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I have down loaded WD Beta to a flash drive, cd and neither will do what it says it will do! According to the instructions once you have loaded the software; either by flash drive or cd, put the item into either the cd drive or usb for flash drive, restart the computer and it will run from there. NOT



I keep getting an annoying item CPVRDR accessing my internet connection re-directing me to another site. I have tried Windows Defender, Spidre, AVG etc; to no avail. I saw about the Beta and said YES, but that lasted 2 seconds because it will not do what it says it will do.



I have tried to change the boot, to no success and at the point of pulling out what little hair I have left on my head.



Has anyone got a serious answer to this problem. I have an HP Vision A4 laptop and for the life of me cannot get it to run boot wise from the CD Drive, if that will cure my problem!, Or does anyone know how to get rid of that damn cpvrdr from my computer so that it does not keep redirecting me?



Thank you if you can help, I will greatly appreciate it.



By the way I am a 66yr young gentleman so not of the NERD understanding so please keep it simple for me if you can. Thanks


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