Posted June 1, 2024Jun 1 FPCH Admin When I decided to open Free PC Help Forum I had a plan that included eventually consolidating the other tech sites I owned by importing them into here. I am also going to import my 2 off topic sites into the new Off Topic Forum that I opened alongside this one. My idea was to consolidate all sites into 2. One tech site and one off topic site. Now that I have everything back as it was I am going to start the process of importing the data from the other sites. The sites to be imported are: Computer Support Forums - Microsoft Forums I will keep you updated to what is happening. The site will be shut off during import. I will keep you updated by leaving a note as to why it's closed and what step the import is at. Thanks much for hanging in there with me. Another Forum - Unlike the Rest
June 2, 2024Jun 2 Author FPCH Admin Are we going to see a bunch of 'new' posts that are actually old posts? Shouldn't. In days of old that would happen. Now read markers are persistent with new content only and it's set by date of post. If you were a member of the site being imported then when the account is merged you may indeed see new posts that might be older that you didn't read on the other site. Good question though. Another Forum - Unlike the Rest