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Recently, we faced a requirement to upgrade large number of Azure SQL databases from general-purpose to business-critical.




As you're aware, this scaling-up operation can be executed via PowerShell, CLI, or the Azure portal and follow the guidance mentioned here - Failover groups overview & best practices - Azure SQL Managed Instance | Microsoft Learn




Given the need to perform this task across a large number of databases, individually running commands for each server is not practical. Hence, I have created a PowerShell script to facilitate such extensive migrations.



# Scenarios tested:

# 1) Jobs will be executed in parallel.

# 2) The script will upgrade secondary databases first, then the primary.

# 3) Upgrade the database based on the primary listed in the database info list.

# 4) Script will perform the check prior to the migration in case of the role has changed from primary to secondary of the database mentioned in the database info list.

# 5) Upgrade individual databases in case of no primary/secondary found for a given database.

# 6) Upgrade the database if secondary is upgraded but primary has not been upgraded. Running the script again will skip the secondary and upgrade the primary database.

# In other words, SLO mismatch will be handled based on the SKU defined in the database info list.

# 7) Track the database progress and display the progress in the console.




Important consideration:




# This script performs an upgrade of Azure SQL databases to a specified SKU.


# The script also handles geo-replicated databases by upgrading the secondary first, then the primary, and finally any other databases without replication links.


# The script logs the progress and outcome of each database upgrade to the console and a log file.


# Disclaimer: This script is provided as-is, without any warranty or support. Use it at your own risk.


# Before running this script, make sure to test it in a non-production environment and review the impact of the upgrade on your databases and applications.


# The script may take a long time to complete, depending on the number and size of the databases to be upgraded.


# The script may incur additional charges for the upgraded databases, depending on the target SKU and the duration of the upgrade process.


# The script requires the Az PowerShell module and the appropriate permissions to access and modify the Azure SQL databases.





# This is an upgrade script for upgrading AzureSQL Databases to the desired SKU.    
# The script covers various scenarios and performs the following tasks:

# Scenarios being tested:
# 1) Jobs will be executed in parallel.
# 2) The script will upgrade secondary databases first, then the primary.
# 3) Upgrade the database based on the primary listed in the database info list.
# 4) Script will perform the check prior to the migration in case of the role has changed from primary to secondary of the database mentioned in the database info list.
# 5) Upgrade individual databases in case of no primary/secondary found for a given database.
# 6) Upgrade the database if secondary is upgraded but primary has not been upgraded. Running the script again will skip the secondary and upgrade the primary database.
#    In other words, SLO mismatch will be handled based on the SKU defined in the database info list.
# 7) Track the database progress and display the progress in the console.

##Database info list is required in order to perform an upgrade:
   DatabaseName: Name of the database to be upgraded.
   PartnerResourceGroupName: Name of the resource group where the secondary database is located.
   ServerName: Name of the server where the primary database is located.
   ResourceGroupName : Name of the resource group where the primary database is located
   RequestedServiceObjectiveName: Desired SKU to be upgraded to.

# Define the list of database information
$DatabaseInfoList = @(
 #@{ DatabaseName = '{DatabaseName}'; PartnerResourceGroupName = '{PartnerResourcegroupName}'; ServerName = '{ServerName}'  ; ResourceGroupName = '{ResourceGroupName}'; RequestedServiceObjectiveName =  '{SLODetails}'; subscriptionID = '{SubscriptionID}' }

# Define the script block that performs the update
$ScriptBlock = {
   param (

   Set-AzContext -subscriptionId $DatabaseInfo.subscriptionID

       ###store output in txt file
       $OutputFilePath = "C:\temp\$($DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName)_$($env:USERNAME)_$($Job.Id)_Output.txt"
       $OutputCapture = @()
       $OutputCapture += "Database: $($DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName)"

