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How to build an environment when your Azure ML workspace is behind a VNet

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Build environment for your experiment when your Azure ML workspace is behind a Vnet





We see a common request from our customers to create a ML pipeline using an Azure ML workspace behind a VNet.


Creating and building environment in a workspace behind a VNet has some specifics and causes questions. The reason is that you cannot build the Docker Image directly on ACR, when the ACR is behind a virtual network




In this article you will find the steps that will help you to build your custom environment when you Azure ML workspace is behind a VNet.




Example files: AzureML/CreateEnvBehindVnet at main · HristinaJilova/AzureML (github.com)


1. Prepare the Docker Image Context


  • Create a folder for you docker context called 'DockerContext' (or choose another name)
  • In 'DockerContext' folder create a 'requirements.txt' file that contains your packages:

























Note: It’s a good practice to fix the versions for your packages. You can find the version with command: pip freeze | grep 'the package name'









#FROM mcr.microsoft.com/azureml/openmpi3.1.2-ubuntu18.04

FROM python:3.8


# python installs

COPY requirements.txt .

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt


# set command

CMD ["bash"]










Option 1:


Configure an AzureML compute cluster to build environments




  1. Create an Azure Machine Learning compute cluster (Only a CPU SKU is supported). This cluster will be used to build the docker images when ACR is behind a VNet. For more information, see Create a compute cluster.
  2. Use the az ml workspace update command to set a build compute:


az ml workspace update --name myworkspace --resource-group myresourcegroup --image-build-compute mycomputecluster


For reference: Enable Azure Container Registry (ACR)




  1. Register the environment:

  • Create an ‘environment.yml’ as in the example file.
  • Open the terminal in the folder where ‘environment.yml’ is located and run the command:


az ml environment create -f environment.yml




  1. Point your job/component environment to the registered environment:


environment: azureml:mynewenv@latest




  1. Run your job and a ‘prepare_image’ job will start to build your image.




Option 2:


Build Image locally and push it to ACR with commands:




  1. Open terminal in your 'DockerContext' folder
  2. Login to your ACR:


docker login your-acr-name.azurecr.io


Note: You will find the username (it's your-acr-name) and the password in the Access keys section of your ACR.


3. Build your docker file locally:



docker image build -t your-acr-name.azurecr.io/repo/mynewenv:v1 .




  1. Push your image to ACR:


docker push your-acr-name.azurecr.io/repo/mynewenv:v1




  1. Point your job/component environment to the new image:


image: your-acr-name.azurecr.io/repo/ mynewenv:v1




Useful links:


Enterprise security and governance - Azure Machine Learning | Microsoft Learn


Secure workspace resources using virtual networks (VNets) - Azure Machine Learning | Microsoft Learn


Secure an Azure Machine Learning workspace with virtual networks - Azure Machine Learning | Microsoft Learn


About Azure Machine Learning environments - Azure Machine Learning | Microsoft Learn


azureml-examples/sdk/python/assets/environment at main · Azure/azureml-examples (github.com)


azureml-examples/cli/assets/environment at main Azure/azureml-examples (github.com)


chboudry/aml-secure-terraform (github.com)


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