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Logical Disk Manager Problems - 2 computers - 10 min favor please

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I'm running WinXPProSP2. I like to ask a favor of someone who has a

working "Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Storage > Disk



My Disk Management won't open. I get an error "Disk Management

Console failed to connect to the remote computer because Disk

Management remoting serivce is not in the Windows Firewall exception

list. Add .....dmremote.exe...to Firewall exception list and try


This from a "Local System" services 'dmserver' and 'dmadmin'. Seems I

read somewhere in this forum that it isn't even possible w/ XP. And

if it is possible, it should be listed like "editing remote registry"

in services which XP theoretically can do.


If I do put 'dmremote.exe' in the exception list, then it wants "rpc

added to the list on tcp port 135". I don't have "rpc", I have

"rpcn4.dll, rpcrt4.dll, rpcss.dll, and rpcref.dll". But I tried 'rpc'

and each of the .dlls and the final result is always a popup w/ title

"Logical Disk Manager" carring a red blob w/ a white X that says "No

such interface supported", and of course, the button "OK".


So I need someone w/ networked (workgrouped) computers w/ 2 ide drives

to go to the 'cmd' prompt and type dmdiag -v > c:\dmdiag.txt and then

send me the output. While I run it, aside from the output to c:

\dmdiag.txt, in the dos window it prints "dmdiag: ERROR: No disk

groups loaded" twice.


Another favor would be, again at the 'cmd' prompt type "asr_ldm /?".

Tell me what happens.


And one more request: Go to "Control Panel > systems > hardware >

device manager > disk drives". Expand that and right click a drive

for properties then select the 'Volumes' tab. Click on "Populate"

down at the bottom. I'm getting (red blob/X) that says "Volume

info ... cannot be found. This may happen if the disk is a 1394 or a

USB device on a Windows 2000 machine. w/ button "OK". I ain't got

no Win2000 machine.


I'm getting frustrated. I only found this topic on this forum 1 time

and the guy didn't get any help that I could see, and he didn't answer

my email about 'How did you fix it?'.


Anybody?? Thanks in advance, and if anyone has any ideas I love to

here them.



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