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  • FPCH Admin




Have you gone on a bad date recently? Maybe he had food in his teeth the whole time, or perhaps she wouldn’t stop talking about her Precious Moments collections. It could’ve been worse, though. Your date could’ve ordered a bunch of food and drinks at a pricey steakhouse and then fled, leaving you with the bill.


That’s what happened to a Los Angeles area woman who said she was faced with a $163 dinner bill after her online date dined and then, well, dashed. And it seems like this isn’t the first time he’s pulled that move.


She told CBS L.A. that he’d sent her a flattering message on dating site Plenty of Fish. After a few exchanges, they decided to meet a steakhouse in downtown L.A., even though it was a bit on the pricey side for her.


Her date was definitely in the mood… to eat, at least.


“He ordered a lot of food. He had an appetizer. He ordered a steak. This restaurant is all al la carte,” she explained. “He even ordered a couple sides, a glass of wine. So he was looking like he was really enjoying himself.”


Towards the end of the meal he said he had to go make a phone call. After waiting for him for 15 minutes, it dawned on the woman that he wasn’t coming back.


“When I went to message him on the app, he had blocked me. And I thought, ‘Oh my gosh! Is this really happening right now?’ ” she said.


So she started spreading the news of what had happened on social media, posting photos of the man, who police have no identified. Authorities say he’s also accused of failing to pay for a haircut and coloring job at a Burbank salon, and is facing two pending cases of petty theft.


The woman says others he’s duped for a free meal have come forward after she shared her story online.


“I heard from a lot of people say he did the same thing. It’s typically very high end restaurants,” she said.


She’s not giving up on dating, but for everyone else out there, she just wants others to be on your guard.


Woman Says She Was Left With $163 Tab After Man She Met On Dating Site Dined, Then Dashed [CBS L.A.]

~I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~

~~Robert McCloskey~~

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