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Use an Azure Event Grid Custom Topic as a Message Broker

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Guest paolosalvatori

Asynchronous messaging and event-driven communication are critical assets when building a distributed application composed of several internal and external services. This sample shows how to use an Azure Event Grid Custom Topic as a message broker in a multitenant scenario to send messages to multiple Azure Service Bus queues in different namespaces, one for each tenant. You can find the companion code on GitHub.


Azure Event Grid is a highly scalable, serverless event broker that you can use to integrate applications using events. Events are delivered by Event Grid to subscriber destinations such as applications, Azure services, or any endpoint to which Event Grid has network access. The source of those events can be other applications, SaaS services, and Azure services.


With Azure Event Grid, you can connect solutions using an event-driven architecture. An event-driven architecture uses the Publisher-Subscriber design pattern to dispatch events to one or more consumer applications and services to notify state changes. You can use filters to route specific events to different endpoints, multicast to multiple endpoints, and make sure your events are reliably delivered.


For guidelines on building a messaging or eventing infrastructure in a multitenant solution, see Architectural approaches for messaging in multitenant solutions.






A multitenant application, that serves requests for multiple tenants, needs to route incoming messages to multiple Azure Service Bus namespaces, one for each tenant. Every message is intended for a single tenant, and the solution needs to implement a message broker that routes incoming messages based on user-defined properties or payload. The multitenant application uses a specific Service Bus namespace for each tenant. This deployment approach provides your solution with the maximum level of isolation, with the ability to provide consistent performance per tenant. You can also fine-tune messaging capabilities for each tenant based on their needs, such as by using the following approaches:




  • Deploy the namespace to a region that's close to the tenant.
  • Deploy a tenant-specific namespace with a pricing tier appropriate to that tenant. For example, you can provision premium namespaces with a different number of messaging units.
  • Apply networking restrictions based on the tenant's needs.
  • Use tenant-specific encryption keys.


The disadvantage to this isolation model is that, as the number of tenants grows within your system over time, the operational complexity of managing your namespaces also increases. If you reach the maximum number of namespaces per Azure subscription, you could deploy namespaces across different subscriptions (see deployment stamp pattern). This approach also increases resource costs, since you pay for each namespace you provision. For more information on tenancy models for the Azure Service Bus, see Multitenancy and Azure Service Bus.






The following picture shows the architecture of the sample:







The architecture is composed of the following Azure resources:





For more information, see the following articles:








Install the latest version of the Azure CLI.



Deploy the Solution



Change the working directory to the scripts folder which contains the bash scripts. Before deploying the sample, make sure to properly set values for the variables imported and used by all the scripts in the 00-variables.sh file in the scripts folder.




# Variables for the Event Grid demo


# Location



# Resource group name



# Event Grid Topic



tags="service=EventGrid workload=$topicName"


# Subscription endpoint type



# Sku of the service bus namespace



# Name of the service bus queue



# Name of the deadletter storage account



# Name of the deadletter container



# Tenants

tenants=("Fabrikam" "Contoso" "Acme")


# Events




# SubscriptionId of the current subscription

subscriptionId=$(az account show --query id --output tsv)

subscriptionName=$(az account show --query name --output tsv)




Run the 01-create-event-grid.sh script under the scripts folder to create the Azure Event Grid Custom Topic used as a message broker.




Then, run the 02-create-service-bus-subscribers.sh script under the scripts folder to create the following resources:









# Variables

source ./00-variables.sh


# Check if the event grid topic exists

echo "Checking if [$topicName] event grid topic actually exists in the [$subscriptionName] subscription..."

resourceId=$(az eventgrid topic show \

--name $topicName \

--resource-group $resourceGroupName \

--query id \

--output tsv 2>/dev/null)


# Create event grid topic if it does not exist

if [[ -n $resourceId ]]; then

echo "[$topicName] event grid topic exists in [$resourceGroupName] resource group"


echo "No [$topicName] event grid topic exists in [$subscriptionName] subscription"




# Check if the resource group already exists

echo "Checking if [$resourceGroupName] resource group actually exists in the [$subscriptionName] subscription..."


az group show --name $resourceGroupName &>/dev/null


if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then

echo "No [$resourceGroupName] resource group actually exists in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"

echo "Creating [$resourceGroupName] resource group in the [$subscriptionName] subscription..."

