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My 'Patch Tuesday' updates for May downloaded and installed with no issues. However, the latest issue of a computer mageazine to which I subscribe included a small article on a security issue for which Microsoft had released updates. Both the article and information I found on-line was unclear as to whether or not I need to do anything.


My system is Windows 7 SP1 64bit. Microsoft have released two updates concerning the potential security issue: they are KB4499164 which is the monthly roll-up and which was included in the 'Patch Tuesday' updates so is already on my system and KB4499175 described as 'Security only' and is not on my system. What I am unsure about is, if I have KB4499164 do I need KB4499175 as well. Logic suggests that KB4499164 would already contain the security features of the 'Security only' KB4499175 but Microsoft is not always logical. I have downloaded KB4499175 but not installed it so I am ready if I need it or can remove it if I don't.


I'd be grateful if one of the forum's experts could confirm or otherwise whether it is necessary to have both updates. Thanks.

No, you don't need both.

I only install the Security only so I installed 4499175 which was 100.5 MB for 64 bit computers.

4499164 is the "big bundle" and weighs in at 269.8 MB for 64 bit computers.

MS adds extras to the Security Monthly Quality rollups.


MS tries to obscure things by using security, quality and rollup in both patches/updates.

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Hi Plodr,


Thanks for your succinct yet very informative and helpful answer.

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