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I recently have an issue with some games and programs, they won`t start but they do show up in the task manager but it is show 0% as procces only memory usage, as example when i run Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 it wil load for 3 sec and then stops and stays at 0 % as when i open skyrim or call of duty it wil instant open like 1/2 of my games take long or don`t startup anymore plz help


MS Windows 8 Pro 64-bit

Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q8300 @ 2.50GHz, 4,00GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275

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no i don't but everything worked fine a couple of days ago. and another problem is that i can't use system restore to a point where i did not have it,


Already used anti malwarebytes, ESET, ccleaner, ... to scan and clean register and deleted most unused programs it still keeps doing it.

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