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As of this morning I've noticed a window appearing on my desktop with a window title "Administrative message" (I will post a link to a screenshot of the window due to the fact that the window contains cursing.). Every time this appears it closes the active window, so if Skype is currently active and this window pops-up, no more skype. You can safely close the pop-up, but it will come back generally 30 seconds later. (This goes for all things, including the desktop) I'm speculating this is a script that is causing this, as Windows Security Essentials (And another anti-virus software) failed to locate any malware or viruses. This happens everytime Windows boots making work nearly impossible. No other applications need to be running for this to start, as soon as Windows starts it happens. I've spend my entire day trying to find what's causing this or ways to stop it so that I don't have to re-install Windows. I've tried restoring to a previous restore point, but that failed. I've scanned the system for .bat files and .vbs files containing the messages from the window. I've looked in the control panel to remove software to no aid. As stated above, I've ran scans, nothing detected. I've done numerous searches to see if anyone else has this, still nothing. I'm at a loss. It seems to be a simple script, or whatever it is, considering it only can close active windows, and not run any files or software that I'm aware of. Assuming it is a script how would I locate it so that I can remove it? And if it isn't a script what could it be and how could I remove it from my system? I'm taking any advise here, I've done all I can think of and I've spent all day on this. Any help is appreciated, thank you.




Screenshot of pop-ups: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/080/f/d/capture2_by_prince_kawaii-d7b1qqg.png (Contains profanity)


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