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2 problems with task manager:


OK, this one has been going on for a few months but it hasn't caused a problem until now. My task manager and I XP home edition does not have a border. There are no tabs at the top, no pull down menus, no minimize and close buttons. I can still close it by right clicking in the system tray, and I can still change pages using Ctrl+Tab. I have reinstalled XP and nothing has changed. I can’t even comprehend what could have caused this problem.


Now recently, I have removed a ton of viruses from my computer, (13) including the Trojan that rewrites the systme32/drivers/etc/hosts file and blocks antivirus sites and NAV live update. Since then my computer occasionally runs at 100% system resources until I end my syscfg32.exe process using task manager. Is this a bad thing, can ending that process make my system become even more unstable?


If someone can tell me how to take a screen shot and post it I wall show what the task manager looks like.

To take a screeshot just press CTRL + Print Screen this will copy to the clipboard. just open ms paint and paste as new image.
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