Posted April 23, 20159 yr Hey guys, person just brought this laptop to me running win7, claiming his wife says it freezes when online and a popup appears, I am waiting for his wife to call me to explain further as I am not seeing any of those issues, the net is working fine and no popup appears anytime, I can navigate around his system fine, laptop works fast and normal. What I am noticing is that it will not shut down using the start tab, also won't restart, it will only hibernate so only a hard shutdown is working. Also pressing ctrl+alt+delete is not bringing up the task manager, any ideas please?
April 23, 20159 yr FPCH Admin Check to see what the power options are set as, Mike. That could be what is causing the no shutdown problem. As for the popup, without knowing what type of popup or what it says, it's hard to say. I have seen when power options are configured incorrectly, a Windows system popup appears saying the computer is not performing properly and to change power options to enhance performance. It only appears after the laptop has slowed down considerably and has been in use for awhile. ~I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~~~Robert McCloskey~~
April 23, 20159 yr Author Whoa, good call Cindy! It was on Power Saver, I changed to Balanced then Restore default settings and that now all shut down options are working, thank you very much! However, I think there are malware issues too on this machine so I will now do some malware cleaning, will report back.
April 23, 20159 yr FPCH Admin Let us know what happens, Mike. If you need malware removal assistance, we have an excellent team here. ~I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~~~Robert McCloskey~~
April 23, 20159 yr Author Oh I know that, Pete has taught me well over the years so I only post here when I need his advanced help, get back to you.
April 23, 20159 yr Author Well, laptop is virus free, found trojans, adwares and some junk but only issue is task manager is not opening?
April 23, 20159 yr FPCH Admin It could be a problem with the keyboard itself. Have you tried right clicking at the bottom of the taskbar and selecting task manager to bring it up? ~I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~~~Robert McCloskey~~
April 23, 20159 yr Author Cindy, you amaze me sometimes, that works. I think the Alt key is not working because no shortcut is working with that key in the combination.
April 23, 20159 yr Author No, something's up here, the Alt key is working so all 3 keys [alt, ctrl and delete] are working when tested individually.
April 23, 20159 yr FPCH Admin You might have some residual malware remaining, Mike. Some types of malware have been known to disable the task manager. ~I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~~~Robert McCloskey~~