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Some images show as empty white box with a tiny blue file in the middle...How can I fix this?

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I have a problem with showing some web pics or icons....I have tried everything + as far as I know, every setting in both windows 7 + Google Chrome that I am using. I can see all my own pics ok in my folders, after tweaking thumbnails + downloading 'Icaros' to change filetypes + properties of thumbs e.t.c. But when I try to see some web pics or download buttons for example, all I get is a blank white square where the image should be, with a tiny blue square file icon in the middle of it. The problem has been driving me mad for a while now + I can't seem to find the answer anywhere...It makes it impossible to log in + verify on sites that use CAPTCHA as I can't see it no matter what I do...I did think that maybe it was a Java problem or the like...I'd ready apprieciate some help with this before I pull out all my hair with frustration......


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