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I have been trying to help a friend that has a new Sony laptop with

Vista Home Premium. I had the laptop for several days setting it up and

comparing it to my laptop on the settings. I also have DSL and

connected the new laptop with no problems. Now my friend only has dial

up (yeah that sucks) as DSL is unavaiable. The dial up was set up wtih

no problems but when connecting to the internet it is like Vista is on

lockdown. I have gone in and lowered the secruity setting and we are

able to surf the internet but this popup keeps coming up and it is a

royal pain in the backside and I cannot figure out how to turn it off or

adjust it to stop, "current security settings puts your computer ar

risk". It pops up at every turn. It did not do this on DSL when at my

home but it does at my friends home on dial up. HELP!!!! It would be

greatly appreciated if anyone could advise on how to stop this as I am

about to pull my hair out and I need my hair :). Thanks in advance.





Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

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