stored

> locally...


> -All apps will install with one click and never have a configuration

> problem because they will not even be installed on your own

> computer,rather they will be like modules only being activated on the

> server.


> -Updates will be automatic, you will only be asked if you want the

> update...


> -Sending a 1 gb file to a friend will be almost instant since it will

> never even pass through "your" computer rather it will be relayed from the

> network.


> What will be the underlying OS on your PC running this web based OS? It

> will probably be a thin and lite opensource version of Linux.


> However existing computers will also be able to log onto this web OS with

> their "obsolete bulky monsterous OS's"


> Who will win the web based OS war is another thing.... but one thing is

> for sure... it wont be Microsoft!


> Vista is killing Microsoft and its going down.

> The fact is that the best man will win since switching to a new "OS" will

> be like surfing to a new web site.


> There will be an OS war like never before... and all this competition will

> benefit the consumer who will get everything for free!


> Wars for giving something out for free?


> YES.. because whoever controls this Web OS will be able to make money like

> Google does.


> All this is not new.... this is what they thought computing would be when

> computers started to exist!

> They thought there would be several super duper mainframes that would do

> all the work and then millions of stupid cheap "terminals" that people

> would use. In fact The president of IBM Thomas K. Watson is said to have

> claimed that 5 supercomputers are enough to serve the world.

> (this probabaly is a misquote, see "famous misquote" on this page

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_J._Watson )


> He said it because he was thinking of central computing. And I believe

> that this is a solution now that the internet is getting faster.


> As you see things are going full circle... but it would not be that way IF



> If vista was good then there would be no need for other solutions for many

> years to come. Do you all now understand the significant historical

> implications of Vista's FLOP?


> Vista unintentionally will change computing forever! HA!


> Perhaps an engineer is reading this message now, and he will get the idea

> im talking about that will change the computing world.Under this

> perspective it will be I that will have changed the world :-)


> Hardware will be CHEAP AS DIRT to run this thing. There will even be

> machines with no hard drive at all... just a flash drive to boot up the

> machine..




> See the ZONBU


> http://chris.pirillo.com/2007/05/23/live-zonbu-linux-pc-demo/


> more videos about the zombu here:


> http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=zonbu&hl=en


> I am talking about under $100 for a computer...this will enable the whole

> world to be online, and this will indeed have an impact on humanity like

> nothing ever seen before in history.


> This also means that your "computer" will be available in any place YOU

> are. For example, you go to an internet cafe, you log onto YOUR account

> and instantly your own desktop is there for you, you log onto the office

> account and you have your office desktop at home.. this is simple its

> possible and convienent and IT WILL HAPPEN. THIS will be the death of

> Microsoft. Not Linux, not MACOS, since its Microsoft that will not be

> ableor willing to follow this course of web based OS.


> Why?


> Simply because MS doesnt think like that, they want to sell their desktop

> OS, and they are not flexible fast enough.



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