az group create \

--name $resourceGroupName \

--location $location 1>/dev/null


# Create the resource group

if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then

echo "[$resourceGroupName] resource group successfully created in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"


echo "Failed to create [$resourceGroupName] resource group in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"




echo "[$resourceGroupName] resource group already exists in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"



# Check if the storage account for deadletter messages exists

echo "Checking if [$storageAccountName] storage account exists for the [$topicName] event grid topic..."

storageAccountId=$(az storage account show \

--name $storageAccountName \

--resource-group $resourceGroupName \

--query id \

--output tsv 2>/dev/null)


if [[ -z $storageAccountId ]]; then

# Create Storage Account

echo "No [$storageAccountName] storage account exists in the [$resourceGroupName] resource group"

echo "Creating [$storageAccountName] storage account in the [$resourceGroupName] resource group..."


az storage account create \

--name $storageAccountName \

--resource-group $resourceGroupName \

--query id \

--output tsv 1>/dev/null


if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then

echo "[$storageAccountName] storage account successfully created in the [$resourceGroupName] resource group"


echo "Failed to create [$storageAccountName] storage account in the [$resourceGroupName] resource group"




echo "[$storageAccountName] storage account already exists in the [$resourceGroupName] resource group"



# Get the storage account key

echo "Retrieving the primary key of the [$storageAccountName] storage account..."

storageAccountKey=$(az storage account keys list \

--account-name $storageAccountName \

--resource-group $resourceGroupName \

--query [0].value -o tsv)


if [[ -n $storageAccountKey ]]; then

echo "Primary key of the [$storageAccountName] storage account successfully retrieved"


echo "Failed to retrieve the primary key of the [$storageAccountName] storage account"




# Create the deadletter container

echo "Checking if the [$containerName] container already exists in the [$storageAccountName] storage account..."

name=$(az storage container show \

--name $containerName \

--account-name $storageAccountName \

--account-key $storageAccountKey \

--query name \

--output tsv 2>/dev/null)


if [[ -z $name ]]; then

# Create Storage Account

echo "No [$containerName] container exists in the [$storageAccountName] storage account"

echo "Creating [$containerName] container in the [$storageAccountName] storage account..."

az storage container create \

--name $containerName \

--account-name $storageAccountName \

--account-key $storageAccountKey \

--query id \

--output tsv 1>/dev/null


if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then

echo "[$containerName] container successfully created in the [$storageAccountName] storage account"


echo "Failed to create [$containerName] container in the [$storageAccountName] storage account"




echo "[$containerName] container already exists in the [$storageAccountName] storage account"



for tenant in ${tenants[@]}; do


# Variables





# Check if the service bus namespace already exists

echo "Checking if [$serviceBusNamespace] service bus namespace actually exists in the [$subscriptionName] subscription..."


az servicebus namespace show \

--name $serviceBusNamespace \

--resource-group $resourceGroupName &>/dev/null


if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then

echo "No [$serviceBusNamespace] service bus namespace actually exists in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"

echo "Creating [$serviceBusNamespace] service bus namespace in the [$subscriptionName] subscription..."

az servicebus namespace create \

--name $serviceBusNamespace \

--location $location \

--resource-group $resourceGroupName \

--mi-system-assigned \

--sku $serviceBusSku 1>/dev/null


# Create the service bus namespace

if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then

echo "[$serviceBusNamespace] service bus namespace successfully created in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"


echo "Failed to create [$serviceBusNamespace] service bus namespace in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"




echo "[$serviceBusNamespace] service bus namespace already exists in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"



# Check if the service bus queue already exists

echo "Checking if [$serviceBusQueueName] service bus queue actually exists in the [$serviceBusNamespace] service bus namespace..."


az servicebus queue show \

--name $serviceBusQueueName \

--namespace-name $serviceBusNamespace \

--resource-group $resourceGroupName &>/dev/null


if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then

echo "No [$serviceBusQueueName] service bus queue actually exists in the [$serviceBusNamespace] service bus namespace"

echo "Creating [$serviceBusQueueName] service bus queue in the [$serviceBusNamespace] service bus namespace..."


az servicebus queue create \

--name $serviceBusQueueName \

--namespace-name $serviceBusNamespace \

--resource-group $resourceGroupName 1>/dev/null


# Create the service bus namespace

if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then

echo "[$serviceBusQueueName] service bus queue successfully created in the [$serviceBusNamespace] service bus namespace"


echo "Failed to create [$serviceBusQueueName] service bus queue in the [$serviceBusNamespace] service bus namespace"




echo "[$serviceBusQueueName] service bus queue already exists in the [$serviceBusNamespace] service bus namespace"



# Get service bus resource id

serviceBusId=$(az servicebus queue show \

--name $serviceBusQueueName \

--namespace-name $serviceBusNamespace \

--resource-group $resourceGroupName \

--query id \

--output tsv)


if [[ -n $serviceBusId ]]; then

echo "Resource id for the [$serviceBusQueueName] service bus queue successfully retrieved"


echo "Failed to retrieve the resource id of the [$serviceBusQueueName] service bus queue."




