Posted May 1, 20168 yr FPCH Staff PC HELP FORUM also known as PCHF is pleased to inform the members of the PC Help Forum that in addition to the excellent computer help and advice already being given to users all over the world that we now offer a free Photo Editing and Graphics Service. Access to this great new service can be found via the Members Lounge under General Chat/Members Photo Galleries/Image Editing & Graphics. Or just click here. Forum rules: (Sorry, but we have to have some rules) 1. The normal PC HELP FORUM Site Terms and Conditions of use will apply. 2. Members are reminded that images or content that they post anywhere on the PCHF must be either their own, or they must have permission where needed to post and/or edit that content. The owners and/or forum staff except no responsibility or liability for content posted either deliberately or in error by any forum member. 3. The forum reserves the right to retain a copy of any image/graphic that is worked on by its staff for purposes of its own records and also if needed, to facilitate the supply of a backup to the original poster of that image/graphic. 4. PCHF or its staff will not use or reproduce any image posted, be it either the original image or an edited version for any other purpose than to demonstrate to another member. And this will be limited to the confines of the PCHF website. 5. Members are asked not to post any image/content on PCHF that might be considered offensive to another member or guest. As a guide, only post content that you would be happy for your child to read or view. A staff members decision on what is or isn’t offensive will be final. All offensive material will be deleted. 6. Posting content in the Image Editing & Graphics forum will be deemed as acceptance of the above rules. Says Don't wait until your computer goes bang. Back up your files now! Free Photo Restoration and Repair for all Forum Members - CLICK HERE