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Hi all


These days I downloaded the Mame emulator just to remember the good times of the arcades. After the installation, I've got some ROMs and then started playing. It was really nice to play those old great games again, except for the latency!!!


WTF! I was playing very old games on a much faster processor, and I was experiencing latency.. a latency that I did not experienced with those 20-years-old arcades!


In one hand, current processors are much, much faster than the old ones. On the other, current OSs are composed by layers and layers of software.. and tons of buffers.. that certainly impact their performance, but allow them to successfully manage virtually any kind of underneath hardware.


Is anyone aware about a Linux version tailored for gaming? I mean... I know that games developed for Linux can run on almost any standard Linux distribution. However, my question is about the existence of a stripped out Linux version, where all stuff that is nor relevant for gaming was removed. I know that such a Linux version would never be as thin as the OS that is found on a actual game console. However, I am quite sure that a lot of stuff could be removed from within Linux, reducing its latency, while still keeping it as general as possible to be run on, at least, pop processors such as AMD and Intel's.


I think that it would be a great project/initiative if it does not exist yet.


I made a quick search on the internet about that, but could not find anything.

Do you know if is there such a Linux version, or an ongoing project on this line?





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