Posted October 19, 20231 yr Scenario Azure logic app is an extraordinary cloud automation application. For updating Azure Active Directory user’s password in batches and automatically, azure logic app consumption or a logic app standard can invoke Azure Active Directory Graph API but it requires specific permissions. References passwordAuthenticationMethod: resetPassword - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn Sign in with resource owner password credentials grant - Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Learn List passwordMethods - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn Update user - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Learn Services Used Azure Logic App (Consumption or Standard) Azure Active Directory (AAD) Solution 1 1.Create an AAD application registration 2.Add permission: UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All [ATTACH=full]54092[/ATTACH] More details: 3.Grant admin consent [ATTACH=full]54093[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]54094[/ATTACH] 4.Set up a logic app designer Here we selected 'When a http request is received' as a trigger. Action 1: HTTP – Get token This action is used to get token. This token will be used in the following actions. Method: POST URL: Sign in to your account{tenantID}/oauth2/v2.0/token Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Body: client_id={MyClientID} & &client_secret={MyClientSecret} &grant_type=password &username={MyUsername}%40{myTenant}.com &password={MyPassword} Reference: [ATTACH=full]54095[/ATTACH] Action 2: HTTP – Get Pwd ID This action is used to get Password Method ID. Method: GET URL: Content-type: application/json Reference: [ATTACH=full]54096[/ATTACH] Action 3: HTTP – Update Pwd This action is used to update the password of a user. Method: POST URL:{userObjectId | userPrincipalName}/authentication/passwordMethods/{passwordMethodId}/resetPassword Content-type: application/json Body: { "newPassword": "{myNewPassword}" } Reference: In URI, we can use this Expression to get the value of passwordMethodId: body('HTTP_2_-_Get_Pwd_ID')['value'][0]['id'] [ATTACH=full]54097[/ATTACH] Solution 2 1.Grant 4 permissions to application registration and grant admin consent User.ManageIdentities.All User.EnableDisableAccount.All User.ReadWrite.All Directory.ReadWrite.All Reference: Update user - Microsoft Graph v1.0 [ATTACH=full]54098[/ATTACH] 2.Add role assignment ‘User Administrator’ to application registration [ATTACH=full]54099[/ATTACH] In delegated access, the calling app must be assigned the Directory.AccessAsUser.All delegated permission on behalf of the signed-in user. In application-only access, the calling app must be assigned the User.ReadWrite.All application permission and at least the User Administrator Azure AD role. Reference: Update user - Microsoft Graph v1.0 [ATTACH=full]54100[/ATTACH] 3.Set up a logic app designer Here we also selected 'When a http request is received' as a trigger. Action 1: HTTP – Get token This action is used to get token. This token will be used in the following actions. Method: POST URL: Sign in to your account{tenantID}/oauth2/v2.0/token Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Body: client_id={MyClientID} & &client_secret={MyClientSecret} &grant_type=client_credentials [ATTACH=full]54101[/ATTACH] Action 2: HTTP – Update Pwd This action is used to update the password of a user. Method: PATCH URL:{userObjectId} Content-type: application/json Body: { "passwordProfile": { "forceChangePasswordNextSignIn": false, "password": "{myNewPassword}" } } Reference: [ATTACH=full]54102[/ATTACH] Result We can check user password update records on AAD audit logs on azure portal: AAD page -> Users -> AAD audit logs [ATTACH=full]54103[/ATTACH] Continue reading...
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