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At first you would not dare say anything about vista...


they had the nerve to insist that vista is a fantastic product

that would be a phenomenal success!


For some stupid reason they had an attraction to that monstrosity called



But then over the next months they started to sweat.

News poured from all over the place that people started to hate vista.

From person to person word of mouth the news was out. AVOID VISTA!


Then more news that PC stores kept on selling XP, or even ripping out Vista

and installing XP. Then the MS backpedaling by extending XP life for 6 more



Something was certainly not going well for the Vistaboys.. at last something

started to get through to their thick skulls because when people started

complaining about their problems in this newsgroup, some of the vistaboys

seemed more tame, often offering excuses for vistas horrid problems and


"vista is not for everyone" or "if xp fits your needs then remain with it"

or "vista does not work well on all hardware"


This sissy-like reaction seems like backpedaling to me if you compare their

Nazi-like fanatism that they had before.


Of course there are still some diehard vistaboys like frank and yanair that

are so incredibly stupid, that they will go on saying the same things again

and again even if MS comes out publicly and tells that they are sorry for

unleashing Vista, the worse product they ever made out to the world!

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