   $ReplicationLink = Get-AzSqlDatabaseReplicationLink -DatabaseName $DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName -PartnerResourceGroupName $DatabaseInfo.PartnerResourceGroupName -ServerName $DatabaseInfo.ServerName -ResourceGroupName $DatabaseInfo.ResourceGroupName
   $PrimaryServerRole = $ReplicationLink.Role
   $PrimaryResourceGroupName = $ReplicationLink.ResourceGroupName
   $PrimaryServerName = $ReplicationLink.ServerName
   $PrimaryDatabaseName = $ReplicationLink.DatabaseName

   $PartnerRole = $ReplicationLink.PartnerRole
   $PartnerServerName = $ReplicationLink.PartnerServerName
   $PartnerDatabaseName = $ReplicationLink.PartnerDatabaseName
   $PartnerResourceGroupName = $ReplicationLink.PartnerResourceGroupName

   $UpdateSecondary = $false
   $UpdatePrimary = $false

   if ($PartnerRole -eq "Secondary" -and $PrimaryServerRole -eq "Primary") {
       $UpdateSecondary = $true
       $UpdatePrimary = $true
   #For Failover Scenarios only
   elseif ($PartnerRole -eq "Primary" -and $PrimaryServerRole -eq "Secondary") {
       $UpdateSecondary = $true
       $UpdatePrimary = $true

       $PartnerRole = $ReplicationLink.Role
       $PartnerServerName = $ReplicationLink.ServerName
       $PartnerDatabaseName = $ReplicationLink.DatabaseName
       $PartnerResourceGroupName = $ReplicationLink.ResourceGroupName
       $PrimaryServerRole = $ReplicationLink.PartnerRole
       $PrimaryResourceGroupName = $ReplicationLink.PartnerResourceGroupName
       $PrimaryServerName = $ReplicationLink.PartnerServerName
       $PrimaryDatabaseName = $ReplicationLink.PartnerDatabaseName

       if ($UpdateSecondary) {
           $DatabaseProperties = Get-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $PartnerResourceGroupName -ServerName $PartnerServerName -DatabaseName $PartnerDatabaseName
           #$DatabaseEdition = $DatabaseProperties.Edition
           $DatabaseSKU = $DatabaseProperties.RequestedServiceObjectiveName
           if ($DatabaseSKU -ne $DatabaseInfo.RequestedServiceObjectiveName)  {
               Write-host "Secondary started at $(Get-Date) of DB $UpdateSecondary"
               $OutputCapture += "Secondary started at $(Get-Date) of DB $UpdateSecondary"
               Set-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $PartnerResourceGroupName -DatabaseName $PartnerDatabaseName -ServerName $PartnerServerName -Edition "BusinessCritical"  -RequestedServiceObjectiveName $DatabaseInfo.RequestedServiceObjectiveName
               Write-host "Secondary end at $(Get-Date)"
               $OutputCapture += "Secondary end at $(Get-Date)"
               # Start Track Progress
               $activities = Get-AzSqlDatabaseActivity -ResourceGroupName $PartnerResourceGroupName -ServerName $PartnerServerName -DatabaseName $PartnerDatabaseName |
               Where-Object {$_.State -eq "InProgress" -or $_.State -eq "Succeeded" -or $_.State -eq "Failed"} |  Sort-Object -Property StartTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1

