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  • FPCH Admin

My wife bought me a new Mac Pro. Xeon 3.7 16Gigs and such. It was delivered today. Once I post this I am going to take down my Windows box and put it in it's place. I will be running OSX exclusively from this day forward.


I have been on OSX for a while with my Mac Mini and I've found myself booting Windows less and less. The only reason I haven't went OSX full time is a couple programs I run for work didn't have an OSX counter part. They just released a version for OSX so the last hurdle has been cleared.


This will be my last post as a Windows user. I might fire up a VM from time to time when I get bored, but, for now it's so long Windows.

  • FPCH Admin

That's seems pretty drastic but I can understand why.

My nephew went to everything Mac a couple of years ago and has never looked back.


I never get a call from him about repairing a computer any more.

~I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~

~~Robert McCloskey~~

I never get a call from him about repairing a computer any more.

Don't worry, the time will come.

The bigger the Apple market gets.... the more the bad guys will target it. (it's already started )

At the end of the day, Apple is no better than MS..... it's all down to money.


  • Author
  • FPCH Admin
I have been using it for a while. I didn't do it for any other reason then I love the elegance of OSX. I still like Windows. I'm not going to turn into one of those zealots that hates everything except Apple.
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