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No one is asking you to defend anything, Gary. I think you misunderstood.

I'm just telling you what we consider an expert here in the forum.


I don't want there to be any misunderstanding here as to what we are permitted to do when it comes to malware removal.

~I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~

~~Robert McCloskey~~

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far from expert no school for me also but google is your friend :)


"What happens Gary if you give the wrong malware advice to a member of ETS and they lose their OS and all their Data?

Right! It gives ETS a bad name and as you know bad news travels fast.

That's why we have properly trained Malware Specialists and the best"


i understand this is to donetao and most forum's that help with malware are this way


Malware Removal <---- no helping



Who can post in this forum



Is my Computer infected or not?.... who can i ask? <--- if this is out of bounds please say so



i understand new to the forum is new and understand the warning (watch what i post)


thanks very much


good luck here everyone


but moving along little doggie





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Hi Gary

This thread closely resembles your other thread, "What Tools do you use"

Most of your questions have been answered there.:)

I'll check it out Dougie. Can we consider that I probably had another brain fart and forgot about that thread already!

I'm off to check it out!!

Some times you're the wind shield. Some times you're the bug!!:(
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Hi Dougie! Is this the thread your referring to?? I forgot about that thread! It was pretty popular!! I think it's still listed as being popular. I guess all of a sudden on line scanners aren't popular any more??

Do you know why James is up set??


Some times you're the wind shield. Some times you're the bug!!:(
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Hi! That was a good read Dougie! It seems that @starbuck agreed with a lot of my replies on that thread. Pete is a good man and I have no problem with him. I don't have any problems with anyone here on Free PC Help Forum. I hope no one has a problem with me!! The way I remember that thread, was that Pete approved of on line scanners. I thought I would have a little fun with them with this thread,but it seems I have caused a good friend to leave our forum and that really up sets me.
Some times you're the wind shield. Some times you're the bug!!:(
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Hi This should be my last reply to this thread as I think I have had my fun! I have copied part of Pete's reply!! The scanners that I posted here work for me. Can I guarantee they will work for you? No I can't. Remember the definition of PC(Personal Computer). Do I think you will trash your PC with these scanners??

They are used on every help forum on the internet, so I serious doubt that they are going to trash your PC. If you want a expert to clean your PC, then visit our malware section and let them help you. I'm going to attach a link to a Microsoft thread, where I just received a email today. You might find it amusing. I had forgotten all about this until I got a email today

See if you can figure which user is donetao. This thread was started in 2013. I'm still receiving emails two years later. I have grow up a lot sense then and use a little more thought in my replies. I do less ranting these days. Well most of the time!!:D:eek: Below is quote from Pete on my thread Dougie just reminded me about!

But that's just me.

Which brings us to...........

Hi Mate! If it works for you, Go for it!!

Well said. :)

I would never use Avast or AVG.... but some people swear by them.

I stopped using McAfee about 10 years ago .... but my brother still uses it today ( no matter how hard i try to get him to ditch it )

Some programs work better on some systems than others ... it's what suits you that counts.



Remember the title of this thread is..

What's your favorite Tool for Malware Scanners??


So just because one program suggested isn't one that you would use..... doesn't mean that it doesn't have it uses.


Here's the thread from Microsoft where I received a email today. Seems they still haven't fixed their problem with their back up feature. Now that's funny. Two years later and I still get email from Microsoft. It's a long thread. See if you know which one is donetao??Clue, he threatens Microsoft and dares them to ban him!!




Some times you're the wind shield. Some times you're the bug!!:(
I was going to comment here, to you Gary and all: give me 10 min..+/-
"Occasionally, I am lucky enough to see myself! It is always a great revelation to have a minute of insight that reveals how unimportant are the things I thought so important!" ..myself.
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Here's some more clues! I mention my old friend Steven Boots and my ranting starts on page #5

Need more clues?? Lets wait awhile before more clues are given.:D My ranting got me a personal email from Steven.

I told you all that this isn't my first rodeo. This email I got today brought up a lot of old memories about my old self.

Who will be the first one on Free PC Help Forum to find donetao in the Microsoft thread?? My icon should help!!

I like to have a little fun too!!