               if ($activities.Count -gt 0) {
                   Write-Host "Operations in progress or completed for $($PartnerDatabaseName):"
                   $OutputCapture += "Operations in progress or completed for $($PartnerDatabaseName):"
                   foreach ($activity in $activities) {
                   Write-Host "Activity Start Time: $($activity.StartTime) , Activity Estimated Completed Time: $($activity.EstimatedCompletionTime) , Activity ID: $($activity.OperationId), Server Name: $($activity.ServerName), Database Name: $($activity.DatabaseName), Status: $($activity.State), Percent Complete: $($activity.PercentComplete)%, Description: $($activity.Description)"
                   $OutputCapture += "Activity Start Time: $($activity.StartTime) , Activity Estimated Completed Time: $($activity.EstimatedCompletionTime) , Activity ID: $($activity.OperationId), Server Name: $($activity.ServerName), Database Name: $($activity.DatabaseName), Status: $($activity.State), Percent Complete: $($activity.PercentComplete)%, Description: $($activity.Description)"
                   Write-Host  "$PartnerDatabaseName Upgrade Successfully Completed!"
                   $OutputCapture += "$PartnerDatabaseName Upgrade Successfully Completed!"
               } else {
                   Write-Host "No operations in progress or completed for $($PartnerDatabaseName)"
                   $OutputCapture += "No operations in progress or completed for $($PartnerDatabaseName)"
               # End Track Progress
           else {
               Write-host "Database $PartnerDatabaseName is already upgraded."
               $OutputCapture += "Database $PartnerDatabaseName is already upgraded."

       if ($UpdatePrimary) {
           $DatabaseProperties = Get-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $PrimaryResourceGroupName -ServerName $PrimaryServerName -DatabaseName $PrimaryDatabaseName
          # $DatabaseEdition = $DatabaseProperties.Edition
           $DatabaseSKU = $DatabaseProperties.RequestedServiceObjectiveName
           if ($DatabaseSKU -ne $DatabaseInfo.RequestedServiceObjectiveName){
           Write-host "Primary started at $(Get-Date) of DB $UpdatePrimary"
           $OutputCapture += "Primary started at $(Get-Date) of DB $UpdatePrimary"
           Set-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $PrimaryResourceGroupName -DatabaseName $PrimaryDatabaseName -ServerName $PrimaryServerName -Edition "BusinessCritical"  -RequestedServiceObjectiveName $DatabaseInfo.RequestedServiceObjectiveName
           Write-host "Primary end at $(Get-Date)" 
           $OutputCapture += "Primary end at $(Get-Date)"

           # Start Track Progress
           $activities = Get-AzSqlDatabaseActivity -ResourceGroupName $PrimaryResourceGroupName -ServerName $PrimaryServerName -DatabaseName $PrimaryDatabaseName |
           Where-Object {$_.State -eq "InProgress" -or $_.State -eq "Succeeded" -or $_.State -eq "Failed"} |  Sort-Object -Property StartTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1

           if ($activities.Count -gt 0) {
               Write-Host "Operations in progress or completed for $($PrimaryDatabaseName):"
               $OutputCapture += "Operations in progress or completed for $($PrimaryDatabaseName):"
               foreach ($activity in $activities) {
               Write-Host "Activity Start Time: $($activity.StartTime) , Activity Estimated Completed Time: $($activity.EstimatedCompletionTime) , Activity ID: $($activity.OperationId), Server Name: $($activity.ServerName), Database Name: $($activity.DatabaseName), Status: $($activity.State), Percent Complete: $($activity.PercentComplete)%, Description: $($activity.Description)"
               $OutputCapture += "Activity Start Time: $($activity.StartTime) , Activity Estimated Completed Time: $($activity.EstimatedCompletionTime) , Activity ID: $($activity.OperationId), Server Name: $($activity.ServerName), Database Name: $($activity.DatabaseName), Status: $($activity.State), Percent Complete: $($activity.PercentComplete)%, Description: $($activity.Description)"
               Write-Host  "$PrimaryDatabaseName Upgrade Successfully Completed!" 
               $OutputCapture += "$PrimaryDatabaseName Upgrade Successfully Completed!"
           } else {
               Write-Host "No operations in progress or completed for $($PrimaryDatabaseName)"
               $OutputCapture += "No operations in progress or completed for $($PrimaryDatabaseName)"
           # End Track Progress
           else {
               Write-host "Database $PrimaryDatabaseName is already upgraded."
               $OutputCapture += "Database $PrimaryDatabaseName is already upgraded."
       if (!$UpdateSecondary -and !$UpdatePrimary) {
           $DatabaseProperties = Get-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $DatabaseInfo.ResourceGroupName -ServerName $DatabaseInfo.ServerName -DatabaseName $DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName
           # $DatabaseEdition = $DatabaseProperties.Edition
            $DatabaseSKU = $DatabaseProperties.RequestedServiceObjectiveName
       If ($DatabaseSKU -ne $DatabaseInfo.RequestedServiceObjectiveName)  {
           Write-Host "No Replica Found."
           $OutputCapture += "No Replica Found."
           Write-host "Upgrade started at $(Get-Date)"
           $OutputCapture += "Upgrade started at $(Get-Date)"
           Set-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $DatabaseInfo.ResourceGroupName -DatabaseName $DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName -ServerName $DatabaseInfo.ServerName -Edition "BusinessCritical"  -RequestedServiceObjectiveName $DatabaseInfo.RequestedServiceObjectiveName
           Write-host "Upgrade completed at $(Get-Date)"
           $OutputCapture += "Upgrade completed at $(Get-Date)"

