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I have some small graphic bugs - I guess its because of the "Vista pre

SP1 syndrome", but maybe not..


So, does anyone here has the following bugs:


In Internet Explorer, the windows desktop overlays the web page. It is

rare, but happens. Usually after I minimize the browser window, and

maximize it again, or shortly after using Flip 3D. As fair as I see,

this occurs only with activated AERO. The effect goes away, after I

minimize and maximize again.



Again in IE7 - the mouse cursor jumps when I click on a link. This

happens very often. It doesn't jump all over the place, the effect is

more like like flickering. It stops after the page is loaded.


Office XP under Vista - When I click on the middle mouse button, to

activate the easy scrolling option, there appears a dithered black box

under the two arrows. I think this happens only with AERO.


I use the ATI X1950 Pro graphics card (512 MB RAM, 7.8 catalyst).


There are no graphical problems in games or other applications.

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