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reHelp, I am having a problem with 640X480 MPEGs, when they a playing I get a

hesitation motion. What do I need to do to solve this problem whereby I will

receive a smooth and consistent playback without the hesitation delay


errol bositc l

Open the Media Player Options on the menu. There is a way to create a bigger



There are several other posibilities mentioned in this article:

The video and the audio may not be synchronized when you use Windows Media

Player 11 to play a video file : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/925703/en-us



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Mark L. Ferguson




"erbostic" wrote:

> reHelp, I am having a problem with 640X480 MPEGs, when they a playing I get a

> hesitation motion. What do I need to do to solve this problem whereby I will

> receive a smooth and consistent playback without the hesitation delay

> --

> errol bositc l

erbostic wrote:

> reHelp, I am having a problem with 640X480 MPEGs, when they a

> playing I get a hesitation motion. What do I need to do to solve

> this problem whereby I will receive a smooth and consistent

> playback without the hesitation delay


Hardware specifications?

(Processor speed, Video Card information, amount of memory?)


Software specifications?

(Latest driver installed for chipset and video card, system using up a lot

of memory for things running in the background?)



Shenan Stanley



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