Some times you're the wind shield. Some times you're the bug!!:(
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A thread that you are following on Microsoft Community has received a reply from BobSpokane.


Title: Window 7 will can not Backup or let me do a system image backup.



great answer, i also has the same question and search in google for some time. Now i solve this problem.

Above is part of the email I got today. Some parts are not shown until someone finds me in the Microsoft thread!!

Please notice the date of the first reply and the last reply. That's funny!!

Some times you're the wind shield. Some times you're the bug!!:(
I think, maybe, one of the biggest problems that they have is the members computer experience and the ability to follow sometimes complicated instructions.


Agreed, totally! I just went through that problem, because of a lack of basic knowledge. Finally called a friend... hahaha..(that was my final answer...) who came in remotely and got this one running again!

"Occasionally, I am lucky enough to see myself! It is always a great revelation to have a minute of insight that reveals how unimportant are the things I thought so important!" ..myself.
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No one wants to respond to post # 34 Who is donetao in the Microsoft thread. Last clue 89!! Can you find donetao in the Microsoft thread @AWS?? How about you @DSTM ! Can you find donetao in the Microsoft thread!

Those were my good old days when I was full of it. Now I'm mellowed out and old and still full of it!! Still getting emails from Microsoft forum after two years. I guess they didn't ban me!! Steven Boots still loves me. Just having a little fun Boss!



Some times you're the wind shield. Some times you're the bug!!:(
while waiting for a malware fighter to answer a post in a couple of days when they find the time!


I also don't have the time to do it myself: Between my lack of knowledge, having to inquire about every single little tiny step, Massive confusion, fear, anxiety, stress: it is in my best interest to do things in baby steps! I just recently had a heyday on another site: had great satisfaction and was building a tiny bit of confidence, and all I really accomplished was learning that ...this and that and that with this might conflict with that...until my computer would barely even allow me the pleasure of plain ole' TYPING anything! It was a good lesson in being more careful of what I do in here! Not afraid, but more aware that doing too much at times isn't better, sometimes less is best! I think donetao has some fantastic helps, and would willingly aid anyone in doing simple maintenance, preventative suggestions, back-up for emergency situations and simple virus/malware removal, via some 'safe and known tools'. I know that following others suggestions gave me a nearly inoperable machine. I don't know what the future will bring as to malware removal: certainly there is a tidal wave of methods to get in and infect a mass amount of computers. Does that mean more will be repairing their own? Or, perhaps, learning what they can to lower some of the costs, so that when and if a major infection hits, one can afford the cost of removal? Or, learning more about preventative shields?


I quoted you, donetao, on this because I know exactly to what you are referring, waiting for a malware 'expert' for hours or days to respond, and then probably not clear enough to get the job done: extremely frustrating when one sits and waits, then needs to clarify, then wait again! Or even has me do the work, wait while everything scans, then I upload results, then do the next, then (hopefully) donate to that person's said cause- while I did the work-time involved... what might a proper, or fair donation to such a person be? Or is it less costly.. not just in money, but in my time that I could be doing something else.. to just take it in to a friendly neighborhood shop for serious problems?


I've wanted to get back here for a couple of days, just to chit-chat on this issue, because it really is kinda major..


I have learned to browse around forums, snoop out what I may be concerned about or interested in, mull it all over, check with some different views, sites and friends, then decide how much I am willing to tackle! Good thread.

"Occasionally, I am lucky enough to see myself! It is always a great revelation to have a minute of insight that reveals how unimportant are the things I thought so important!" ..myself.
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Hi @shortordercook When a person spends the time and effort to email the owner of Golden Oaks to try and find the computer man; that person will always hold a special place in this old man's heart. When the owner forwarded your email to me, I was walking on air all day and could hardly wait to answer your mail and tell you where you could find me. You have added a special southern warmth to Free PC Help Forum that comes from your heart.

I love people and people feel that love and give it back to me. You are also one of those people who love people and people give that love back to you. I've been wanting to say these things to you. I was going to do that through a email, but after reading your reply here, I want the whole forum to hear these things. Having said that, there are things we can do after you get your new computer. There are some very smart people here that will be happy to help and I will be one of them. The first thing will be creating a back up image of your new operating system. When you have a clean image on a external HD, you are almost fearless and can recover from almost any disaster in 15+ minutes. My favorite software to create a back up image is Macrium Reflect free. You can start reading about Macrium Reflect in this link. It has some great videos. It is very easy to use and I'm sure you won't have any trouble mastering it once you get your new PC. Thank you for your great post. You have made my day friend.