# Check if the Event Grid subscription exists

az eventgrid event-subscription show \

--name $eventGridSubscriptionName \

--source-resource-id $resourceId &>/dev/null


if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then

echo "No [$eventGridSubscriptionName] Event Grid subscription actually exists for [$subscriptionName] subscription events"

echo "Creating [$eventGridSubscriptionName] Event Grid subscription for [$subscriptionName] subscription events..."

# Create Event Grid subscription

az eventgrid event-subscription create \

--endpoint-type $endpointType \

--endpoint $serviceBusId \

--deadletter-endpoint ${storageAccountId}/blobServices/default/containers/$containerName \

--name $eventGridSubscriptionName \

--subject-ends-with $subjectEndsWith \

--source-resource-id $resourceId 1>/dev/null


# Create the Event Grid subscription

if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then

echo "[$eventGridSubscriptionName] Event Grid subscription successfully created in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"


echo "Failed to create [$eventGridSubscriptionName] Event Grid subscription in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"




echo "[$eventGridSubscriptionName] Event Grid subscription already exists in the [$subscriptionName] subscription"








Verify the Deployment



If you successfully deployed the sample, you should see the following Azure resource in the target resource group:







If you open the Azure Event Grid Topic and select the Event Subscriptions, you should see the following subscriptions, one for each tenant, and each with a ServiceBusQueue endpoint.







Test the solution



You can use the 03-send-events.sh script under the scripts folder to send a batch of events to the Azure Event Grid Custom Topic, one for each tenant, using a curl command. For more information, see Publish events to Azure Event Grid custom topics using access keys. The scripts performs the following operations:




  • Creates a JSON array containing an event for each tenant.
  • Retrieves the URL of the Azure Event Grid Custom Topic endpoint.
  • Retrieves the key of the Azure Event Grid Custom Topic.
  • Sends the event array to the Azure Event Grid Custom Topic endpoint using a curl command. The call uses the key retrieved at the previous step in the aeg-sas-key header to authenticate with the Azure Event Grid. For more information, see Authenticate Azure Event Grid publishing clients using access keys or shared access signatures.






# Variables

source ./00-variables.sh



for ((i=0;i<${#tenants[@]};i++)); do



eventTime=$(date +%FT%T.%3N%:z)

data="{\"tenant\":\"${tenants[$i]}\",\"date\":\"$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")\"}"






\"data\": $data


if [ $i == 0 ]








json=$(echo $json | sed 's/ //g')


# Retrieve the endpoint of the event grid topic

echo "Retrieving the endpoint of the [$topicName] event grid topic..."

endpoint=$(az eventgrid topic show \

--name $topicName \

--resource-group $resourceGroupName \

--query endpoint \

--output tsv 2>/dev/null)


if [[ -n $endpoint ]]; then

echo "[$endpoint] endpoint of the [$topicName] event grid topic successfully retrieved"


echo "Failed to retrieve the endpoint of the [$topicName] event grid topic"




# Retrieve the key of the event grid topic

echo "Retrieving the key of the [$topicName] event grid topic..."

key=$(az eventgrid topic key list \

--name $topicName \

--resource-group $resourceGroupName \

--query key1 \

--output tsv 2>/dev/null)


if [[ -n $key ]]; then

echo "[$key] key of the [$topicName] event grid topic successfully retrieved"


echo "Failed to retrieve the key of the [$topicName] event grid topic"




# Send events to the event grid topic

echo "Sending events to the [$topicName] event grid topic..."

echo $json | jq -r


curl -X POST \

-H "aeg-sas-key: $key" \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

-d "$json" \





The events.json file under the scripts folder contains a sample of the events generated and sent by the 03-send-events.sh script.







This sample shows how you can use an Azure Event Grid Custom Topic as a message broker in a multitenant scenario to send messages to multiple Azure Service Bus queues in different namespaces, one for each tenant, without the need to create a custom solution.


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