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Free digital magazine. I have been a reader of Computer Power Users for years. I will admit their writings have been a little lacking since going free compared to some other magazines out there. However, I feverishly await the next issue to see what's new and happening. Upon going to the site, click on the magazine in the newsstand (Upper left corner) and you will be presented with the latest digital copy for viewing. After that you will see tools on the left hand side which even allow you to download the issue. If you are interested in back issues just change the format in the address to the issue of interest.


I.E. the format for the issue address is CP____1503__/ which is CP (Computer Power User) 15 which denotes the year and 03 which represents the month. So if you wanted to view January 2015 you would change the address from CP____1503__/ to be CP____1501__/.



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