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A very common question you may have is whether or not your system is infected and how you should go about fixing it.

This forum is designed to let you ask these questions and discuss various remedies.

Not all computer problems are malware related.


As a member you are allowed to interact with others that post in this area.

Any advice given is subject to modification or removal by the moderating team.

Moderation is done only in the case of members posting dangerous or invasive methods of malware removal.


If it is determined that your problem is malware-related, experienced users can further determine if there is a simple solution such as running common or specific tools.

If your problem is complex enough to need the help of our trained Malware Removal Specialists, your thread will be moved by one of the Moderating team to the Malware Removal forum.

If the thread gets moved by one of the Moderating team...... normal members will no longer be able to reply to the thread.

Malware Removal forum rules then apply.



Please keep any help given, simple and not too complicated.

Not all members will be well versed in computers.


Also step by step instructions should be included in replies rather than advise to scan with this or that tool.



Reports from the following tools are Not allowed to be posted in this forum:

HiJackThis, DDS, OTL, RogueKiller, ComboFix, FRST (Farbar Recovery Scan Tool),

or any Registry Cleaners.

Custom scripts and batch files are not allowed either.

No reports that need to be analysed (ie Emsisoft Emergency Logs etc ) should be posted here..... these types of reports must be posted in the Malware Removal forum

Other tools may be added to this list if the Moderating team see fit.


All malware related logs should be posted in the Malware Removal forum.


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