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Lesson Learned #234: Parallel vs Single Running a Bulk Insert with Python

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Guest Jose_Manuel_Jurado

Today, We've been working on a service request that our customer wants to improve the performance of a bulk insert process. Following, I would like to share my experience working on that.




Our customer mentioned that inserting data (100.000 rows) is taking 14 seconds in a database in Business Critical. I was able to reproduce this time using a single thread using a table with 20 columns.




In order to improve this Python code, I suggested to run in parallel this bulk insert every batch size of 10.000 rows and also, I followed the best practices reducing the execution time of this process:




  • Client Virtual Machine level:

    • Depending
      how many parallel process that I needed create a CPU/Vcore, in this case, 10 vCores.

    • Placed the virtual machine in the same region that the DB is.

    Database level:

    • Create a table with 20 columns.

    • As the
      PK is a sequential key I included in the clustered index definition
      the parameter
      = ON

    • Configure the same number of CPU/vCores
      with the maximum number of parallel process that I would like to have. In this case, 10 vCores.

    • Depeding on amount of data use
      Business Critical
      to reduce the
      storage latency.

    Python code level:

    • Using
      method in order to reduce the network roundtrips, sending only the value of the parameters.

    • Running in batches (1000,10000) instead a single process.

    • Use
      ON to reduce the replied
      response/rowset about how many rows were inserted.

    • In the
      connectionstring use autocommit=False


Example of python code that you could find here. This Python reads a CSV file and for every 10000 rows execute a bulk insert using thread pool.










import csv

import pyodbc

import threading

import os

import datetime


class ThreadsOrder: #Class to run in parallel the process.

def ExecuteSQL(self,a,s,n):

TExecutor = threading.Thread(target=ExecuteSQL,args=(a,s,n,))



def SaveResults( Message, bSaveFile): #Save the details of the file.




if (bSaveFile==True):

file_object = open(filelog, "a")

file_object.write(datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S') + '-' + Message + '\n' )


except BaseException as e:

print('And error occurred - ' , format(e))



def ExecuteSQLcc(sTableName):


cnxn1 = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};APP=Bulk Insert Test;SERVER=" + SQL_server + ";DATABASE=" + SQL_database + ";UID=" +SQL_user+';PWD='+ SQL_password, autocommit=False, Timeout=3600)

cursor = cnxn1.cursor()

cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS" + sTableName )


cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE " + sTableName + " (" \

" [Key] [int] NOT NULL," \

" [Num_TEST] [int] NULL," \

" [TEST_01] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_02] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_03] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_04] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_05] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_06] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_07] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_08] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_09] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_10] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_11] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_12] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_13] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_14] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_15] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_16] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_17] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_18] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_19] [varchar](6) NULL," \

" [TEST_20] [varchar](6) NULL)")




except BaseException as e:

SaveResults('Executing SQL - an error occurred - ' + format(e),True)



def ExecuteSQL(a,sTableName,n):


Before = datetime.datetime.now()


if n==-1:

sTypeProcess = "NoAsync"


sTypeProcess="Async - Thread:" + str(n)

SaveResults('Executing at ' + str(Before) + " Process Type: " + sTypeProcess, True )

cnxn1 = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};APP=Bulk Insert Test;SERVER=" + SQL_server + ";DATABASE=" + SQL_database + ";UID=" +SQL_user+';PWD='+ SQL_password, autocommit=False, Timeout=3600)


cursor = cnxn1.cursor()

cursor.fast_executemany = True

cursor.executemany("SET NOCOUNT ON;INSERT INTO " + sTableName +" ([Key], Num_TEST, TEST_01, TEST_02, TEST_03, TEST_04, TEST_05, TEST_06, TEST_07, TEST_08, TEST_09, TEST_10, TEST_11, TEST_12, TEST_13, TEST_14, TEST_15, TEST_16, TEST_17, TEST_18, TEST_19, TEST_20) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",a)


SaveResults('Time Difference INSERT process ' + str(datetime.datetime.now() - Before) + " " + sTypeProcess, True )


except BaseException as e:

SaveResults('Executing SQL - an error occurred - ' + format(e),True)



#Connectivity details.

SQL_server = 'tcp:servername.database.windows.net,1433'

SQL_database = 'databasename'

SQL_user = 'username'

SQL_password = 'password'



#file details to read

filepath = 'c:\\k\\' ##To Read the demo file

filelog = filepath + '\\Error.log' #Save the log.


chunksize = 10000 #Transaction batch rows.

sTableName = "[test_data]" #Table Name (dummy)


pThreadOrder = ThreadsOrder()

nThread = 0 #Number of Threads -- Right now, we provided an unlimited threads.




Before = datetime.datetime.now()

line_count = 0

for directory, subdirectories, files in os.walk(filepath):

for file in files:

name, ext = os.path.splitext(file)

if ext == '.csv':


SaveResults('Reading the file ' + name ,True)

BeforeFile= datetime.datetime.now()

with open(os.path.join(directory,file), mode='r') as csv_file:

csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')

for row in csv_reader:

line_count+= 1

if line_count>1:



if (line_count%chunksize)==0:

deltaFile = datetime.datetime.now() - BeforeFile


SaveResults('Time Difference Reading file is ' + str(deltaFile) + ' for ' + str(line_count) + ' rows', True )

pThreadOrder.ExecuteSQL(a,sTableName,nThread) #Open a new theard per transaction batch size.



BeforeFile= datetime.datetime.now()


SaveResults('Total Time Difference Reading file is ' + str(datetime.datetime.now() - Before) + ' for ' + str(line_count) + ' rows for the file: ' + name , True )














During the execution if you need to know the connections, number of rows and the impact in terms of resources see the following TSQL













substring(REPLACE(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(ST.text, (req.statement_start_offset/2) + 1, (

(CASE statement_end_offset WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(ST.text) ELSE req.statement_end_offset END

- req.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) , CHAR(10), ' '), CHAR(13), ' '), 1, 512) AS statement_text




, req.cpu_time 'cpu_time_ms'

, req.status

, wait_time

, wait_resource

, wait_type

, last_wait_type

, req.total_elapsed_time

, total_scheduled_time

, req.row_count as [Row Count]

, command

, scheduler_id

, memory_usage

, req.writes

, req.reads

, req.logical_reads, blocking_session_id

FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS req

inner join sys.dm_exec_sessions as sess on sess.session_id = req.session_id

CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(req.sql_handle) as ST

where req.session_id <> @@SPID


select count(*) from test_data


select * from sys.dm_db_resource_stats order by end_time desc















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