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Windows Vista Service Pack One Should Be A Public Beta, Just FYI.

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Just imagine, a former mentally challenged USPS worker who cries like a

baby, thinks he knows what Microsoft should do, how they should release

product. Just FYI.


The best Mr. Kevin Putzke can do is wear that nice blue jacket that Wal-Mart

provides for their "associates". Oh yea, I hear that Taco Bell has openings

that Mr. Kevin Putzke is qualified for. Just FYI.


Just FYI.


Just FYI. FYI stands for For Your Information if you didn't know. Just

FYI. That is why he always says Just FYI because he doesn't understand

that a POST is actually for your information. Just FYI.


If only Kevin had a few more IQ points - He might just break 45! Just FYI.



Oh yea, one more thing, Capitalize the first letter of each word in a

sentence. Just FYI.


Just FYI

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