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Configuring backups retention for all Azure SLQ Managed instances under same subscription

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Backup retention is part if business continuity and disaster recovery strategy.


You can configure backup retention using Azure portal , Azure CLI, PowerShell and Res API.




For instructions on changing automated backup settings, you can refer to the following resources:


Change automated backup settings - Azure SQL Managed Instance | Microsoft Learn


Long-term backup retention - Azure SQL Database & Azure SQL Managed Instance | Microsoft Learn




To help you on this task here you have sample script that will assist you in adjusting the Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR) and Long-Term Retention (LTR) settings for all Managed Instance Databases under your subscription.











# Disclaimer:

# This script is provided for example purposes only and is not intended for production use without proper review.

# The author and owner of the script assume no responsibility for any damage or loss that may arise from the use of this script.

# Before using this script in a production environment, it is strongly recommended to conduct thorough testing and make any necessary adaptations.


# Your code starts here


$RetentionDays = 30


$WeeklyRetention = 0


$MonthlyRetention =12


$YearlyRetention =5


$WeekOfYear =1




#Set backup configuration retention for Azure MI databases


$AzureSQLMIS = Get-AzResource | Where-Object ResourceType -EQ Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances




foreach ($AzureSQLMI in $AzureSQLMIS){


[string]$instancename = $AzureSQLMI.Name

[string]$resourcename = $AzureSQLMI.ResourceGroupName



$AzureSQLServerDataBases = Get-AzSqlInstanceDatabase -InstanceName $instancename -ResourceGroupName $resourcename | Where-Object Name -NE “master”



foreach ($AzureSQLServerDataBase in $AzureSQLServerDataBases) {


#Short Term Retention Policy

Set-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy -ResourceGroupName $resourcename -InstanceName $instancename -DatabaseName $($AzureSQLServerDataBase.Name) -RetentionDays $RetentionDays

#Long Term Retention Policy

Set-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseBackupLongTermRetentionPolicy -WeeklyRetention "P$($WeeklyRetention)W" -MonthlyRetention "P$($MonthlyRetention)M" -YearlyRetention "P$($YearlyRetention)Y" -WeekOfYear $WeekOfYear -InstanceName $instancename -DatabaseName $($AzureSQLServerDataBase.Name) -ResourceGroupName $resourcename




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