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  • FPCH Admin

My network at home is in need of an upgrade. I currently have 2 WiFi routers and 1 dumb switch. Since I first set up the network 10+ years ago I have moved from Comcast Biz coax to Comcast Metro-E fiber. Speeds are almost 100 times faster then what they were when I set this up.


I want to set up a mesh system and have been looking at either Google or Linksys. Both have good reviews. I want to do this not only to upgrade what I have, but, to push the WiFi out to the back of the property where I am building a brew room for my new hobby. I have a plan on where to set each piece, I'll need 5 total to accomplish full coverage.


What I want to know does anyone have any experience with this type of setup. From what I gather you set up the base then put the satellites in various places to extend coverage. If I understand correctly the signal will remain strong through the system.


Anyone know anything about these? I don't want to jump in if it doesn't work well.

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