Gary(The computer Guy)




Some times you're the wind shield. Some times you're the bug!!:(
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beer.jpg.eaa0b46ac935d5efb086e28e6bba4c42.jpg Hi Mate! You win the prize. I wish we could share this in real time! I use to give them Hell, but have mellowed out a little in the last couple of years. I still manage to get in trouble a lot.:D


Some times you're the wind shield. Some times you're the bug!!:(
Computer users are finding ways of cleaning up their PC"s and that's why you are seeing less people seeking help on forums like ours.

Cindy got this one right...... 'As our membership grows, that will change.'


Everything is relative:

We have... Members: 6,364

BC has: 678,283 Total Members


They also have 52 Malware related logs waiting to be replied to.



waiting for a malware 'expert' for hours or days to respond, and then probably not clear enough to get the job done: extremely frustrating when one sits and waits, then needs to clarify, then wait again! Or even has me do the work, wait while everything scans, then I upload results, then do the next, then (hopefully) donate to that person's said cause- while I did the work-time involved... what might a proper, or fair donation to such a person be? Or is it less costly.. not just in money, but in my time that I could be doing something else.. to just take it in to a friendly neighborhood shop for serious problems?

As our time is given freely .... it all depends on what free time we have available.

We still have our day jobs and family to work around.


Or even has me do the work,

Well of course, you do the work... it's your computer.

But the 'Helper' then has to go through the reports to find out what the problem is and how best to tackle it.

Some reports can take an hour or more to read and investigate properly.


then (hopefully) donate to that person's said cause- while I did the work-time involved.

Your definition of 'work-time' is obviously different to mine.

I personally work on 6 different sites and have never seen a 'Helper' that expects to be paid for helping anyone.

Some do put a paypal link in their signatures.... but whether to donate or not will not reflect the service you receive.


but in my time that I could be doing something else.. to just take it in to a friendly neighborhood shop for serious problems?

Taking it to someone else is always an option ..... but you won't learn anything then, will you?

Plus you'll probably be overcharged for the work they've done.

After all, they're there to make a living!

an old saying:

You never learn anything about computers, until they stop working properly.


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Hi @shortordercook Here's a good read for you about how you get infected. The best tool you have to stay clean, is your brain!

The next best tool is a back up image of your operating system. The scanners I have used here are safe. I would not post them if I didn't think they were safe. If you run them in the order that I did, there shouldn't be a problem. You shouldn't be afraid on the internet, but you need to understand and respect that there are scum bags out there and you need to protect your self. Pete and malware fighters need to know what's going on with your PC. The tools they have you run tell them a lot more than just what infections you have. They tell them what Anti-Virus your running. What needs to be up dated. What's been going on in your event viewer and many other things. After analyzing your reply, they then decide what you need to do to get your PC cleaned up and back on the road. I'm going to flag this post for Pete to comment on.I see no reason why you shouldn't run the scanners that I suggested before seeking help from Pete. If this is not acceptable, I hope Pete @starbuck will respond and correct any thing that is not exceptionable and any thing he disagrees with in this post. I chose this link because it is the first link when you Google "How do I get infected?"



Some times you're the wind shield. Some times you're the bug!!:(
Hi @shortordercook When a person spends the time and effort to email the owner of Golden Oaks to try and find the computer man; that person will always hold a special place in this old man's heart. When the owner forwarded your email to me, I was walking on air all day and could hardly wait to answer your mail and tell you where you could find me. You have added a special southern warmth to Free PC Help Forum that comes from your heart.