           # Start Track Progress
           $activities = Get-AzSqlDatabaseActivity -ResourceGroupName $DatabaseInfo.ResourceGroupName -ServerName $DatabaseInfo.ServerName -DatabaseName $DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName |
           Where-Object {$_.State -eq "InProgress" -or $_.State -eq "Succeeded" -or $_.State -eq "Failed"} |  Sort-Object -Property StartTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1

           if ($activities.Count -gt 0) {
               Write-Host "Operations in progress or completed for $($DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName):"
               $OutputCapture += "Operations in progress or completed for $($DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName):"
               foreach ($activity in $activities) {
               Write-Host "Activity Start Time: $($activity.StartTime) , Activity Estimated Completed Time: $($activity.EstimatedCompletionTime) , Activity ID: $($activity.OperationId), Server Name: $($activity.ServerName), Database Name: $($activity.DatabaseName), Status: $($activity.State), Percent Complete: $($activity.PercentComplete)%, Description: $($activity.Description)"
               $OutputCapture += "Activity Start Time: $($activity.StartTime) , Activity Estimated Completed Time: $($activity.EstimatedCompletionTime) , Activity ID: $($activity.OperationId), Server Name: $($activity.ServerName), Database Name: $($activity.DatabaseName), Status: $($activity.State), Percent Complete: $($activity.PercentComplete)%, Description: $($activity.Description)"
               Write-Host  " "$DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName" Upgrade Successfully Completed!"
               $OutputCapture += "$($DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName) Upgrade Successfully Completed!"
           } else {
               Write-Host "No operations in progress or completed for $($DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName)"
               $OutputCapture += "No operations in progress or completed for $($DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName)"
           # End Track Progress
          # Write-Host  " "$DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName" Upgrade Successfully Completed!"
       else {
           Write-host "Database "$DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName" is already upgraded."
           $OutputCapture += "Database $($DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName) is already upgraded."
       $OutputCapture += "Secondary started at $(Get-Date) of DB $UpdateSecondary"
       # Catch any error
       Write-Output "Error occurred: $_"
       $OutputCapture += "Error occurred: $_"
       Write-Host "Upgrade Successfully Completed!"
       $OutputCapture += "Upgrade Successfully Completed!"
           # Output the captured messages to the file
           $OutputCapture | Out-File -FilePath $OutputFilePath

# Loop through each database and start a background job
foreach ($DatabaseInfo in $DatabaseInfoList) {
   Start-Job -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $DatabaseInfo

# Wait for all background jobs to complete
Get-Job | Wait-Job

# Retrieve and display job results
#Get-Job | Receive-Job
Get-Job | ForEach-Object {
   $Job = $_
   $OutputFilePath = "C:\temp\$($Job.Id)_Output.txt"
   Receive-Job -Job $Job | Out-File -FilePath $OutputFilePath  # Append job output to the text file

# Clean up background jobs
Get-Job | Remove-Job -Force
write-host "Execution Completed successfully."
$OutputCapture += "Execution Completed successfully."


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