I love people and people feel that love and give it back to me. You are also one of those people who love people and people give that love back to you. I've been wanting to say these things to you. I was going to do that through a email, but after reading your reply here, I want the whole forum to hear these things. Having said that, there are things we can do after you get your new computer. There are some very smart people here that will be happy to help and I will be one of them. The first thing will be creating a back up image of your new operating system. When you have a clean image on a external HD, you are almost fearless and can recover from almost any disaster in 15+ minutes. My favorite software to create a back up image is Macrium Reflect free. You can start reading about Macrium Reflect in this link. It has some great videos. It is very easy to use and I'm sure you won't have any trouble mastering it once you get your new PC. Thank you for your great post. You have made my day friend.

Gary(The computer Guy)





Hi @shortordercook When a person spends the time and effort to email the owner of Golden Oaks to try and find the computer man; that person will always hold a special place in this old man's heart. When the owner forwarded your email to me, I was walking on air all day and could hardly wait to answer your mail and tell you where you could find me. You have added a special southern warmth to Free PC Help Forum that comes from your heart.

I love people and people feel that love and give it back to me. You are also one of those people who love people and people give that love back to you. I've been wanting to say these things to you. I was going to do that through a email, but after reading your reply here, I want the whole forum to hear these things. Having said that, there are things we can do after you get your new computer. There are some very smart people here that will be happy to help and I will be one of them. The first thing will be creating a back up image of your new operating system. When you have a clean image on a external HD, you are almost fearless and can recover from almost any disaster in 15+ minutes. My favorite software to create a back up image is Macrium Reflect free. You can start reading about Macrium Reflect in this link. It has some great videos. It is very easy to use and I'm sure you won't have any trouble mastering it once you get your new PC. Thank you for your great post. You have made my day friend.

Gary(The computer Guy)




YOU are a true friend, dear sir: I wasn't sure how you might take my post, my thoughts, but you understood where I was coming from! Here, have a cheeseburger, compliments of shortordercook!! Cheeseburger-icon.png.be60c8ebaac576b946ecfcb18d50919c.png

"Occasionally, I am lucky enough to see myself! It is always a great revelation to have a minute of insight that reveals how unimportant are the things I thought so important!" ..myself.
Hi @shortordercook Here's a good read for you about how you get infected. The best tool you have to stay clean, is your brain!

The next best tool is a back up image of your operating system. The scanners I have used here are safe. I would not post them if I didn't think they were safe. If you run them in the order that I did, there shouldn't be a problem. You shouldn't be afraid on the internet, but you need to understand and respect that there are scum bags out there and you need to protect your self. Pete and malware fighters need to know what's going on with your PC. The tools they have you run tell them a lot more than just what infections you have. They tell them what Anti-Virus your running. What needs to be up dated. What's been going on in your event viewer and many other things. After analyzing your reply, they then decide what you need to do to get your PC cleaned up and back on the road. I'm going to flag this post for Pete to comment on.I see no reason why you shouldn't run the scanners that I suggested before seeking help from Pete. If this is not acceptable, I hope Pete @starbuck will respond and correct any thing that is not exceptionable and any thing he disagrees with in this post. I chose this link because it is the first link when you Google "How do I get infected?"



I don't think I have any current infections: I need to post my config. or have that understood, and perhaps, anymore conflicts within system... this is a basic BASIC computer and I have not helped it over the years! I try to clean it, but there are still tons of stuff that should be removed and cleaned out to run at peak for what is here to work WITH.


I have no problem with Pete taking a look, or running some scans and posting results for him in a file: nothing ventured, nothing gained! But I wouldn't want to waste his time with probably no infections... so that would be up to Pete!:D:rolleyes:

"Occasionally, I am lucky enough to see myself! It is always a great revelation to have a minute of insight that reveals how unimportant are the things I thought so important!" ..myself.
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Hi! It seems your cheeseburgers has gotten smaller! Yes I understood where you were coming from.


Some times you're the wind shield. Some times you're the bug!!:(
Hi! It seems your cheeseburgers has gotten smaller! Yes I understood where you were coming from.


the economy... and the bottom line...

"Occasionally, I am lucky enough to see myself! It is always a great revelation to have a minute of insight that reveals how unimportant are the things I thought so important!" ..myself.
the economy... and the bottom line...

I think I will let my 'logo' be my cheeseburger'!!! Fun!

"Occasionally, I am lucky enough to see myself! It is always a great revelation to have a minute of insight that reveals how unimportant are the things I thought so important!" ..myself.

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